Chapter 182 I am born from Xingxing Guoguo
The third prince believed what Mr. Yun said.

Then he thought, how can he meet alone?
Palace banquets and the like are definitely not allowed. Mr. Yun is very beautiful but tall. Although he pretends to be a woman, he has the kind of appearance that will definitely be noticed by others. Everyone will definitely remember him, even if he lives for more than three years. Five years later, it was accidentally revealed that he was a man... Bringing a man into the palace was a wish for death.

It's not good to hold a banquet for others. It's difficult to arrange and it's easy for things to go wrong.

It would be great if Zhuzhu could come over to play. In your own house, it is easy to arrange for about a quarter of an hour of free time.

But, how can he invite Zhuzhu over smoothly?His birthday?Madam’s birthday?My son’s birthday?It's all over.

He suddenly remembered one thing.

He has been investigating the cases of the three palaces in the past few days. Because the person in charge at the time was the eldest prince, they could not kill them all at once, so they could only investigate in detail.

He sent out his manpower to find the craftsmen at that time, and happened to hear something. They said that there was a juggling troupe in Qizhou that trained a group of little monkeys. It was said that the training was excellent and the performances were very interesting.

What if we invite this juggling troupe to the capital?
Princess Duan hangs out every day, so she will definitely know about it, and then she will definitely take Zhuzhu to see it.

Princess Duan has always been close to the market, and she is not the kind of person who clears out places wherever she goes. It is much easier to arrange a meeting on such an occasion, and she can also completely remove him from this matter. Even if there is an eventuality, she is not afraid. !

Duan Wangfu.

Shen Lingjue did not go to see Jinyiwei to examine Chen Shan at night. Instead, he went home to pack his things and prepare to move.

Sheng Minglin went to the main courtyard to eat, and after Zhuzhu fell asleep, he spoke in detail to Princess Duan.

In the past few months, many people have come and gone at home.

Prince Duan's Mansion faces south and is the largest prince's palace in the capital today. It covers an area of ​​more than a hundred acres and has more than 30 large and small courtyards. Just because Zhuzhu and Sheng Minglin's courtyards are in the east, and the martial arts training ground is also in the east, so those who came before The seventh prince, Mr. Huo Chenzhaoxu, and others were all arranged in the east, and the rest were in small courtyards.

Shen Lingjue's ancestors and grandson came here to stay for a long time, so Sheng Minglin discussed with Princess Duan and arranged for them to live in a large courtyard to the west.

After the discussion, Sheng Minglin said sheepishly: "I have to worry about my mother again."

"I don't care about this." Princess Duan waved her hand: "These people here are all liked by Zhuzhu. They live here and the house is lively. Zhuzhu must be very happy, so it doesn't matter if I am in trouble. Besides, Zhuzhu must be very happy. , even if it’s not for Zhuzhu, it’s for you, it doesn’t matter, you are a good boy, I am happy to worry about you. Even if it is not for your future, but I just want to make a few friends, as long as I have no bad intentions, my mother will follow her You don’t have any grudges in your heart.”

Sheng Minglin pursed his lips slightly, raised his face, and looked at her quietly without hiding the admiration in his eyes.

Princess Duan continued: "Mom and your father, they had prejudices against you because of that person's affairs. Now that the truth has been revealed, the prejudices are naturally gone. You are Zhuzhu's brother, we are a family, and we will grow together in the future." Get along with each other for a long time. You are a very thoughtful and smart kid. I am not telling you that such people always look for trouble. You don’t know that your father also had the same temper when he was young. Nothing ever happened to him. As a result, several big dramas in his mind were over, and I was worried. In fact, even now, his temper has not changed, and I guess he will never change it in his lifetime, but if he can trust me, he will naturally not think too much. "

"I'm telling you this today, and that's what I mean. If you help the emperor run errands, there will be a lot of things to do at home and abroad in the future. I'm a person who can say what I want. If I think there's anything wrong with you, I won't When it's done, I will naturally tell you. If you feel that there is something wrong between me and your father, you also tell me. Don't hold it back, as small things can become big things. In a word, trust your family more. If you have more, you will have less worries. If you encounter something difficult, don't forget that your parents will support you."

Sheng Minglin listened quietly and said softly: "Mother, Lin'er already knows, mother, don't worry."

Princess Duan smiled and nodded: "Go to sleep."

Only then did Sheng Minglin withdraw.

Seeing him leave, Grandma Zhou smiled and said, "The prince treats your mother sincerely."

Princess Duan nodded and sighed: "This child is really hurtful... Why is he so close to me? Because this child is so contented. He feels that he was not born by me. I love him a little bit." He is so grateful that if it hurts a little more, he will feel that there is nothing he can do in return, so he treats me as his own mother... Such a good child who knows how to be grateful, I will be happy to treat him no matter how well he is treated." "Yes," Zhou Mammy also said: "The most rare thing is to be kind to the princess. He has her to worry about at home and abroad, and the prince feels at ease even when he is not at home."

When Prince Duan was mentioned, Princess Duan stopped talking. She looked at the night sky for a long time and sighed longly.

I've been there for several months and I really miss him!
Three days later, on a good day, Shen Lingjue moved his family here.

Zhuzhu'er had been looking forward to it for a long time after hearing what her brother said. When she woke up early in the morning, she couldn't wait to follow her brother to see it.

When they arrived at the courtyard, the servants were still busy. Mr. Shen looked panicked and kept asking: "Why are you living in someone else's house? Where is our own house? Has the house been ransacked? Anping, have you done something?" Where’s Jue’er?”

Tuanzi was so curious that he asked in a low voice: "Isn't Xingxing Guoguo 'Jue'er'? Is there another Jue'er?"

Sheng Minglin also replied in a low voice: "Grandpa is sick and can't recognize people anymore. He thinks Brother Xingxing is his father."

Tuanzi suddenly realized.

Over there, Shen Lingjue held the old man's hand and kept comforting him: "No, don't worry, grandpa, there is no house raid. Do you think we are okay? I am running errands for the emperor privately, so I will stay here for a while..."

Tuanzi suddenly patted his little head, got down from his brother's arms, and stood behind the old man, stretching out his little head from time to time to see their expressions.

Shen Lingjue looked at him curiously: "Zhuzhu, what are you doing?"

"Let's line up!" Tuanzi's eyes lit up: "After Xingxing Guoguo has finished coaxing grandpa, it's time to coax Zhuzhu!"

Shen Lingjue was caught off guard by the sweetness and said with a smile: "Be good."

Then he suddenly noticed something. When he turned his head, he saw the old man looking at Tuanzi in surprise, then at him, then at Tuanzi, and then at him.

Then the old man yelled: "You rebellious son, did you even give birth to a child?"

Shen Lingjue: "...???"

Without saying a word, the old man punched and kicked him twice, then quickly turned around, picked up Zhuzhu, his face changed instantly, and he looked on with joy.

Shen Lingjue quickly explained: "Grandpa, she is not..." He covered his face: "She was not born to me."

Smart Tuanzi helped explain: "Zhuzhu is not the biological child of Xingxing Guoguo, Zhuzhu is the biological child of his father and mother!"

Shen Lingjue said quickly: "That's right! I'm only twelve, I can't give birth to such a big child!"

"Shut up! You still dare to quibble!" The old man was furious: "Do you think I am blind! Look at this nose and eyes, they look exactly like you!!"

Shen Lingjue/Tuanzi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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