Chapter 289 Zhuzhu is very clever.
Zhou Yinhan said with a smile: "This time we came here, Zhao'er has changed a lot. We are really grateful."

Prince Duan smiled and said: "No need to say more about this, this is the fate between us..."

He changed the subject: "Brother Zhou, can your sect's kung fu be passed on only by recruiting disciples?"

Zhou Yinhan was stunned for a moment.

He is an old Jianghu, so he immediately understood what Prince Duan meant, but he still answered truthfully: "There is a set of swordsmanship that is unique and is not taught to outsiders, but most of it is ordinary kung fu and is not restricted to any sect. It is just between my wife and I." They are all people with no ambitions, they are not diligent in practicing, and their strength is mediocre."

Prince Duan smiled and said nothing.

Sheng Minglin guessed that his father wanted to use Zhou Yinhan as a link to see if he could use a wave of Jianghu forces to deal with the Holy Cult...

However, Zhou Yinhan seemed to have declined.

He didn't interfere and stayed with them. After dinner, Zhou Yinhan and his wife left, but they did say that they would stay in the capital for a while.

In the afternoon, Sheng Minglin secretly asked Huo Chenzhao.

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "Don't think Jiudingmen is just a small sect, but my master is quite famous and has many friends in the world. But compared to people like the Holy Cult, how can I say they are not the same?" .”

Because the holy religion is brainwashing, absorbing the people at the lowest level, and inheriting the sects of Jianghu people, it is not the same way.

However, if the Jianghu people are willing to get involved, the Holy Cult will definitely panic. This is equivalent to being attacked from both sides!
When Huo Chenzhao talked to him, he usually talked about something and said in a low voice: "I will persuade master, but it is of little use whether I persuade or not. The key is my master's wife. As long as my master's wife agrees, then there will be no problem. My master In fact, he has a very cautious temperament, seeks stability when doing things, and doesn’t like to take risks.”

He came up with an idea: "The princess and my master will definitely have a bad temper. If this matter is really important, just ask the princess to talk to my master... I also really want my master and master to stay in the capital. "

Sheng Minglin responded with a smile.

In the evening, I told Prince Duan.

Prince Duan just smiled and said: "Wait a minute, now is not the time. But An Ning, you can also ask Mrs. Zhou out when you have time. Just don't let them go for the time being. Otherwise, there is no need to rush. It's not a big problem."

It is no exaggeration to say that the Dasheng Royal Family has never been as close to the people as the Dasheng Royal Family in the past dynasties. Grandfather Taizu was truly a commoner, one of his own!
Therefore, the Jianghu people's reputation would not be bad if they surrendered to the imperial court. Prince Duan felt that there would be no problem in persuading them.

His father was worried about this matter, and Sheng Minglin didn't take it too seriously.

The next day, he originally wanted Zhuzhu to have another day of rest, but Zhuzhu insisted on going to school.

And for her wonderful appearance, she was choosing clothes early in the morning. A group of servants showed her clothes. Zhuzhu looked at them carefully, but none of them liked them.

She said to Lizhi: "Zhuzhu wants the same clothes that my aunt had yesterday."

Isn’t that a cool outfit?
Sheng Minglin was about to coax his sister to make it for you in the afternoon, but Li Zhi nodded very calmly, and then took it here and there, and put together a set. The slightly longer top was tied up, and it looked really cool when worn. It’s installed, and it even comes with matching high-top shoes.

Sheng Minglin coughed and stopped talking.

And even the hair style has changed. Instead of tassels, she has braids. Tuanzi’s hair is thin, soft and short, and the braids are also thin. Suddenly, she has a little girl. The same feeling, sweet and cute.

Tuanzi didn't realize that her hair and clothes didn't match, so she went to school happily.

As soon as I went there, I got the excited eyes of the whole class of teenagers. Although they didn't dare to hug me, their eyes were all filled with joy.

Ever since Shen Lingjue lost his vest, he couldn't figure out how to be a martial arts master.

He reluctantly said with a straight face: "Okay, everyone, let's go to class first. Zhuzhu'er is recovering from her illness. Let's try to see if she can walk first. If she can't, don't force it."

Tuanzi stepped up a few stairs, glanced behind him secretly, and asked in a low voice: "Xingxing Guoguo, has anyone passed Zhuzhu? Is he turning his elbows in circles?"

Shen Lingjue also replied in a low voice: "No, no one can surpass Zhuzhu. Guoguo will protect you as you spin around, and no one else is allowed to leave."

Because even if they pass, they are still practicing boxing and kicking. No one needs to do this thing, except you, a little kid.

Tuanzi nodded, and the two looked at each other and smiled.In the room, Sheng Minglin sighed and turned around: "Come on, scissors and hammer, whoever loses will be the bad guy."

Qin Jiangbai sighed, walked over and said, "Isn't it good for the young prince to be a bad guy? You must expose him."

"It's not me!" Sheng Minglin said, "Zhuzhu saw it himself."

The three of them played two games. Qin Jiangbai lost and could only walk out with his hands behind his back and said seriously: "Learn martial arts, just learn martial arts, don't be playful! Students and martial arts masters should not whisper to each other! Study hard!"

Tuanzi was startled and raised his head to look at him.

Qin Jiangbai looked serious.

As a result, Zhuzhu suddenly smiled, her little white teeth showing, her big eyes crooked, and she waved to him.

Qin Jiangbai hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked over.

Zhuzhu grabbed his arm and walked up three or four steps until she was almost as tall as him. She came over and whispered, "You are fierce. If Zhuzhu knows a few things, you should be Qin Guoguo, not Master Wu. Zhuzhu is very savvy, so it’s hard to cheat!”

Qin Jiangbai: "..."

Shen Lingjue looked at him with a suppressed smile.

Because Princess Duan always said it, Zhuzhu also followed suit, shouting every day that I am very evil-minded. Shen Lingjue couldn't help but laugh when she heard this.

Mr. Qin returned in vain.

When children go to class, sometimes they need someone who is afraid. Only when they are afraid can they persist. Only by persisting can the upper limit be raised step by step. Otherwise, they will take a break when they are tired, and it will become a joke. So I have class today. The effect is not good.

When Sheng Minglin came back at noon, he heard that Liao Zhehe had sent another post.

Sheng Minglin was still a little surprised, wondering why he had to deliver so frequently and in such a hurry?
It stands to reason that after he refused, he would have to wait three to five days before sending it again, right?

At noon, he heard that Prince Duan was back. He planned to go over and ask. If there was nothing wrong, he would just reply to the post and go there tomorrow.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that his father looked wrong.

Sheng Minglin asked: "What's wrong?"

Prince Duan laughed: "I got the news. Prince Qi chose a geomantic treasure land in his fiefdom and ordered people to build an underground palace. It is said that the guards and maids are all available, and the drawings are very luxurious."

Sheng Minglin was surprised but not too surprised and nodded.

Prince Duan sneered and continued: "In the middle of the main hall, there is a big bed left to put the coffins. Some people's bones have not been transported there, but a stone man has been put in first."

Sheng Minglin was not surprised and said: "We can't share the quilt in life, but we need the same acupuncture point in death?" As he said this, he took a sip of tea.

"Oh shit!" Prince Duan was obviously angry and he swore a rare curse: "My birth date is carved on the fucking stone man!"

Sheng Minglin: "...???"

Sheng Minglin: "...!!!"

The prince almost choked to death on a sip of tea: "Yours?"

He was shocked: "This, is this impossible? What does it mean to engrave your birth date? Why do you have to engrave yours?"

The prince, who had never known that there was such a creature as a licking dog in the world, did not understand at all and was greatly shocked: "It can't be that it was carved wrong? No, no, why on earth is this? Why can't I understand it?"

(End of this chapter)

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