Chapter 283 How could my sister be wrong?

Huo Chenzhao smiled until they turned the corner and were out of sight, then turned back.

Mrs. Zhou looked at him with a smile and reached out to touch his head.

Although they were masters and disciples, they also felt like mother and son. After receiving the letter and knowing that he had taken revenge, they immediately set out to come and see him.

At first glance, she noticed that this child was different from before.

In the past, when he was carrying a family feud, he was really afraid of taking a wrong step or saying the wrong thing. He was so cautious that it was heartbreaking, just like a little old man.

But when they met this time, he not only had the vigor of a young man, but also the spirit of a young man. He also felt very close and casual when getting along with them, not as a master or servant but as a family member.

Zhou Yinhan couldn't help but feel pleased and patted his shoulder: "Very good."


Sheng Minglin took them back home and quickly took his sister down to wash her face.

Not only her face, but also her clothes were extremely dirty, her hands were dirty, and her shoes were also dirty. Shen Lingjue had only been with her for such a short period of time, and she treated the little noble girl like a wild child.

Shen Lingjue said plausibly: "It was Master Wu who made the mistake. What does it have to do with me, Shen Lingjue? If you have the ability, fire him!"

Sheng Minglin looked at him and said: "Wait a moment, I will go to Mr. Shen to file a complaint. I don't believe that no one can cure you."

He got up and left.

Prince Shen lowered his head high on the spot and grabbed him: "Okay, okay, I'm wrong, isn't it okay? Isn't that okay? I didn't run far, what are you afraid of when I'm here!" Why don’t you take your children out to play? I haven’t seen other people’s children even dare to leave the house..."

Sheng Minglin said: "I didn't say I wouldn't let her go out. If she wants to go out, she can, just bring a guard and a maid. You just don't take anyone with you, just hold her and leave. How do you know nothing will happen?"

"What could happen?" Shen Lingjue was really puzzled: "I'm just walking around here, what could happen?"

"What if?"

"How come there are so many possibilities?"

Sheng Minglin said seriously: "What if the two people today are not Shen Zhao's master but came to catch Zhuzhu? Can you guarantee Zhuzhu's safety? No matter how much we try to hide the specialness of Zhuzhu, Hiding it, there is no guarantee that no outsider will know. If someone knows, will he catch Zhuzhu at all costs? Will he stay with us for a year and a half, waiting for such an opportunity? What if? Is it really such a 'just in case'?"

Shen Lingjue was speechless.

After a long while, he said: "I thought it was simple. I was wrong."

Sheng Minglin pointed at the wall: "Go, stand on your head over there for half an hour, and set an example for Zhuzhu."

This kind of punishment was neither painful nor itchy for Shen Lingjue. Shen Lingjue flew directly over, his body pressed against the wall, his head touched the ground, he held his arms and stopped moving. He even wanted to sleep for a while.

After a while, the dumplings were finally washed and released.

Xiao Tuanzi's hair was still wet, and she glanced at her brother timidly with her little eyes. She suddenly ran over, hugged his hand on her knee, and kissed him twice. After looking at his expression, she kissed him twice again. He raised his little cheek and said, "Zhuzhu is wrong, Guoguo, don't be angry!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Who can stand this?
Sheng Minglin was already crying in his heart, my sister is so well-behaved and cute!My sister is so cute and swollen, so there is nothing wrong with that!It's all Shen Lingjue's fault!

On the surface he said seriously: "Do you know you are wrong?"

Tuanzi looked at his expression and said cutely, "How many more!"

"What's wrong?"

Tuanzi held his knees with his hands and said softly: "Zhuzhu shouldn't have left home! Zhuzhu is wrong. Zhuzhu won't dare to go into debt next time!"

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but said: "It's all my fault. I told Zhuzhu that you were going out to play, and Zhuzhu became anxious and wanted to go out."

Just know it!Sheng Minglin chuckled.

While continuing to educate my sister: "You can go out to play, but you have to wait until your father or brother is at home and make arrangements before you can go out to play."

Tuanzi said in a low voice: "But it's not fun after all the arrangements have been made! It's fun for Master to take Zhuzhu out."

Sheng Minglin took a breath: "Okay then, when dad is free, let's go shopping in the market."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely, pouted his little mouth, and wanted to kiss him on the face: "Thank you Guoguo, Zhuzhu loves you." Sheng Minglin reluctantly refused the kiss: "Okay, let's talk about the rest later. , now, since you know you are wrong, go and stand by the wall for a quarter of an hour."

Group: "..."

Tuanzi had no choice but to walk towards the wall silently, taking small steps at a grinding pace while secretly looking back to see if Guo Guo would be soft-hearted, but Guo Guo kept showing his face.

Tuanzi had no choice but to hold his hands on the ground, trying hard to hold himself up, but he fell to the ground with a bang.

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

He said: "Zhuzhu, what are you doing?"

Then he came to his senses and came over to help her up: "No need Zhuzhu, you can just stand directly, no need to stand upside down."

He directly pushed Tuanzi to the wall and stood up, looked at him and said, "For a quarter of an hour, you are not allowed to move unless I tell you."

Tuanzi nodded obediently: "Oh!"

Sheng Minglin walked back.

Tuanzi glanced sideways at Shen Lingjue, who was standing on his head a few steps away.

Shen Lingjue also turned slightly to look at her. Tuanzi dug his fingers into the wall and glanced back secretly, his eyes almost flying, asking if he felt uncomfortable.

Shen Lingjue shook his head slightly, and his whole body turned around.

Tuanzi looked at him with great admiration, and Shen Lingjue was very proud.

Then he suddenly remembered: "By the way, Minglin, we saw you today."

Sheng Minglin hummed, and Zhuzhu added: "There are also people who are with Guo Guo Debt."

"Oh?" Sheng Minglin was surprised: "Have you seen him yet? He is Liao Zhehe, the Tenth Prince-in-law."

Shen Lingjue muttered: "I thought it looked familiar..." and then explained the matter in detail.

Sheng Minglin was not too surprised. When he checked with King Qi before, he had said that the way they communicated with each other should be women.

But today this person also needed to be checked, so he hurried out and told the boy to call Qin Jiangbai.

As soon as he went out, Tuanzi and Shen Lingjue were almost in sync. They both looked at him and then moved a few steps towards the middle, trying to get closer.

Originally, it was just right to move a few steps, but they both moved, and they moved so fast that Duanzi was knocked over and fell flat on his butt.

Tuanzi didn't dare to say a word, and climbed up as fast as he could. He went back and patted the dirt on his buttocks with his little hands, and stood up again.

After standing up, Sheng Minglin hadn't come back yet, so Shen Lingjue reached out and pulled Tuanzi's little hand.

Tuanzi snickered and pushed him back. The two were tugging and tugging when they heard Sheng Minglin cough heavily.

The two quickly retracted their hands and stood still.

Then Tuanzi suddenly thought of something and started thinking.

Until the quarter hour came, Sheng Minglin called Zhuzhu, but Tuanzi didn't hear it. Sheng Minglin walked over slowly, stretched his head and looked: "Zhuzhu? What are you thinking about?"

Tuanzi was startled, screamed, and almost stepped on Shen Lingjue.

Sheng Minglin pulled her and picked her up casually: "Zhuzhu, what are you thinking about?"

Tuanzi frowned in confusion and pointed over there: "Just now, Zhuzhu almost asked the master to call him Xingxing Guoguo again... Why? When the master smiles, does it look like Xingxing Guoguo!?"

She looked at him and asked, "Isn't he pretending to be a Xingxing Guoguo?"

Sheng Minglin glanced at Shen Lingjue, who was frozen, with a smile: "Ask him."

Tuanzi ran over, squatted there, and asked Shen Lingjue, who was standing upside down: "Are you a Xingxing Guoguo?"

(End of this chapter)

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