Chapter 22 Going to school is worse than going to prison
The next moment, the Seventh Prince suddenly thought of something, turned around suddenly, and bit Tuanzi on the face.

There was pain on her face, and Zhuzhu screamed in fright, and tears suddenly came to her eyes. She thought her brother was playing with her, so she giggled twice.

The seventh prince relaxed his mouth proudly and took another bite on her chubby hand.

It was really chewing, leaving teeth marks.

Even Sheng Minglin was stunned. He never expected that he would suddenly do something like this.

The fourth prince hurried over, quickly bent down and looked at Zhuzhu's face, while scolding, "Qilang! What are you doing!"

"Hehe." The seventh prince scratched his head in embarrassment: "I was joking with her!"

He just suddenly remembered yesterday's successful experience!
He felt that he was too smart. If he directly dealt with her, others would see it, but he could scare her!
Scare her hard!Make her cry!
Just like yesterday, he bit her and pretended to play with her. Even if he played too hard, it didn't matter. In the palace, the fifth prince pulled her and threw her just once and a half, so it didn't matter, right?

The fourth prince glared at him, pulled Zhuzhu over, gently rubbed her face, and blew on her: "Does it hurt?"

With tears in her eyes, Zhuzhu touched her face and said, "It will lessen the pain."

The fourth prince looked at the seventh prince coldly, "How old are you? Are you kidding so lightly? Are you still not apologizing?"

The seventh prince immediately said: "I'm sorry."

As he spoke, he pressed her head. As a result, Tuanzi shook and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he was hugged by the fourth prince. The fourth prince was really angry and said sternly: "Old Seventh !”

The seventh prince really didn't pay attention this time, and said sarcastically: "I didn't try hard, she, why is she so soft?"

The fourth prince glared at him.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry! The seven pots of pot only reduce one's stupidity."

Zhuzhu hugged the fourth prince's neck and persuaded him with a sweet voice: "Qi Guo Guo is already very pitiful. He doesn't want to be a fool, so we have to forgive him."

Seventh Prince: "...??"

He hesitated to argue. He felt that he was not stupid!
The fourth prince glanced at him, snorted, picked up Zhuzhu and left.

Seeing that the fourth prince seemed to have dispelled his doubts, Sheng Minglin had a complicated expression... Does this mean that fools are blessed? ?
After all, a smart person like the fourth prince probably couldn't understand the brain circuits of a fool. He didn't think anyone would bully a child in this way, so he didn't think he had any malicious intentions.

Zhuzhu was still thinking about going to school. She touched her face without taking it seriously and pushed the fourth prince: "Si Guo Guo, you have to sit on Ji Guo Guo's stool! Guo Guo, Qi Guo Guo, sit down quickly. We Let’s go to class!”

The fourth prince had no choice but to sit down next to him, and then Sheng Minglin and the seventh prince also sat down, with their little hands folded on the table, looking at Xu Heshu with big eyes, very excited, just waiting for him Start speaking.

The Seventh Prince looked at her with some sympathy and said to himself, just have fun and be silly. Soon you will understand that going to school is more uncomfortable than going to jail!
Xu Heshu frowned and said in a calm voice: "Princess, although the Emperor has agreed, I still want to say one more thing, reading is not for fun. If Princess really wants to read, she can't give up halfway. If she can't persevere, Then it is better not to read it, so as not to mislead others."

Zhuzhu was not happy either. She felt that she was serious: "Zhuzhu is not playing!"

"Seriously?" Xu He wrote: "After we start, we have to arrive before Maochu. We can teach and practice calligraphy at this time. Is it possible for the princess to do it?"

Zhuzhu was stunned for a moment: "Maochu, when will we be ready? Zhuzhu may not be able to get up!"

Xu Heshu glanced at the fourth prince: "It seems that your brother didn't tell you about the hardships of studying, so you thought it was just for fun..."

He kept talking.The fourth prince was already angry.

He is also a very disciplined person, but being disciplined and not being flexible are two different things.

For example, now, he believes that as long as Zhuzhu is not out of trouble and does not affect others after coming here, then no matter what reason she wants to study, studying is not a bad thing after all, so she can read along.

As for time, there is no need to be demanding at all, nor is there any need to be demanding about how long you can persist.

After all, even if you just recite it for one day and let her feel the atmosphere, it will be easy to teach her later. Even if Zhuzhu doesn't learn anything, what impact will it have on others?

But Xu Heshu has to compare with this true child, which makes no sense at all!

To put it bluntly, Xu Heshu is just a minister, and the emperor has agreed to it, so you are just talking nonsense here.

The fourth prince said in a deep voice: "Master Xu, my father has already allowed Zhuzhu to study together. Is Master Xu going to resist?"

Xu Heshu was not afraid at all and said loudly: "This matter is wrong, so I will naturally say it. Even if the emperor is here, I will dare to argue with reason."

Sheng Minglin was suddenly startled.

At this moment, hearing the words "I dare to argue with reason", Sheng Minglin suddenly remembered who he was.

In the previous life, there was no such thing as the seventh prince entering the palace to study. This person had always been the seventh prince's teacher.

After the conflict between the seventh prince and Zhuzhu, Emperor Mingxi became angry with him and demoted him to become a county magistrate.

Xu Heshu was a man with a bad temper and a tough temper, but he was really talented. When he was the county magistrate, he wrote two famous articles, criticizing the corruption of officials, the malpractice of the imperial examination, etc. The writing was really to the point and offended. A lot of people.

Later, the fourth prince admired him and recommended him, and brought him back to the capital to become the Minister of Dali Temple.

The position of the Minister of Dali Temple in the capital is actually a bit embarrassing. His power is lower than that of the Six Ministries, and he does the most practical work. He involves the emperor's relatives at every turn, and the emperor is not satisfied with it after the trial... In short, he is neither up nor down. It's hard to escape unscathed.

But since Xu Heshu took office, the atmosphere in the capital has really become clear.

He doesn't care who is involved, or what the emperor thinks. Anyway, I have to get to the bottom of the case... As a result, the children of the aristocratic families in the city have become more honest.

But there were several times when the emperor was so angry that he flew into a rage, but in the end... Anyway, until his death, Xu Heshu was still sitting in this seat, and people praised Xu Qingtian.

In his previous life, the fourth prince admired him very much, and the two of them seemed to have known each other for years, but now, they were about to fall out.

Sheng Minglin quickly stood up and wrote to Xu He: "Master Xu, this is not the case. The Master said that there is no distinction between teaching and learning. Since Zhuzhu has the desire to learn, why would you turn her away?"

Xu Heshu paused.

Sheng Minglin added: "Moreover, Zhuzhu is young and has to work according to His Majesty the Seventh Prince's time. Naturally, he is not strong enough. But if he can learn for one moment, he will gain another moment of understanding; if he can study for one more day, he will gain one more day's effectiveness. Isn't it a great kindness that you can teach one more person while giving the same lecture?"

He paused for a moment: "As for Zhuzhu's so-called 'playfulness' that Mr. Minglin said, Minglin feels that this statement is too narrow. Zhuzhu is only three years old, so what she is holding is naturally somewhat of a playfulness. But why do you come to study? What does it matter? A teacher preaches, imparts knowledge, clears up doubts, and guides the heart of play on the right path... Isn't this the responsibility of a teacher? Is it only possible to devote oneself to learning since childhood? Only a person worthy of being Mr.’s student?”

(End of this chapter)

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