Chapter 263 I have so many dads

Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao hurried out, and Qin Jiangbai also rushed in from the camp gate. They didn't even bother to talk to General Xie, and grabbed Huo Chenzhao's arm: "Chen Zhao! My father is suddenly ill. Please call the doctor." No, please go take a look!"

Huo Chenzhao said directly: "Send someone to get my medicine box from the house, and let's go."

Qin Jiangbai nodded to Sheng Minglin, dragged Huo Chenzhao out, and flew onto his horse.

Sheng Minglin breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of the situation in his family in his previous life, he couldn't help but become nervous. He turned around and said, "Uncle, would you please ask someone to send this box of manuscripts to Prince Duan's Mansion. I'll go take a look too..."

Before he finished his sentence, Tuanzi ran over and hugged his legs: "Zhuzhu, go too, Zhuzhu, too!"

Sheng Minglin lowered his head and explained to her: "My dear, it's not suitable for children to go there. You should follow your uncle first, and my brother will come to pick you up soon, okay?"

"No, no, no," Tuanzi's little head shook: "Master Qin, go and mess with the beautiful Guoguo, go and mess with Guoguo, Zhuzhu is a good friend, Zhuzhu is rich enough to go!"

Sheng Minglin said: "Although they went, you really can't go..."

Tuanzi opened his arms and jumped up and down, trying to get him to hug him: "No, no, no, Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu, strong man, protect Guoguo!"

Oh, all right.

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to hug Zhuzhu: "Uncle, are you tired? Uncle Liu can come to my house to see me at any time."

General Xie frowned and asked, "Is it okay for Zhuzhu to go? Should I ask someone to take her back to Prince Duan's Mansion?"

Zhuzhu covered her brother's ears, narrowed her neck and buried her face, and stopped even calling her uncle.

Sheng Minglin nodded helplessly to General Xie, and then got into the carriage with Zhuzhu.

He thought that Zhuzhu was auspicious after all. If there was a sudden illness and Zhuzhu was gone, the possibility of rescuing him would be greater.

Sheng Minglin knew the approximate location of the Qin family. When he arrived, he saw the Jin Yiwei without asking.

The place where Qin Jiangbai lives is on the edge of Nancheng. Youdao is rich in the east city, expensive in the west city, poor in the north city, and cheap in the south city. People living in Nancheng are generally a mixed bag. As soon as the carriage comes, many people stand at the door to watch.

There was no way to enter the carriage deep in the alley, so Sheng Minglin directly hugged Zhuzhu and got out of the carriage, turned her little face to him, stretched out his hand to protect her gently, and walked in surrounded by guards.

There were four households in this alley, two on each side. As soon as he walked in, Sheng Minglin found a young girl standing by the door, looking over there.

The girl was about fifteen or sixteen years old. Although she wore a sarong dress, she had a delicate face. Moreover, when she stood, she did not lean against the door frame or the wall like those other women, but she was careful not to touch the door frame at all. , even the sleeves, which are not long, are covered with hands, which looks a bit strange.

Sheng Minglin glanced at it without looking at it, but he heard Tuanzi whisper: "Medicine."

Sheng Minglin also smelled the smell of medicine coming from the Qin family courtyard, hummed, and walked over quickly.

Guards in brocade clothes were guarding the door outside. Qin Jiangbai got the message and came out to greet him. He was at a loss for a moment.

Qin Jiangbai has a tough temperament and a strong heart. He is not the kind of person who would be embarrassed if the elders in his family are not glamorous. He is just afraid of scaring Zhuzhu.

But when he came, he didn't say much, he just said: "Come in first."

As Sheng Minglin walked inside, he asked urgently: "How is it?"

Qin Jiangbai simply replied: "Shen Zhao said he could handle it."

Sheng Minglin breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhuzhu turned her head when she heard the voice, saw it was Qin Jiangbai, and smiled at him: "Master Qin."

Qin Jiangbai nodded with a smile.

The two of them walked around the screen wall and entered.

The door of the room was open, and several old people were surrounding a bamboo couch in the middle, very anxious. The people on the bamboo couch had their eyes closed, and Huo Chenzhao was performing acupuncture.

When Sheng Minglin saw those people, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and for a moment he regretted bringing Zhuzhu here.He was afraid of scaring Zhuzhu, and he was also afraid that Zhuzhu was too young and innocent, and would inadvertently say something that would hurt these poor old people.

When he turned around to look, he saw that Tuanzi's eyes were clear and confused, as if he didn't seem to feel anything was wrong.

At this moment, Sheng Minglin suddenly discovered that children are actually very accepting of "differences."

Children of this age have no idea in their minds about what things look like, what they look like is correct, what they look like is wrong, what is good, what is bad, they have not yet established a very clear concept... Therefore, children have none of the emotions that adults will have when they see such a person, and the involuntary simulations and associations in their minds.

Therefore, adults are afraid of ghosts, but most children are not afraid of them; adults are afraid of insects, but most children are not afraid of insects.

Therefore, Zhuzhu would only feel strange at this time, not scared.

She is curious, but due to her good upbringing, at this ignorant moment, she will know that she should not ask casually about other people's affairs.

Sheng Minglin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Tuanzi quickly found the point and asked, "Is grandpa sick?"

"Well," Sheng Minglin said warmly, "He is sick, and my beautiful brother is helping him treat it."

Qin Jiangbai had been looking at Zhuzhu calmly. Seeing this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Minglin, please come in and sit down first. Zhuzhu, do you want some candy hawthorn?"

In fact, Qin Jiangbai wasn't called Zhuzhu before, but in front of their parents, children always want to show off a bit more powerfully so that they can feel reassured and happy, so Qin Jiangbai was called that.

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Are these Brother Jiang Bai's family members?"

Several old people were a little at a loss, supporting each other and looking at Qin Jiangbai and them.

Children want to make their parents happy, and parents want to support their children, but they just can't afford it.

But even if they wanted to hide, they didn't know where to hide, and everyone had panicked eyes.

Qin Jiangbai said with a smile: "The one who is sick is my eldest father. This is my second father, third father, fourth father, fifth father, and sixth father. My seventh father went to make medicine. They are all my adoptive fathers."

Then he turned around and said, "Dad, don't be nervous. These are the Crown Prince Duan and the little princess. We are close, so there is no need to be formal."

Sheng Minglin smiled and gave the junior salute: "Hello uncles, Minglin has a very good relationship with Brother Jiang Bai, that's why he dared to come here without saying hello. Today, Minglin came here recklessly, uncles don't take offense. .”

One of them calmed his voice and replied softly: "No. Minglin, you guys sit down, Jiang Bai, hurry up and pour the tea."

Sheng Minglin responded with a smile and sat down without helping them.

Tuanzi was very surprised and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Master Qin, how many fathers do you have?"

Qin Jiangbai poured the tea, but when he looked at her little eyes, he was very envious. He couldn't help but smile, and reached out to hug her: "Yes, I have so many dads."

Tuanzi looked at them and asked, "Did you buy them?"

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said, "No, dad can't buy it."

Tuanzi asked again: "Did your mother trick you into it?"

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "No, they are all good brothers and we were together originally. Then, I was abandoned and picked up by them, so I have so many fathers."

Tuanzi's big eyes were confused: "Being thrown away...what does it mean? Your parents and Guo Guo don't want you anymore?"

Qin Jiangbai shook his head: "I don't know, maybe."

Tuanzi thought blankly for a while, touched his face, and comforted him in a sweet voice: "Don't be sad, you are so sweet and beautiful, Zhuzhu likes you, how many lines does Zhuzhu want to wear?" Where is the debt, I will pick you up and take you home to be my father!"

Qin Jiangbai laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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