Chapter 166 The beauty of Xingxing Guoguo

Mr. Yun said softly: "I have already said that the Emperor is in his prime. The most important thing you should do now is to stay calm and don't take action easily!"

The third prince said: "But how important is an auspicious sign that can foretell things! Don't you understand? How can I do nothing?"

Mr. Yun said quietly: "Then what can you do?"

The third prince was at a loss for words, and Mr. Yun said slowly: "You can find ways to please her, but there is nothing else you can do. That's why I say, never be in a hurry. If you are in a hurry, you will lose. Now, there is no point in fighting. when……"

The third prince snorted coldly: "I won't fight, but I will watch others fight? The fourth brother is in the limelight today," he briefly explained, while saying: "I really didn't expect that he has such ability! The eldest brother has not fallen yet. Well, he can’t wait!”

He gritted his teeth and suddenly thought of something, raised his head and said, "Mr. Yun, give me another pill of that medicine."

When he said this, his eyes lit up: "Give me one pill, and two things will be solved together! If there is no heir, then no matter how much you jump around, it will be in vain, and you will grow into a fat man... Ha, Zhu Zhu likes her the most, When he grows fat, Zhuzhu will never like him again!"

Mr. Yun frowned: "It's too suspicious for two people to have an accident together."

"So what?" The third prince smiled and said: "That can only prove that there is something wrong with the queen's bloodline, and all the sons she gave birth to have problems. They all started to gain weight at the age of eighteen or nineteen, and they were unable to give birth to children. There are problems in the bloodline. Isn’t this very reasonable? What’s suspicious about it?”

Mr. Yun pondered.

The third prince said: "Don't worry, I will find a suitable opportunity. I am very calm and will never show my flaws."

Mr. Yun thought for a long time and nodded: "You must be careful. This medicine is precious. I only have one pill left in my hand. There will be no more."

The third prince nodded: "I understand, don't worry."

Mr. Yun turned around and entered the room, lifted up the mattress, revealing a secret compartment underneath. In the secret compartment were several small medicine bottles and half a piece of jade. Mr. Yun quickly took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to the third prince. Repeatedly warned: "Be careful."

The third prince smiled and said: "Don't worry, sir, I will do it."

He turned away.

Mr. Yun looked at his back, lost in thought for a long time, and then came back and murmured to himself: "A prophet of uncertainty? Chen Shanniang, is it you? Have you started to pretend to be gods and ghosts in your life?"


The emperor is not in the mood this year. The birthday banquet was all in such a state, not to mention the dragon boat polo and other games, all of which were cancelled.

As soon as the fourth day of the Lunar New Year passed by, Sheng Minglin and others were thinking about the fish-eye soul transfer on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

On the early morning of the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Shen Lingjue arrived at Prince Duan's Mansion. Sheng Minglin directly asked someone to take him to the gate of Yueyuan without letting anyone in.

Shen Lingjue was just thinking about what to do with bringing guests to the yard, when he saw a small dumpling rolling out of the door.

Shen Lingjue understood, hehehe in his heart, standing very handsome with his hands clasped, waiting for her to come over.

Unexpectedly, she let out a sigh and ran in again.

Shen Lingjue was wondering if he was acting too fiercely?Too aloof and difficult to get along with?Then should he smile?
Anyway, there is no one around here, and no one knows if he laughs.

Before I could make up my mind, I saw Xiaotuanzi coming out with a small stool in his arms.

Although the stool was small, she was also small, so it was very difficult to hold her in her arms. She staggered when she walked. Shen Lingjue said, "Is this for me?"
He was hesitating whether to greet him when he saw Tuanzi walking past him holding a stool and putting the stool in the shade of the tree. Then he turned around, patted the stool and smiled like a flower at him: "Star Pot Guo, come over and sit down! This nigga won’t be exposed to the sun!”

Shen Lingjue coughed, walked over, lifted up his robe, and sat down. Tuanzi stood in front of him, looking at him with bright eyes.

Shen Lingjue felt embarrassed by her and asked, "Where are you sitting?"

Tuanzi looked straight at his legs and said, "Mom said, you can only sit on his legs and kiss his face if you send me pots from other families. No one is allowed to have pots from other families."

Shen Lingjue: "..."

so what?Tuanzi continued: "But Xie, but Xie Zhuzhu is still small, his legs and legs are weak, and he will feel dizzy when exposed to the sun..."

Her eyes gradually moved upward, staring at him, with a look on her face: Why don't you understand?

Shen Lingjue was amused by her little look, and stretched out his arms to hold her on his lap, "So your mother taught you to hide your lies, right?"

Tuanzi sat on his lap and said happily: "Xingxing Guoguo said everything is right!"

Shen Lingjue glanced at her a few times.

Tuanzi has her hair combed up, her plump little tassels hang down her face, her grape eyes are black and bright, and her fleshy face is white and pink. At first glance, she smells very meaty and looks very good to smoke.

Shen Lingjue pinched her little arm and said, "Don't call me Brother Xingxing, call me Brother Shen."

"That won't work!" Tuanzi shook his head firmly: "It doesn't deserve it!"

Shen Ling never understood: "Who? Who is not worthy?"

"Shen, Shen is not worthy!" Tuanzi's little head turned and pointed everywhere: "Shen walls, sun trees, sun feet, sun shoes, all are sun! Shen is a plop, not worthy of Xing Guo Guo. Beauty and tug!”

Shen Lingjue: "...???"

He really didn't know how to respond to this, so was the cub's brain circuit all so strange?

Tuanzi looked at him, maybe because he suddenly thought of his stupid mind that doesn't distinguish between pearls and pigs, he explained again: "It's just that good-looking people should be called by nice names! Zhuzhujie is so cute and good-looking, That’s why they are called beads. If you wear beads, they are called... called... called stones, and they are not worthy of being messed with!"

Shen Lingjue nodded silently, not knowing what else to say.

Then he heard the footsteps outside and said casually: "So, my name is Xingxing, and Huo Chenzhao is pretty, so I'll call you Pretty Brother?"

Tuanzi said: "It's not tied."

"It's not that?" Shen Lingjue said, "What is that?"

Tuanzi said, "Beautiful pots, there are so many..." She compared them with her small hands, and hit him all at once, so she got down from his lap, and with her two little arms, she showed a huge range: "There are so many advantages, But Xi Zhuzhu can’t speak. So, I can only call him Beautiful Guoguo.”

She came back again, pressed his legs, and raised her little buttocks.

Shen Lingjue had no choice but to pick her up again and said, "He has so many advantages that it's hard to explain, so he's called Pretty Brother. I'm going to take advantage of this one advantage, so he's called Xingxing. Is that what you mean?"

Tuanzi nodded.

Shen Lingjue narrowed his eyes.

Tuanzi looked at him strangely. Although he didn't know why he was dissatisfied, it was obvious that he was dissatisfied.

Tuanzi blinked his big eyes and quickly avoided his gaze, saying: "Hey! Zhuzhu's shoes only say that he wants to walk!"

He jumped down and didn't run away, just circled around him, wiggling his butt and flying his arms. Every time he flew over, he would peek at his face.

Shen Lingjue was so cute all of a sudden that she couldn't keep a straight face. She smiled like an uncle and grabbed her little hand: "Brother's mouth said he wanted to eat Zhuzhu's hand!"

The handsome and domineering young prince had no pressure to repeat words. As he spoke, he grabbed her little hand and kissed her a few times.

Outside, Sheng Minglin came in with the fourth prince, Huo Chenzhao, and Qin Jiangbai. Sheng Minglin said with a strange expression: "Young prince, you didn't use breakfast?"

"Yes," Shen Lingjue pointed at Zhuzhu and said, "I can eat ten of these little meat buns in one bite!"

He deliberately embarrassed him, but the young prince was shameless. Sheng Minglin smiled and stopped talking, saying, "Come in and let's discuss it."

(End of this chapter)

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