Chapter 20 The holding back mother
Sheng Minglin thought that he was very clever and avoided the failure experience of the fourth prince, and Zhuzhu would definitely listen.

Unexpectedly, Naituanzi shook his head confidently: "No way! Mom said it was annoying, even if the beads are swollen, they are cute!"

Sheng Minglin raised his forehead, "But this is very rude..."

"It doesn't matter," Tuanzi said, "Mother said, it's called nature! Other children are taught to be stupid by the rules, so pitiful. Zhuzhuchai doesn't know how, Zhuzhu Chongming!"

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

Naituanzi thought she had refuted her brother, and became even more embarrassed. She shook her head and said, "Mom said, as long as daddy works hard enough, Zhuzhu can do whatever he wants! No one dares to mess with Zhuzhu!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He really has a lot to say.

This little breast dumpling is usually dull, but when it comes to this kind of thing, he makes all kinds of nonsense.

In terms of Zhuzhu's education, his stepmother is definitely a hindrance.

He raised his head quietly and looked at Princess Duan. Princess Duan happened to take a few steps outside and began to give orders to the maid.

As the one who was tricked by Zhuzhu, the Seventh Prince felt that it was necessary to help him, so he turned to the side and whispered to her: "Zhuzhu."

Zhuzhu raised her head to look at him. The Seventh Prince stole a glance at Princess Duan outside and whispered, "Let me give you an analogy. You raised a puppy. If you have a piece of meat in your hand, then the dog will rush towards you." You wag your tail and bow,"

He casually said, "It makes you happy. You gave it the meat to eat. It makes you so happy. The dog just whined."

His whole body jumped suddenly, and he bit Tuanzi's chubby hand. Tuanzi was so frightened that he screamed, and he was afraid to shrink his hand but wanted to laugh.

The Seventh Prince felt that he had won a game, and he opened his mouth proudly: "This dog whined and took away the meat. Are you so happy? Are you thinking about it? I originally wanted to give this meat to the dog, but I gave it to him." Okay, if the dog robs it by himself, I won’t be very happy, don’t you think so?”

Sheng Minglin listened silently.

At first he thought that the seventh prince was deliberately calling Zhuzhu a dog, but later he realized that the seventh prince really had no such brains.

So he answered: "So, it's not good to cheat."

Zhuzhu covered her chubby hands and thought blankly for a long time, "But, Zhuzhu didn't bite Uncle Huang!"

"Why don't you understand?" The seventh prince rarely occupies the high ground of IQ. His voice was a little higher and he immediately said: "What I mean is, if you feel like a dog is wagging its tail and bowing to please you and wants meat, it is still on the ground. Is it better to roll around and cry for meat? Or bark at you and threaten you for meat?"

Sheng Minglin helped explain: "Asking for help, I want him to agree happily. It is not good to cheat or threaten. Uncle Huang will be unhappy if he is forced to agree. Uncle Huang agreed because he loves Zhuzhu and feels sorry for Zhuzhu. But Zhuzhu should also respect and love Uncle Huang, and shouldn’t make Uncle Huang unhappy when he agrees, don’t you think?”

Zhuzhu understood: "Oh! A few words!"

Sheng Minglin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, it's really not a big deal to be a scumbag.

Among the truly close clans and royal families, rules are really not that important. Just watching the fifth prince talk to the emperor, you know that these princes are afraid of returning, and they dare to roll around and act shamelessly when pressed.

Of course, we must not lose sight of important matters, but don’t pay too much attention to the little things in daily life. They all depend on the Sacred Heart.

Of course he was worried that if the Sacred Heart was no longer around one day in the future, someone would settle the accounts for these things. But if because of this worry, Zhu Zhu was cautious and seemed to be acquainted with the emperor, then the gain would outweigh the loss.

So, to put it bluntly, he was preconceived because he was too afraid that Zhuzhu would turn into that bright pearl, so he took precautions and taught him from a young age.

After they finished talking, Princess Duan also came back.Then she said calmly: "Zhuzhu, Minglin, let Brother Seven take a rest, it's time for us to go back."

Zhuzhu said oh, and Sheng Minglin stood up with Zhuzhu in his arms and followed Princess Duan back.

Princess Duan followed him and told him: "Two gentlemen will come over tomorrow. You are so kind to entertain me. I will ask Butler Xie to follow you. If there is anything inappropriate, just give him instructions directly."

Sheng Minglin was a little strange just now and asked quickly: "Are there only two of them?"

After all, the prince's civil and military masters, there are only two or three martial arts masters, and seven or eight literary masters are considered few.

Princess Duan said: "Yes, Qilang has one civil and martial arts master each. I don't know much about the martial arts master. The literary master's name is Xu Heshu. The literary class is arranged in Yanhai Pavilion. Didn't the emperor ask you to follow him? He went over to have a look, and also had some contact by the way, to see if they were compatible."

She paused and then said: "Qilang's progress is slow. I heard that Xu Heshu also has a lot of problems. You can make do with it for a few days. If it doesn't work, wait until your father comes back and then I can hire a husband for you alone."

Sheng Minglin said sincerely: "Thank you, mother."

He asked Princess Duan: "Why do you say Mr. Xu...?"

Princess Duan gossiped with him: "Qilang, this child, is not very good at studying. I have changed my husband twice, and Xu Heshu is the third. He was born in the Hanlin Academy. I heard he has some talent, but his temperament is too serious. Son, I’m always involved in things that happen to me, I’m not afraid of anyone, I’m very stubborn.”

She lowered her voice slightly: "I heard that others privately called him coffin board, which means he has a bad and hard temper. The emperor felt that he couldn't see through many things, and he didn't distinguish between serious and serious matters. He was not suitable for court, but he loved him. He is talented, so let him teach Qirou."

She paused for a moment: "Although Qilang is not good at writing, he has an honest and simple temperament, and he respects his teachers. Xu Heshu thinks he is good, so he teaches very carefully... Although he still doesn't learn quickly, he has never been replaced. He has been teaching for three years. too much."

Sheng Minglin nodded and asked, "Who are His Highness the Seventh Prince's companions?"

Princess Duan told him in detail.

Zhuzhu sat on her brother's arm, swaying her little feet, not making any trouble, blinking her big eyes and listening very seriously.

Prince Duan was not here at the moment, and Sheng Minglin acted like an adult. The two of them spoke very seriously, and no one noticed Xiao Tuanzi at all.

By this time, He Bao had already returned to the palace.

After reporting the matter first, He Bao hesitated a little.

The queen asked, "What else is there?"

He Bao said with a smile: "Back to your Majesty, I may have thought too much. It's just that I look at you like this. Your Majesty the Seventh Prince doesn't seem to like the little princess very much."

"Don't like Zhuzhu?" The Queen was stunned and put down the tea cup: "How could that be? What did you see?"

He Bao learned how to make a hand.

The Queen frowned and thought for a while, then shook her head: "No, Qi Lang has never met Zhu Zhu a few times, how could he not like her? Zhu Zhu is so cute, who wouldn't like him? I'm afraid Qi Lang's name is Liu The concubine was too careful and didn't dare to get too close to Zhuzhu for fear of being blamed. Or maybe she was timid because of her appearance and was afraid of scaring Zhuzhu, so she acted like this."

Although He Bao didn't think it looked like much, he didn't dare to say more and said quickly: "That's what the empress said."

The Empress brought the tea, thought about it, but still felt uneasy, so she said: "Send someone to tell Shiro and ask him to come and have a look tomorrow. Brother Lin is still young, so he can also give some advice." ."

He Baoxin understood and quickly agreed and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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