Chapter 15: Falling out after sucking Zaizai

Zhuzhu, on the other hand, was very familiar with this action. Her expression was particularly helpless. She raised her arms and let him suck her baby for a while, and then asked, "Uncle?"

Emperor Zaizai...

Zhuzhu waited for a while, then with difficulty she bent her little hand and pulled his head: "Uncle Huang?"

Emperor Zaizai...

I used to look at it with greedy eyes, but I had never sucked it. It was rare to catch it, and before I cried, Emperor Mingxi sucked it all.

Until General Xie finished trying the tricks and brought everyone in, Emperor Mingxi hadn't finished sucking.

Then Tuanzi turned around and asked: "Uncle, Guo Guo..."

Emperor Mingxi was afraid that Zaizai would cry, mainly because he was afraid that Xie Huaizheng would answer first, so he raised his head and said, "Your seventh brother is very strong, so I asked your uncle to teach him."

Zhu Zhu's eyes lit up: "Uncle, teach Guo Guo?"

She made the request confidently: "Zhuzhu also wants to learn."

However, the emperor is not her father, nor is he her uncle. He is a shameless person who will turn against others after sucking the baby. He said: "No, you can't learn."

Zhuzhu said anxiously: "You can learn it!"

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: "That's okay, then you can come to the palace every day to learn."

Zhuzhu bargained: "Zhuzhu studies at home."

"How can that be done?" Emperor Mingxi refused: "Either you come to the palace to learn, or else you don't learn. If you can't learn at home, I won't allow it."

Zhuzhu stared at him with wide eyes.

Emperor Mingxi is played by a bunch of ministers every day, and he has long been used to looking at each other, which is called being immovable.

Then Zhuzhu thought for a while and took out his trump card.

She got down from Emperor Mingxi's arms without saying a word, walked to the middle of the hall, lay down on the ground skillfully, stuck out her butt and started to fake cry, the sound was quite loud.

Sheng Minglin was stunned.

He really didn't expect that this little dumpling would dare to cheat on the emperor just after he had finished enlightening him.

Sheng Minglin was startled and hurriedly looked at the people above.

I saw the emperor smiling and saying "Hahaha, that's so fun" on his face, with no intention of blaming him at all.

Although the Queen was helpless, she still had the feeling of "Zhu Zhuer is so cute"; even Princess Duan did not stand up to apologize, obviously she was used to it.

Sheng Minglin held his forehead silently, as if he suddenly understood why Zhuzhu would grow into a naughty child in the future.

She is so beautiful that she looks so cute no matter what she does. Even the emperor and queen indulge her and cannot bear to punish her, so who else dares to discipline her?
No matter how well-behaved the baby is, he will be spoiled and turned into a naughty child, right?

The next moment, the wicked emperor made the first move.

He coughed, stood up, and took a few steps towards Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu's fake crying stopped for a moment, and she secretly raised her face a little to look at him.

The emperor, who had just finished sucking Zaizai, acted as if he had never done anything before, with his hands behind his back and a stern face. Such a tall and big one, with big feet like a boat, could crush beads with one kick!

Tuanzi trembled in fright, then quietly moved to the side and pretended to cry again.

Emperor Mingxi slowly took another step there, and Zhuzhu didn't even bother to pretend to cry. She was like a little crab, pulling her little arms and legs straight, humming and moving sideways, and humming while moving sideways... …

Then she finally moved to the wall. There was nowhere to move, her little face was facing the wall, trembling.

Emperor Mingxi took another step forward, and his feet touched her hands.

Zhuzhu withdrew her little hand as if flying. Emperor Mingxi's face was full of interest, he coughed twice, and pushed his feet forward again.

Tuanzi was so anxious that he sat up and said loudly: "You, aren't you the emperor?"

Emperor Mingxi smiled and said: "Yes, I am the emperor, what's wrong?" Tuanzi's voice dropped an octave: "How can the emperor bully a child?"

Emperor Mingxi coughed.

But for the emperor, this little embarrassment didn't exist, so he quickly said shamelessly: "When did I bully you? I was just walking in the palace, and it was you who blocked my way."

Tuanzi choked.

Then Emperor Mingxi lifted his robe and squatted down, saying without blushing and without blinking: "Besides, Qilang is my child..."

Naituanzi immediately said: "But Zhuzhu is also your child!"

Emperor Mingxi: "???"

Naituanzi said: "Mother said that the emperor loves his people like his own children! The emperor is everyone's father. Zhuzhu, Guo Guo, Qi Guo Guo and Si Guo Guo are all your children!"

If you want to say that, it really can’t be wrong.

Emperor Mingxi touched his beard.

When Tuanzi saw that he actually choked him, he suddenly became energetic and said, "What matters between children and children is beyond your control! Zhuzhu wants Qiguguoguo to go back to his home!"

The seventh prince said: "Father, I don't want to..."

However, both of them ignored him.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Then why can't you all live in the palace together? Since you are both my children, you should live here with me."

Naituanzi shook his head: "That won't work."


Naituanzi Maomao tilted his head and said seriously: "Why don't you even introduce me to a few people? There are many adults coming to the palace every day, so the palace is a place for adults, and the home is a place for children!"

Emperor Mingxi: "..."

He couldn't help laughing, and then said with a smile: "Okay, then let your seventh brother live with you!"

The seventh prince couldn't help but say again: "Father..."

General Xie patted his shoulder.

The Emperor has already spoken out his words. Whatever you say, the Emperor will not take back his words. Do you really think that everyone has the honor to cheat on the Emperor?

The seventh prince lowered his head silently.

So the matter was settled, and the seventh prince involved had no say at all.

Zhuzhu was so happy that she even hugged the emperor's uncle for the first time and gave him a soft kiss.

Emperor Mingxi left with satisfaction.

They also took General Xie and the third prince away, and the sixth prince also went back to study, but the fourth prince stayed behind.

He sat down, drank half a cup of tea, and asked Sheng Minglin, "Did you return home at the beginning of the month?"


When Sheng Minglin faced this old friend who was considered a friend in his previous life, his mood was a little complicated, and he said calmly: "Yes."

The fourth prince then asked: "Why did Zhuzhu get injured a few days ago?"

Sheng Minglin really knew this, after all, several people had explained the details to him.

He said: "Zhu Zhuer had a toothache a few days ago, and her mother didn't allow her to eat sweets anymore. Zhu Zhuer got into a temper and locked herself in the room. In fact, she climbed out of the window and wanted to go to Xie's house to find her uncle. But maybe I got lost, walked to the edge of the rockery, and climbed up. When I passed there, Zhuzhu saw me and wanted to come to me. She forgot that she was still at a high place, so she took a step directly from the top of the rockery and fell down."

He lowered his eyes, pretending to blame himself, and whispered: "Zhu Zhu was unconscious for most of the day."

The fourth prince frowned as he heard this: "Those servants really need to be taught a lesson! Zhuzhu is only three years old, but she is allowed to be in the room by herself and climbs out of the window? What if she falls? And she goes out of the yard and goes up the rockery. No one saw it, this servant has greatly neglected his duty! He should be severely punished!"

(End of this chapter)

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