Chapter 281 The wise and demonic young prince

Sheng Minglin was speechless, but with a complicated expression on his face, he sighed: "I am different from you. Your mother has at least stayed with you for so many years."

A trace of contempt was evident in Liao Zhehe's eyes.

Faced with a nine-year-old child, he obviously didn't feel the need to hide it at all.

Then he echoed: "Indeed! Xie Anning did go too far. He forced your mother to death and gave birth to a sickly child who doesn't know how long he will live. This is all retribution."

Sheng Minglin clenched the hands in his sleeves suddenly, thinking silently in his heart, you are dead, you are dead, your death date has been recorded in my account!
But he looked around and whispered: "Be careful what you say! Be careful that walls have ears!"

Liao Zhehe didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have cleared the scene here, and my people are guarding down there."

Sheng Minglin sat upright slowly and said: "It seems that my uncle is here well prepared! Are you here specifically to block me? I have seen my uncle's 'sincerity', but where did you learn about this?" What else do you want me to do?"

Indeed, Liao Zhehe told the big secret of his father's murder when he came up. His sincerity was indeed enough, enough.

Liao Zhehe said proudly: "You don't have to worry about where I got this news..."

Sheng Minglin interrupted him: "I can't ignore it."

He looked at him, but he was calm and composed at such a young age, and said in a leisurely voice: "What's the big deal about hatred? The most important thing in this world is power! I am now the heir of Prince Duan's palace, and there is no brotherly rivalry. I just need to be quiet." If you wait quietly, you will be the most powerful king in Dasheng in the future, won't you? Unless I am stupid, I will go into some unclear and troubled waters and ruin my current good situation! Uncle, don't you think so?"

Liao Zhehe's expression changed slightly.

Sheng Minglin looked at him and whispered: "Or maybe you can't make the decision? Then find someone who can make the decision!"

Liao Zhehe said solemnly: "Of course I can make the decision."

Sheng Minglin faked a smile, gestured with his hands, and motioned for him to continue.

He was being aggressive on purpose.

He is only nine years old this year. He is indeed too young. It is normal for people who do not know him well to worry about him. Therefore, he must develop a precocious personality like a wise man and a demon, otherwise he will not be able to take the initiative. It will be difficult to cause trouble in the future, and it will be easy to be exposed.

Liao Zhehe said slowly: "Did you know about the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions? The military officials are strong and the civilian officials are weak. We just want a benevolent monarch who treats the civilian officials better. Once the emperor and the courtier, your father really has the trust of the emperor. , but what about you? Have you ever thought about how you want to go in the future..."

Sure enough, they didn't dare mention the cult for a while.

We can only blame the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions, and then drag people on board. After boarding the pirate ship, we can no longer help others. If you say you don't know, outsiders won't believe it.

The emperor was well aware of the plan of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions, so even if he told it, he would only be able to break Liao Zhehe at most.

Sheng Minglin listened quietly.

Maybe it was because it was not easy to meet him once, so Liao Zhehe talked a lot and spoke sincerely.

Sheng Minglin will also respond.

It doesn't matter what you say specifically, you just need to act as extreme as Liao Zhehe, without any concern for family and country.

You know, for the people behind the scenes, it is not important whether there is a consensus this time. His willingness to stay and listen to this is enough to prove that he has an idea.

In other words, his performance will give people a feeling... He is not as ruthless towards his biological mother as he appears on the surface. As long as he has enough chips, or as long as he can trust them, he will definitely be willing to do something to avenge his biological mother. of.

The two of them actually only chatted for less than two-quarters of an hour. Finally, Liao Zhehe said: "I have a few fish in my courtyard, which are very interesting. I will post another day to invite you to take a look."

Sheng Minglin let out a long breath: "Let's talk about it later." He went downstairs first and went to the opposite side.

After a while, Liao Zhehe also went downstairs and walked slowly to another street.

Not far away, Shen Lingjue and Zhuzhu were sitting in front of a small tea stall. There was a whole table of various snacks on the table. Zhuzhu was happily tasting one by one. When she raised her head, she saw him and told him Shen Lingjue.

Shen Lingjue looked at it from a distance. After a few glances, he noticed something was wrong and raised his eyebrows.

I saw Liao Zhehe chatting with a middle-aged man, saying something: "I'm late. I'm late. I just met a friend and invited him to drink a cup of tea. Hey, this friend of mine is really a brat. How difficult is it?" It's tight, but fortunately we had a pretty good conversation, and I even asked him to come over and enjoy the laurel flowers every two days!"

The middle-aged man was obviously a little confused. He laughed and walked upstairs with Liao Zhehe. When he was about to enter the door, Liao Zhehe turned his head intentionally or unintentionally.

In the powder shop diagonally opposite, a woman was walking out, laughing and yelling at others: "I heard it, I heard it, let's go home."

Shen Lingjue looked at it with a smile.

His ear power was not as good as Huo Chenzhao's, but it was still better than ordinary people's. He could hear clearly even from only a few dozen steps away.

Moreover, he was someone who had trained the Shadow Guards. Although he taught martial arts, he had also seen them teach these small methods of communication, such as overt and covert transmission, so he could tell at a glance that Liao Zhehe seemed to be By talking to the middle-aged man, he was actually telling someone else, probably the woman who came out of the makeup store.

Shen Lingjue glanced at the carriage that the woman got on. The word "Liu" was written on the carriage.

If he hadn't brought Zhuzhu with him, he would have followed to have a look.

Shen Lingjue turned around and took a look, and saw that the dumplings were engrossed in eating, and their face was stained.

Shen Lingjue said: "Eat quickly, eat quickly, let's finish quickly and go back quickly. As long as we go back before your brother and Shen Zhao, no one will know that we have been out, and no one will notice."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely, unable to answer.

However, an old couple sitting at another table at the tea stall glanced at him.

The woman had been looking at Zhuzhu just now, and now she was simply staring at her. Tuanzi noticed it after a while and looked up at her.

The old man looked to be about 60 to [-] years old, but he still had a strong figure, a well-dressed suit, a slight beard under his chin, and a free and easy manner. He was quite unruly and unruly.

The lady on the side looks slightly younger. She is wearing men's clothes and has an upright posture. There is a bit of heroism in her beauty. Her eyes are as bright and sharp as stars. She is beautiful and sassy. She has a completely different feeling from the ladies.

Tuanzi felt that she was different kind of good-looking at first sight, so he gave her a crooked smile.

A cute dumpling with a face full of food smiles at you so cutely and brightly that most people can't help it. They both couldn't help but smile back. The lady also moved the tea bowl on the table and poured her a cup. Tea: "Baby, don't choke."

"Huh huh huh huh huh!" (Thank you, beautiful aunt)

Tuanzi was the one who knew how to look good. He immediately thanked him, put down the sesame dumplings he was eating, stood up, and walked over. His two little hands picked up a pack of snowflake cake from the table and placed it on their table. On the way, he finally had time to say: "Zhuzhu, please have a bite!"

The lady laughed out loud: "Thank you then."

As soon as Tuanzi responded, he immediately handed over several passion cakes, chestnut cakes, etc., and finally even the small wontons. He clasped his red little hands and looked at her with pleasure.

The lady kept saying: "Thank you, thank you!"

Shen Lingjue didn't pay much attention at first, crossing his legs and looking back and forth, but then he caught a glimpse of the long sword on the table between the two of them, and he couldn't help feeling slightly shuddered, and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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