Chapter 255 How can a genius admit defeat?

Tuanzi showed off to his parents all night long.

The next day, he continued to come over to learn martial arts with high spirits.

As soon as she arrived, the little brothers shouted to each other: "Ah, she is the little genius!"

"One in a million geniuses!"

"She's awesome!"

The acting skills are all stiff, and only a few lines are repeated over and over again.

However, Zhuzhu didn't notice it at all.

Tuanzi was shy and happy at the same time, with a red face, and waved her little hands towards them: "Everyone, Chiba! You are great too!"

Sheng Minglin coughed, lowered his head and said to her with a smile: "Zhu Zhu'er, study hard, brother is going to work."

"Okay," Tuanzi nodded, stood at the front, looked at Shen Lingjue with bright eyes, and said sweetly: "Master, you can start!"

Shen Lingjue nodded coldly.

Zhuzhu thought that after the hands and feet were finished, it was the feet's turn, but that was not the case. The next step was to feel the breath in her body.

Learning to breathe inside is actually very boring. Tuanzi sat on the only futon with shade, his little body swaying left and right, trying hard to feel it, but he didn't feel anything for a long time.

Zhuzhu's legs are a little numb and her butt is a little sore, but she was praised so much by the little brothers just now. How can a genius admit defeat?

So Xiaotuanzi, who was inexplicably elevated, could only try his best to persevere.

As she persisted, she felt her body go soft for no reason, as if she was buried in a ball of cotton. There was a warm little mouse in her body, slowly crawling down, and she looked back at her, and then, poof, it disappeared. .

The dumpling fell to the ground with a thud, with its feet in the air.

Shen Lingjue was startled and quickly came over to help her up: "Zhuzhu? Are you okay?"

He glanced at the window subconsciously, fearing that Sheng Minglin would rush out and go crazy.

Zhuzhu's face turned red. Although she didn't hear the little brother behind her laughing at her, she still felt so embarrassed!
She is a genius who jumped out of a bowl! !
Tuanzi stumbled and said: "Zhuzhu is asleep! There is a little mouse in Zhuzhu's flesh! Zhuzhu followed it and walked around. She got lost and accidentally fell down!"

"Oh?" Shen Lingjue raised an eyebrow: "Then continue and find the feeling you just had."

Tuanzi nodded obediently, inhaled, and then looked for air... After a while, his body felt soft for no reason, and he felt the little mouse again, warm and soft, and slowly walked up his legs, and then he lost his energy. ,Disappeared.

Zhuzhu opened her eyes and told him.

Shen Lingjue really doubted life. Could he have made a mistake?The younger you are, the easier it is to get started?

But in any case, abacus is really getting started.

Shen Lingjue gave instructions in a low voice: "Just think in your mind, try to pump up your energy, give this little mouse your strength, and then push it to walk all over your body..."

Tuanzi nodded obediently.

Then spread out your arms and legs, lean on him, and practice hard.

Sheng Minglin glanced from the window from time to time, then sat back and continued talking to Qin Jiangbai, "Inner breath is the threshold, but Ling Jue's inner breath may not be suitable for everyone, so those who can't learn Ling Jue's inner breath can use it The people from Jinyiwei teach it again. Those who can’t learn any kind of inner breath will be eliminated, and those who can learn any kind of inner breath can move on to the next step.”

"Martial arts, plus Shu, Shu, Yu, Cavalry and Archery as the basis, and then depending on what each is good at, learn the art of medicine and poison, disguise, etc. Since what Honghuwei mainly wants is the martial arts skills, then There is no need to learn things like etiquette, music, music, chess, calligraphy and painting for the time being."

Qin Jiangbai said: "What the Emperor wants is loyalty." "Don't worry," Sheng Minglin said: "You don't have to 'learn' this, it takes time and training."

Qin Jiangbai nodded without saying anything, and then said: "I looked at the last batch of people who bought them, and some of them seemed to have something wrong with their expressions."

Sheng Minglin said: "You mean, maybe it's manpower deployed by various forces?"

Qin Jiangbai nodded.

Sheng Minglin said: "This is unavoidable, but I don't think we need to pay too much attention to it. First of all, these people were all touched by Ling Jue and their pulse by Brother Zhao. In other words, there are no martial arts among them. There is no big problem in life for those who have not been pampered in advance. In other words, at most they were temporarily bribed, or they had family members who arrested them and threatened them, and they were brought here pretending to be orphans."

"But once you come to our place, you are not allowed to go out for at least three years. The variables in three years are great. People with problems can always be seen when they get along day and night. Even if they can't be seen, fighting side by side, every day Brainwashing, there’s no telling who he can be loyal to. So I don’t think you need to care too much.”

Qin Jiangbai said: "You can also stop for a while and wait until the approval is finalized."

Sheng Minglin nodded. After Qin Jiangbai said this, he turned back and said, "But the first two batches should be fine."

"Yes," Sheng Minglin stood up again and looked out the window: "I, the people selected from the second batch, should be fine."

At this moment, everyone has an intermission.

In fact, it was less than half an hour, but because Zhuzhu had already achieved the third step, and then others successively achieved the first step.

In this batch, twenty people all achieved the first step. Shen Lingjue was also a little shocked, so he paused and let everyone collide with each other.

Everyone gathered around Zhuzhu from a distance and did not dare to get too close.

People who come from humble backgrounds generally don't think about why a little girl appears here. In their eyes, nothing about a noble person can tolerate their criticism.

Especially this little girl learned it faster than them, so they were even more impressed. Someone had the courage to ask: "Your Highness, what does that feel like?"

Tuanzi has never enjoyed this kind of treatment as a top student. He has big eyes and crooked eyes, and his heart is filled with beauty. However, he still tries to be reserved and says in a milky voice: "It's like a little mouse, warmly, slowly , elbow, elbow, inside the hands, feet, and feet.”

Someone whispered: "Her voice is so cute."

Someone asked: "Your Highness, how old are you?"

Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu is three and a half years old!"

While everyone was talking, there was a person standing in the corner who slowly moved forward until he reached the front. He smiled at Zhuzhu and said, "Your Highness, please give me your hand to the younger one, okay?"

Tuanzi glanced at him.

Although he was a bit good-looking, Zhuzhu now had an older brother, and several older brothers. He was no longer the Zhuzhu who didn't choose playmates before, so Tuanzi refused without hesitation. , and even held his hands in his arms: "No."

Several people around him explained to him: "He can do magic. He can conjure things by turning his hands. It's fun. Just give him your hand."

Tuanzi still shook his head and said seriously: "Zhuzhu is a girl, Zhuzhu can't let anyone touch her hands."

Shen Lingjue was talking in a low voice through the window while looking after him from a distance. When he heard this, he got angry and jumped up, grabbed the young man's back collar and threw him to the ground. .

The young man was so frightened that he even forgot to call out to his master, and kept saying: "My lord, spare your life!"

Shen Lingjue was afraid of scaring Zhuzhu, so she didn't hit him. He just said: "Go away and kneel down! I'm giving you shame! You dare to offend the princess!"

The young man Weiwei stepped back, and when he turned around, a flash of hatred flashed through his eyes, which happened to be noticed by several people in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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