Chapter 389 Do you remember Li Xuan?

As soon as Shen Lingjue turned around, Tuanzi quickly stretched out his little head from his arms, looked back, and saw a person in the yard behind him frowning and looking up.

He has a baby face, but his sharp and cold eyes dilute the childishness of his baby face. He looks like he has a... bad temper.

Tuanzi didn't know him, so he was a little timid, and said in a nutty tone: "I'm sorry, I was careless with my beads!"

The man said: "Nothing."

Huo Chenzhao felt something and jumped up. It was indeed the "time".

He nodded to him and turned around.

Huo Chenzhao used voice transmission to secretly ask Shen Lingjue: "Is there any disguise on his face?"

Shen Lingjue shook his head, and also used sound transmission to enter the secret passage: "I didn't pay much attention, but at first glance, it didn't appear."

While the two were talking, the man's breathing changed slightly, and he obviously noticed something... But the sound transmission of Changmu Feierlou is quite special. As long as you don't see the lips moving, you can't notice it. to the slight movement of airflow.

So this person's kung fu is very good, this can be confirmed.

Before the man could reach the door of the room, the woman from before came out, hurried over, and saluted with great respect: "Her Royal Highness is here too? The little woman is paying her respects to Your Highness... Is this the Crown Prince?" "

Shen Lingjue said: "I am Shen Lingjue."

The woman hurriedly said: "It turns out it's the young prince who is rude and rude. The young woman's husband's surname is Jiang, and her son-in-law Jiang Yanhui is the Prime Minister of Taipu Temple."

Shen Ling definitely didn't care much and waved his hand: "There's no need to be polite, madam. Just do what you want."

It was rare for the woman to live next door to them, and she was a little excited. She was not willing to just leave like this. She had nothing to say and asked: "There is a pomegranate tree in our courtyard. Your Highness, do you want to come and pick it?"

Tuanzi waved his hands: "Zhuzhu doesn't eat pomegranates, pomegranates have small bones."

The woman sneered and saw Sheng Minglin looking at Wei Shifeng, and said quickly: "This is the nephew of the young woman's husband's family. His surname is Wei and his name is Shi Feng... Shi Feng, why don't you come over to pay your respects to the prince and His Highness!"

Sure enough, it was an unexpected encounter.

Huo Chenzhao went down and lifted Sheng Minglin up. Several people were standing on the wall, but because the seventh prince shouted every time he stepped on the wall, the atmosphere was lively, so it didn't seem out of place.

When Wei Shifeng came back, they knew each other by name, and he also greeted him politely and thoughtfully.

Huo Chenzhao had a title of nobility. At that time, Emperor Mingxi made the deceased Mr. Huo a Marquis of Jishi, and allowed Huo Chenzhao to seize the title. Therefore, Huo Chenzhao had a title of Marquis of Jishi. The ladies in the capital were very concerned about these. I will never forget that every bite is a Marquis.

The woman was obviously very excited and kept chatting without any words. Wei Shifeng stood quietly next to her. Even if the woman kept hinting, he wouldn't answer her. He lowered his eyes and was non-violent and non-cooperative.

Sheng Minglin was a little unsure again.

When he read the information, he felt that there was something wrong with Wei Shifeng, but the Wei Shifeng he imagined should not be like this... how should I put it, with many flaws.

In fact, to put it bluntly, if he wanted to check Han Jiuzhou's children, he would have nothing to do with them, and he couldn't even plan for a rainy day. After all, Han Jiuzhou himself was concealing his identity and leaving as soon as he was done. Those women may not know who he is, and his descendants, And the descendants of future generations may not care about this father/elder who has never appeared.

So even if he encounters an untimely encounter, he is not in a hurry.

He doesn't seem too suspicious now, but this skill makes people think twice.

Sheng Minglin didn't talk much, just waved his hand and said gently: "Ma'am, please do it yourself, we also want to chat for a while."

He understood that after saying this, the woman had no choice but to leave.

When he walked to the door, Wei Shifeng turned to look at him with a complicated expression.

Huo Chenzhao grabbed Sheng Minglin and jumped to the ground. Sheng Minglin whispered in his ear: "Do you think you will pay special attention when you hear my name in the future?"

Huo Chenzhao listened sideways and did not answer for a while. He replied after a long time: "Just now, the lady went back and said that thanks to Wei Shifeng, she booked this courtyard. According to their words, this courtyard was created by Wei Shifeng when she went up the mountain at dinner time yesterday. Came to order.”

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows.

They only agreed upon it at dinner and then called someone over to make the reservation. Maybe they were together with Wei Shifeng. So, is it possible that Wei Shifeng deliberately made the reservation with them?Sheng Minglin said: "With that look on his face, I think he has something to say to me."

Huo Chenzhao nodded: "Although his expression didn't change much when he saw you, he did pay special attention and has been observing you secretly."

While talking, Princess Duan also came out and said, "Lin'er, ask Zhuzhu to come in and change clothes. Let's go burn incense."

Sheng Minglin quickly agreed, went over to call Zhuzhu, rinsed his mouth, changed clothes, and the family of three went to burn incense.

Shen Lingjue and the others were not interested in the incense and were still playing in the yard. Huo Chenzhao followed them, mainly to protect them.

As soon as they went out here, Mrs. Jiang immediately followed them out.

As soon as Sheng Minglin heard the sound, he told Princess Duan.

Princess Duan had been accustomed to this kind of people since she was a child, so she didn't care much, so she went into the temple to burn incense.

Tuanzi was still young and didn't understand this. After completing the process, Sheng Minglin carried her out and waited at the door.

Then, Wei Shifeng walked over slowly, and Huo Chenzhao also walked over and stood between them.

Sheng Minglin turned around and said with a smile: "Something happened in my family a few days ago. Everyone in my family has been afraid of well ropes for ten years... It's just a joke. What do you want to do with me?"

Wei Shifeng hesitated for a moment and said in a very low voice: "Li you still remember the prince?"

Sheng Minglin never expected that this was what he was talking about, so he quickly said: "Of course I remember, what do you know?"

Wei Shifeng hesitated for a moment, and then said: "At noon on the day of the accident at their home, I saw a Jin Yiwei going to his home."

Sheng Minglin was surprised: "Jinyiwei?"

Wei Shifeng nodded and after looking at his expression, Sheng Minglin said, "That's what you say."

Only then did he continue.

He didn't live with his great-grandfather's family. The place they lived was quite remote, but there was an abandoned small building at home that was left by his grandmother, and he often stayed in the small building.

At noon that day, while he was sitting in the small building, he saw a figure flashing beside the tree in the distance.

Because it was too fast, he thought he had seen it wrong, so just to verify that he had seen it correctly, he kept staring.

Then, after a short while, he discovered that a figure jumped into the wall of Li Xuan's house.

He was familiar with the small building every day. He knew it was Li Xuan's house, and he stared at it even more. He couldn't see what was going on in the courtyard, so he could only keep staring. For more than a quarter of an hour, he thought that the figure was there. It wouldn't come out, but it came out again.

The figure was very fast and could take advantage of the terrain. The figure seemed to be gliding on the trees on the roof. He could not see it from above, and certainly couldn't see it from below.

Then, the figure slipped in from the tree he saw first.

After a while, a man dressed in Jin Yiwei came out.

He didn't pay attention to the royal guard at the time, and was still waiting for that person. As a result, he waited for half an hour and no one came out.

Later, I heard that something happened to Li Xuan's family.

Then he couldn't help it, and went to check it out after a few days. It was a quite luxurious restaurant there, and under the tree was their toilet. Part of it was open-air. It was fragrant and very clean, where you could change clothes. .

And this toilet, or the backyard of the food shop, is only half a street away from Li Xuan's house, which is very close.

Therefore, it is very possible that this person was a royal guard who went to the toilet, changed his clothes inside, went to Li Xuan's house, killed someone, and then came back.


There was a mistake at the beginning. Wei Shi Feng should be Han Jiuzhou's grandson, but I forgot to write it as his son. I changed it, but I don't know when it will be synchronized. It will not affect the plot. Those who have watched it don't have to look back. .

(End of this chapter)

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