Chapter 230 The taste of home
The dumpling clicked.

The turntable turns and stops.

A grid pops up, and what comes out is "Copper Mine Map One" and "Copper Mine Map Two".

Sheng Minglin is a little strange.

He asked the system: "Isn't it said that the issuance of treasure banknotes caused the inflation of the Great Sheng Dynasty? Then, what is the difference between copper mines and treasure banknotes in essence? It still has not been passed... It is what later generations will call It's an economic calculation, but it's just a different thing?"

The system villain said: "The system doesn't know."

Well, Sheng Minglin put away these two maps for the time being and prepared to wait for his father to come back and ask questions.

He was still very excited, but Zhuzhu was afraid of getting stuck while she was eating the candy, so he didn't dare to pick her up and tease her, so he switched the interface back to the high-yielding grains just now, and clicked on the description to take a closer look.

Then he spread out the paper and made two more copies.

A scholar can write most calmly. After copying it twice, he finally became calmer.

Seeing that Zhuzhu had finished eating a piece of candy and was holding the candy jar again and started to chew her, Sheng Minglin quickly coaxed her: "Zhuzhu'er, do you want to pick up your beautiful brother and take him home?"

"I want to." Tuanzi's thoughts were taken away: "When will Pretty Guoguo come back?"

Sheng Minglin looked at Luo Ke and said, "We should be back in the morning. Let's go now."

Prince Duan said that the matter could be completed in the morning, mainly because there was an earthquake first, so the Sanfa Division must give the emperor a result as quickly as possible, and the origin of everything is the Yunzhou case, so it will definitely be ranked first in the trial .

Ministry of Punishment.

The Yunzhou case was indeed the first to be tried. Yang Xianrong pretended to be dead to no avail and was directly dragged over and had his fingerprints pressed.

The case was settled.

Huo Chenzhao stared at this scene blankly, feeling a deep sense of unreality.

For five years, nearly two thousand days and nights, what I have been thinking about every day and every hour, can it really be solved like this?
The master above called him several times, but he didn't hear it. The fourth prince came directly over, helped him up, and patted his back again and again.

Huo Chenzhao slowly came back to his senses and murmured: "Fourth brother."

Sheng Minglin and Shen Lingjue both called him Fourth Brother, but Huo Chenzhao actually never did. He was always cautious in his words and deeds and never dared to make a wrong step, but at this moment, his mind was not in his mind, and he blurted it out for some reason.

The fourth prince didn't care, and said in a deep voice: "It's over. The injustice has been vindicated today, and the Huo family has been rectified today. Everything is over."

Huo Chenzhao took a deep breath, and the fourth prince said again: "The notice will be issued today, and my father should summon you tomorrow..." His voice was gentle, and he patted his shoulder again: "Go back, Minglin and Zhuzhu Waiting for you outside."

Huo Chenzhao composed himself and nodded.

He walked out slowly.

As soon as he went out, he saw the little meat dumpling in an apricot shirt and red skirt on the carriage on the other side of the road looking over with his toes raised. He suddenly met his eyes, and the little dumpling's face suddenly burst into joy. Loudly said: "Beautiful Guoguo! Beautiful Guoguo! Zhuzhu Debt Jieli!"

Huo Chenzhao laughed immediately.

At this moment, it was like a person who had been locked in the house for several years suddenly opened the window. The spring light outside the window was just right, and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant.

He ran towards her quickly, and Tuanzi also jumped in the car and immediately jumped into his arms. Her little girl's voice was so sweet, "Beautiful Guoguo, Zhuzhu is here to take you home!"

"Okay," Huo Chenzhao responded with a smile: "Let's go home!"

"Wait! Wait a minute," Sheng Minglin said, "Come on, wash your hands first to get rid of the bad luck, and everything will go smoothly in the future."

Huo Chenzhao was stunned when he saw the boy bringing out a plate of water with a smile. It smelled of moxa leaves. Huo Chenzhao smiled and washed his hands. Sheng Minglin was beside him and sprinkled the moxa leaf water on him little by little.

Zhuzhu took a red cloth strip. The servant wanted to help, but she was not willing to help. She stretched out her hand and said: "Pretty Guoguo, please help me!"

Huo Chenzhao walked over two steps with a smile. Tuanzi's two chubby hands dug at the ground, and finally took the red cloth strip into his lapel. Then, he tied a knot and clapped his hands: "Okay!"

Huo Chenzhao looked at the ugly knot and smiled: "Thank you Zhuzhu." He couldn't help but hug the dumpling with both hands, buried his face in her neck, and took a deep sniff...

Milky, sweet, fragrant and soft, it turns out this is the taste of home!
at night,

Sheng Minglin waited for a long time, until he was impatient, before he brought Prince Duan back.When Prince Duan saw his expression, he was a little happy: "What's the matter, do you know how important your father is? You have been the head of the family for a while while I was away. Now you know who the real head of the family is, right?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He just looked at his father.

As a matter of course, Prince Duan grabbed his daughter, held her in his arms and sat down: "Isn't Shen Zhao back? What do you want to ask? The Anmin Notice said it was posted overnight, so everyone can see it tomorrow morning."

While talking, Sheng Minglin took it out of his sleeve and took a closer look.

He thought that the Anmin notice would explain Yang Xianrong's crimes. It turned out not to be the case. It turned out that it was mainly to explain the earthquake. But the person who planned this notice was definitely a talented person. He could clearly see the plain official text, but why did the emperor look so wise? Shenwu, does Yang Xianrong deserve this?

Sheng Minglin clicked his tongue in surprise.

Prince Duan teased Zhuzhu and looked at him: "What's the matter? Aren't you waiting for this? What's the matter?"

Sheng Minglin was really surprised: "Is there an expression on my face? Where did you see it?"

Prince Duan: "Haha!"

Sheng Minglin also chuckled: "If you don't tell me, I won't tell you either. Who is afraid of whom?"

Prince Duan pointed at him and asked his daughter: "My dear, have you given me anything today?"

"That's right! I gave Zhuzhu a big jar of candies!" Tuanzi was very happy and weighed them with his hands, "It's so big! It's sweet and delicious. Zhuzhu, let's get it for you!"

She slid off his lap and darted to hug the sugar bowl.

Prince Duan: "..."

Sheng Minglin looked at his father with a smile. Prince Duan raised his hand and threw the lid of the tea cup on him, laughing and scolding: "Hurry up!"

Sheng Minglin didn't lie anymore and told him with a smile. Prince Duan also took a breath: "Five thousand to eight thousand? Are you sure you read it correctly? Not five hundred to eight hundred?"

Sheng Minglin said: "No, I'm sure."

Prince Duan stood up and turned around a few times, calmed down his excitement, then closed his eyes and thought for a while, and said to Sheng Minglin: "Call Huo Chenzhao over."

Sheng Minglin was not surprised and went out to give orders to the servants. Huo Chenzhao came over soon. He had obviously cried, his eyes were red but his smile was bright, and he saluted Prince Duan.

Prince Duan was squatting on the ground sharing sweets with his daughter, and just nodded towards him.

Because there was a lot of sugar, Zhuzhu also became generous. She gave Guoguo and Beautiful Guoguo a piece each. Then Sheng Minglin tore off another piece and gave it to her. Zhuzhu happily cuddled up on her father's lap and ate the candy. .

It wasn't until everyone was almost finished eating that Prince Duan asked Zhuzhu, "Zhuzhu'er, the grain seeds you smoked this time can be used by Beautiful Guoguo, is it okay?"

Tuanzi asked: "Tie all kinds of things, are they tied well or not tied well?"

Prince Duan said, "It's very good, very good, extremely good."

Tuanzi nodded: "Okay! Then give it to Beautiful Guoguo." Her little mouth was very sweet: "Zhuzhuchuang listens to daddy!"

Huo Chenzhao was a little confused and wanted to speak, but Prince Duan waved his hand to signal him to stop talking, and immediately picked up his daughter, "Wow, the little baby is so good, daddy loves the little baby so much, okay, okay, okay..."

Tuanzi was kissed like a chicken pecking at rice, making her little face twist and turn. She giggled and pushed his face, dodging left and right while Prince Duan stretched his neck and kissed him non-stop.

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows.

He discovered that his father really was a man without any of the baggage of an elder.

He dared to act bad in front of a group of people, and he didn’t care at all when he made such a grunting sound...

The two of them just watched in silence. The father and daughter had been joking for a long time. The group was tired of laughing. Prince Duan sat back and suddenly turned his serious face and said, "Listen to me first."


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(End of this chapter)

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