Chapter 237 He is still hiding something
Sheng Minglin walked out and asked, "Dad, how are you?"

Prince Duan had obviously been thinking about it all the way. He waved his hand and sat down to continue thinking.

Sheng Minglin was familiar with his habit of organizing his thoughts, so he didn't bother him. He was afraid that he would feel sleepy after drinking tea, so he poured him a cup of hot water.

Prince Duan slowly drank half a cup of hot water and then said: "What you said is [-]% accurate."

He paused, frowned, and then said: "But that matter is not important. I think he is still hiding something... something big."

Sheng Minglin suddenly thought: "Three major halls?"

"It's possible." Prince Duan nodded and shook his head: "But, why do I feel that this is a bigger problem than the three major halls?"

He did not repeat what Prince Qi said to Sheng Minglin.

After all, Prince Qi is just a coward, not stupid. He has been raised in the palace since he was a child. The verbal exchanges between people like them are all subtle feelings that cannot be expressed in words.

Sheng Minglin murmured: "It's bigger than what happened in the three halls..."

He didn't go any further and asked instead: "So why does he cause trouble every day?"

Prince Duan raised his eyebrows: "Everyone knows that he is a bitch. You have had trouble with him in public. Then, even if you appear in the same place, others will not suspect that you are dating."

Sheng Minglin thought about it and suddenly took a breath: "So, with such a name, wouldn't he be very suitable for that kind of liaison job? He has a distinguished status and has no job! He is idle and walks around every day. No matter how good or bad the place is, you can go anywhere! You won’t attract anyone’s attention no matter where you go! And you have a bitchy mouth, and you’ll get in trouble with everyone you meet, and you don’t have a good relationship with anyone. , If you talk more, you won’t arouse people’s suspicion! It’s so perfect, okay!”

He looked at his father: "So, maybe it's not a coincidence that he was transferred back to the capital! Maybe someone needs to have such a playboy in the capital? Why was he transferred back to the capital?"

Prince Duan said: "In his fiefdom, he forced many widows and women from good families to marry veterans who had retired from the battlefield. Several lives were lost. There was quite a big fuss at the time, and the letters written by civil servants were like snowflakes."

Sheng Minglin nodded suddenly, looked at his father and said, "But this is quite controversial... No, it should be said that it may be more popular with the people? It is something that wins the hearts of military commanders."

Although they dare not say it, Grandfather Taizu was indeed very prejudiced against women. Even the concubines in his own harem mostly did not die well, let alone the people.

Foot binding and burial were recognized as black spots by later generations.

But when you are really there, you can see more, such as official skills and the Sadaji Archway. These invisible things are getting more and more intense.

Therefore, what Prince Qi did was very deviant.

But, again, Dasheng Dynasty was really poor.

Especially during the Taizu period, the rule of Baoyuan had just ended. Women, the elderly and children were the first to die in troubled times. Therefore, getting a wife was a matter of burning high incense. How could you bother to worry about marrying once and twice?

But the officials forced the women of the people to observe the festival, and even had to watch over the widows when a man died without a happy event... There were so many yellow-flowered girls, where would they go to find wives?

Also because of poverty, it is really difficult for widows to live, especially those who have children and no one to rely on. They can't keep the rules even if they want to. Marrying again is not a bad thing, maybe?At least he survived?
A woman from a good family would definitely not be happy if she was forced to marry a veteran, but for a military general, wouldn't this be the same as getting a daughter-in-law from the court after the war?The general himself would definitely be happy.

That's why I said that this is something that the common people can understand and the military commanders will like, although it does seem very nonsense when talking about it.

The more Sheng Minglin thought about it, the more complicated it became: "Dad, today you..."

"Don't worry! What do you say?" Prince Duan looked at his son sideways: "A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. I will never treat anyone as a fool, and I will never show any signs of weakness." Even so, he actually felt quite good. He admires his son.

He thought about it all the way before he figured it out, but his son thought of it in such a short time.

He said: "However, no matter how I behave, he will definitely be suspicious, so if I guess correctly, he will expose some of the affairs between him and Chen in the future, so that we can think about Fengyue. If they do this, he, they must be hiding something bigger... If they don't do this, then the people behind the scenes may be very smart. We have to keep our nerves to follow the clues!"

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

So, you just trust your own judgment and think there is something wrong with him?
Prince Duan said again: "I have to ask the Jin Yiwei. If there are really so many things going on with them, they might have noticed it when the Jin Yiwei checked them before. But I am thinking about another question. Does he... know that Sheng Is Yulu from the Chen family?"

Sheng Minglin said accurately: "You probably don't know that before we caught Sheng Yulu, Sheng Yulu could only show up when he saw his fourth brother, not anyone else."

Prince Duan nodded, touched his chin and thought for a long time, then suddenly said: "Your child is not cute at all. You should ask more questions about why. Only a father can speak with more energy. You can tell it yourself." It’s over, what do you want me to say?”

"Oh!" Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Dad is so smart, if I pretend to be stupid, dad will definitely be able to tell."

The childish father was coaxed on the spot: "Hahaha, yes."

He patted his son on the back and stood up to leave. Sheng Minglin saw him out.

Prince Duan stopped midway and said, "By the way, there is one more thing. Regarding Huo Chenzhao, you write a storybook and then a play."

Sheng Minglin was really stunned for a moment: "A storybook?"

"Yes," Prince Duan said, "If others write, I'm afraid they won't be sure where to write. You go ahead and write quickly. Write out the storybook first and then talk about it."

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to agree: "Son, try it."

Just as he was talking, he saw a young man running over in the darkness. After saluting, he said to Sheng Minglin: "Your Majesty, the young master asked you to come over."

Sheng Minglin thought Zhuzhu was dreaming and hurried over with his father.

When I asked about it, Lizhi whispered: "Master didn't dream, he just woke up suddenly while sleeping, and then he insisted on wanting the prince to hold him to sleep."

Prince Duan also wanted to ask his daughter if it was OK to sleep with her father in his arms.

As a result, Tuanzi was so sleepy that he staggered around. When he saw his brother coming, he fell into his arms and fell asleep without seeing him at all.

Prince Duan: "..."

Sheng Minglin suppressed a smile, nodded to him, then held Tuanzi in his arms, widened his robe, and lay down directly.

All night long, Tuanzi clung to him.

Sheng Minglin got up early in the morning, and carefully moved Tuanzi away to get up, but when he moved, Tuanzi immediately turned over, then stood up unsteadily, moved his calves, and sat on him, with his little fleshy face smacking. She put it on his face and said vaguely: "Guo Guo does not elbow, Zhu Zhu, protect Guo Guo."

Then fell asleep again.

(End of this chapter)

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