Chapter 18 The head is basically just a decoration

In his previous life, after his mother passed away, he was in a state of confusion. No matter what he did, he would not give face to anyone. Even the queen would fight against her whenever she wanted, let alone a slave.

But now...he reminded himself again in his heart that he was back and his mother was still there.

He must be careful in his words and deeds so as not to harm his mother. He must also work hard to make progress so that his mother can enjoy his blessings.

The seventh prince thought so in his heart, he laughed twice and asked Zhuzhu: "Is it fun?"

So my brother was playing with her?

Naituanzi nodded stupidly: "It's fun!" while grabbing his hand again.

The child's hands were small and soft, and the Seventh Prince let her grab them. When he took steps, she would run with him.

As soon as the Seventh Prince lowered his head, he could see her fluffy little head, which looked like a silly little cat. Her short legs moved one step at a time, and her little shoes were cute.

The seventh prince took a long breath, and for some reason, he suddenly remembered the first time he saw her.

It seems like last year?
That day, the eldest brother and the fourth brother were talking. The fourth brother suddenly saw something, smiled, squatted down and opened his arms.

He turned around curiously and saw Zhuzhu running over with her little hands raised, and threw herself into the arms of the fourth brother. The child laughed so cutely.

What was he thinking then?
He was thinking, how could there be such a cute little person in the world?It would be nice if I could hug you.

While he was reminiscing, he felt a stumble under his feet. Zhuzhu was running out of breath. She rushed towards him and opened her little arms: "Guo Guo, hug."

The seventh prince froze.

Zhuzhu pointed at her forehead and said in a sweet voice: "Zhuzhu's illness is not cured yet, so she can't walk for a while!"

The seventh prince pursed his lips, bent down and picked her up, his movements stiff.

Zhuzhu didn't mind it either. She pupated herself twice, adjusted her posture, and hugged her brother's neck happily.

The little dumplings were soft and fragrant, and they were still looking at him intently. The seventh prince felt uncomfortable all over. He turned twice in succession and stiffly entered the guest house.

Although it was only one day apart, the yard was already well taken care of. The housekeeper said respectfully: "The princess thought that your highness came to learn martial arts, so she chose a place close to the martial arts training ground. If your highness feels uncomfortable, choose another place." One place also makes it possible.”

The seventh prince looked around and said, "No, that's it."

The servants put the things in one after another.

Actually, I didn’t bring anything with me, just some clothes and the book I was reading.

Originally, the seventh prince did not need to do this kind of thing himself, but the seventh prince quickly put down the dumplings and moved them himself.

The beady toes clinging to my brother.

She was so small that when she lifted the box, she couldn't see such a small person under her feet. She almost kicked her down several times, making everyone in the room scream in shock.

He Bao quickly grabbed Tuanzi, pulled her aside, knelt down and said to her: "Little princess, the emperor said that the companions of His Highness Seventh Prince will come tomorrow. In addition, General Xie is busy with work, I'm afraid he won't be able to Fa Zhengkong'er teaches, so the civil and military masters of His Highness the Seventh Prince will also follow. Young Master Lin can also listen together. The princess, don't forget to tell the princess these words."

Zhuzhu wanted nothing more than to help her brother. She put her left ear in and the right ear out, said casually, and ran out.

He Bao sighed sadly.

But at the moment, there was only one master in the palace, and he had to return to the palace to recover, so he had no choice but to say to the seventh prince: "Your Highness, Princess, that old slave has to go back to the palace first."

The seventh prince said politely: "Eunuch, please go slowly."

As soon as He Bao left, the Seventh Prince's face dropped, and he said to Zhuzhu: "I'm busy here, you go first!"

Naituanzi is very positive: "Zhuzhu can help!"

"No, how can you help?" the Seventh Prince said bluntly, "You will only cause trouble! Okay, please leave quickly, don't get in the way here!"

While he was talking, he picked up the dumplings without any explanation, strode outwards, and placed them outside the threshold, making Lizhi and the others look at each other angrily.

The seventh prince pretended not to notice, grabbing tables and chairs randomly, pulling them over and pushing them back, as if he was too busy.

Zhuzhu was very disappointed and burst into tears. She said outside, "Zhuzhu still wants to tell Guoguo about my uncle!"

She flattened her mouth sadly and turned to leave.

Seventh Prince: "...??" Wait?
Thank you General?He wants to hear it!

He wants to hear anything related to General Xie!

Originally, although he admired General Xie, it was just like listening to stories, but now, he has the opportunity to learn martial arts from General Xie!

That's when the stars in the sky suddenly turned into living people!

He was so excited last night that he didn't even fall asleep. Even meeting Sheng Mingzhu didn't affect his excitement!
So, although he was a little embarrassed, he still said shamelessly: "Hey, wait a minute, I'm done, why don't you come over and talk about it!"

Fortunately, Tuanzi didn't hold grudges. When she heard this, her eyes lit up and she ran back.

The seventh prince picked her up casually, put her on the table, sat down on the chair next to her, patted the non-existent dust on her body and said, "Let's talk."

Zhuzhu asked: "Do you want to know?"

The seventh prince asked: "What do you know?"

Zhuzhu patted her chest without any guilt: "Uncle's department, Zhuzhu has all the skills!"

"Oh..." The seventh prince was still a little envious, and then he pretended to ask casually: "General Xie, can he really split stones with one hand?"

"Of course!" Zhuzhu said: "Uncle is very good at splitting rocks! He can split a lot at once!"

She stretched her two small arms hard and stretched them all the way to her back: "You can split even someone as big as...!"

The Seventh Prince was excited and exclaimed "Wow!!"

On the surface, he said: "It's impossible, right? Is it a lie?"

"No way! Children don't lie to others!" Tuanzi argued loudly: "Zhuzhu saw it with his own eyes!"

The seventh prince believed it: "Oh! As expected of General Xie!"

He asked excitedly: "When General Xie used his gun, was it really true that no one could be seen? Is it true that water cannot be poured in? Is it like a ball?"

Naituanzi didn't understand, but still nodded wildly: "Yes, just tie the ball!"

"Wow!" The Seventh Prince said excitedly: "Then General Xie really managed to stop a frightened horse with one hand? He saved a beautiful girl?"

Naituanzi blinked with big eyes, and his voice became softer: "Yes, yes, it must be tied!"

Lychee and the others were nearby, taking advantage of the opportunity to feed the dumplings and drink water, while the corners of their mouths twitched wildly as they listened.

Even if you dare to believe what a three-year-old baby says, your brain is basically just a decoration.

If you don’t believe me, ask her if General Xie can fly?

Tuanzi will definitely say that uncle is very good at flying!Flying so high!I saw it with my own eyes!

But the second-year boy felt that idols were so powerful. The more he listened, the more excited he became. He asked random questions about some rumors. Then he remembered something else and coughed: "Then, what is General Xie's favorite?"

If you ask this, Naituanzi doesn't feel guilty.

She compared herself without hesitation: "I like Zhuzhu, my uncle Zhuizhui likes Zhuzhu."

The Seventh Prince frowned: "Do you like you the most?"

"That's right!" Tuanzi raised his chin high and said with a high air, "Uncle said that Zhuzhu is his heartthrob!"

The seventh prince let out a breath, feeling unhappy and helpless, and asked again: "Then, what does he like to eat the most?"

Zhuzhu said: "I like eating Youyou! Just like Zhuzhu, I like eating Youyou the most!"

"Then what's his favorite weapon?"


Zhuzhu's voice dropped again, she turned her face away and mumbled: "Well... Uncle, I'm okay with all the weapons, but I'm all a porridge!"

"Wow!" The seventh prince's eyes shone: "As expected of General Xie! I want to be such a person! Proficient in all eighteen kinds of weapons!"

(End of this chapter)

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