After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 28 No matter how many years I raise him, he still won’t be mature enough

Chapter 28 No matter how many years I raise him, he still won’t be mature enough
Princess Duan chose a post and replied.

Prince Duan's Mansion doesn't know how many posts it receives every day. Now that Prince Duan is away, all the posts it receives are from officials and ladies. Especially after the seventh prince came to school, a large basket was collected in one day.

It's just that Princess Duan declined most of them, but now, since she wanted to distract her daughter, she replied to a post, so the next day, Mrs. Yu came to the door with her children.

Mrs. Yu's husband is the younger brother of Concubine De, who is also the third prince's uncle.

Because Princess Duan has a lot of business on hand, and Mrs. Yu's trousseau shop has business dealings with her, and the two of them are cousins, they usually move around a lot.

Zhuzhu's brother's obsession started from this family.

Because the little girl from the Yu family has a very good-looking brother who is said to be good at studying. Whenever the brother and sister come over, Zhuzhu becomes extremely envious.

Princess Duan said to Zhuzhu, "Brother Yu Wang will come over to play tomorrow. Can Zhuzhu not go to school?"

Zhuzhu's eyes suddenly lit up: "What about Guo Guo? Can Guo Guo come? Zhu Zhu wants Sister Mu'er to see Guo Guo!"

Princess Duan realized the mood of her little daughter Xuan, coughed, and sent someone over to ask.

Sheng Minglin didn't care about asking for leave. He was already very good at reading, and he had studied for so many more years than others. Sitting in the school was just to fill up his numbers.

For the same reason, Xu Heshu didn't care if he took leave.

So the next day, Sheng Minglin, who didn't have to go to school, got up late.

Compared to Zhuzhu, he practiced hard all afternoon. When he got up in the morning, his legs were still shaking a little.

As he struggled to get up, he quickly asked: "Are the guests here?"

"Don't worry, young master," the boy said quickly, "The princess hasn't gotten up yet, and the guests can't come so early."

Sheng Minglin was relieved, and then he washed, ate, and changed clothes. Princess Duan also sent someone to deliver a bunch of treasure-embedded belts and jade pendants.

But he was only eight years old and the accessories he could wear were limited, but he understood the meaning.

He asked the boy: "Who is this guest?"

The boy said: "She is the wife of the eldest son of Wenxinghou Mansion. Wenxinghou is the father of Concubine De in the palace, and the eldest son is the younger brother of Concubine De."

Sheng Minglin knew this old marquis, so he nodded and asked, "Mrs. Prince, come here with the children?"

"Yes," the boy said, "Mrs. Yu is bringing young master and young lady here. Young master Yu is ten years old this year, and Miss Yu is five years old..."

Speaking of this, the boy couldn't help but gossip in a low voice: "I heard from Sister Lychee that every time they come here, they will take away the little master's things!"

Got it, you little brat with shallow eyes.

So Sheng Minglin decisively abandoned the low-key and luxurious route and dressed up like a majestic young master. Because he had not shaved his head and was extremely handsome, he looked quite dignified like an adult when dressed like this.

After waiting for a while, Princess Duan came to call for someone.

In fact, if their identities were equal, he should go to the hall and wait first.

However, even if Mrs. Hou came in person, it would not be enough in front of Prince Duan's palace, let alone just the wife of the prince.

So he only needs to wait for Princess Duan to send someone to call him. This shows that our family understands etiquette and treats your young master as a guest. Let my young master entertain you without losing his status.

When Sheng Minglin passed by, the child was not in the hall, and Sheng Minglin only saluted Mrs. Shizi.

Mrs. Yu said with a smile: "This must be Brother Lin. Ouch, he looks like a good boy at first glance!"

She glanced at it for a few times and said to Princess Duan: "Tell me, this is the first time I've seen you as my sister for so many years!"

Sheng Minglin chuckled inwardly.

When you are a guest at someone else's house, and the host is a high-ranking family, your mouth will be full of thorns. No matter who you are thorning, it is actually rude, and you are not a smart person at first glance.

He was unmoved and elegant, as if he didn't understand.

Mrs. Yu added: "I heard that His Highness Seventh Prince has also come to your residence. Why haven't you seen him before?"

Princess Duan said with a half-smile, "Your Majesty, the Seventh Highness, is going to class."

What this sentence means is that if I have to go to class, how can I have free time to see you?What kind of person are you that can make people come to see you?

Mrs. Yu hesitated for a while and looked for a way out: "I'm overthinking it. When I saw Brother Lin, I thought they weren't in class right now." "Oh!" Princess Duan said lightly: "We Brother Lin learns so fast that he has finished all four books, so it doesn’t matter whether he goes to class or not.”

Mrs. Yu chatted for a while: "Brother Lin is a good boy. He will have a good chat with our Wang'er later. Our Wang'er also likes to study the most."

Princess Duan nodded and said pleasantly: "Lin'er, let's go to Zhuzhu Courtyard. I hope my brother and sister have already passed."

Sheng Minglin responded with a smile and stepped back.

As a result, as soon as she walked under the window, she heard Mrs. Yu say with a heartfelt attitude: "You have to be careful, don't be too naive! Who taught this child? I'm afraid how many years will it take to raise him?" They’re not even well-fed!”

Sheng Minglin stopped at his feet and became furious.

However, the next moment, Princess Duan said: "Our brother Lin is a good boy, very sensible and polite. Mr. Chen is also full of talents and high moral standing. He was the emperor's master back then!! Besides, death is a big deal, how dare you say such a thing Say, I don’t dare to listen.”

Sheng Minglin inhaled gently.

He knew that Princess Duan defended him just because they were a family, and they both prospered and suffered losses.

But Princess Duan was not his biological mother, and she had no reason to love him. No matter what she did to protect him, he would be grateful.

But, he didn't know that his grandfather was once the emperor's master?

Why did grandpa never say it?

But since he is the emperor's master, why did he retire early and live in seclusion?
He was full of doubts, but he didn't have time to care about it now, so he walked quickly to Zhuzhu's yard.

Zhuzhu was playing in the room with her Yu brothers and sisters.

Yu Muer sat in front of Zhuzhu's dressing table and kept giving instructions: "Brother, I want to wear that!"

Yu Wang took out the pearl flowers from Zhuzhu's makeup box and put it on his sister. He also took another one, turned to Zhuzhu and asked gently: "Brother, let me wear it for you too, okay?"

Zhuzhu didn't notice anything was wrong at all.

The main thing is that she has too many things, too many to count, and she has never been stingy since she was a child, not allowing others to touch this string.

She only felt that brother Yu Wang was really good at choosing. After wearing it, she herself felt beautiful.

And he kept praising her: "Zhuzhu looks so good in this! Zhuzhu is really generous and kind. She is best friends with sister Mu'er, right? Brother knows that Zhuzhu is the most obedient and sensible."

Zhuzhu was so praised that she lost herself: "That's right, Zhu Zhuhui is good!"

Yu Muer screamed: "Brother, I still want that!"

Yu Wang put it on his sister again, and then tied a jade pendant on himself, then turned to Zhuzhu and smiled: "Zhuzhu, don't worry, wait until brother picks out the most beautiful one for the cutest Zhuzhu."

Zhuzhu nodded stupidly: "Thank you, Yu Wangguoguo."

Yu Muer stomped her feet coquettishly: "Brother!!"

Yu Muer's voice was sharp, thin and harsh, and she rolled her eyes at Zhuzhu, as if she disliked her for occupying her brother.

The serving maid and the boy were really angry. When they saw Sheng Minglin coming, a group of servants all winked and gestured at him.

Sheng Minglin stopped and listened to a few words outside the curtain, feeling relieved in his heart.

Isn't this just an open robbery? ?
And what's the fart that Yu Wang is letting out with his mouth full?Isn't it just bullying Tuanzi who is young and ignorant?

However, the servants will definitely report this kind of thing to Princess Duan, but Princess Duan is a loose person. She probably thinks that it is nothing if she only wastes a few things and can find a few people to play with her daughter.

Sheng Minglin didn't know that he only guessed half of it right.

The Yu brothers and sisters would also ask for things before, but they were not as blatant as this time.

They heard that Sheng Minglin was back and Zhuzhu liked him very much. They were worried that their status as a playmate would not be guaranteed, and they were also worried that what he would see would make it difficult for them to make a move in the future, so they were in the mood to make a last profit. , it’s called an unscrupulous person to take it.

Just now, Zhuzhu wanted to take them directly to her brother, but they forced her back to the yard.

Sheng Minglin opened the curtain and went in, smiling and saying, "What are you playing at?"

(End of this chapter)

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