Chapter 440 I will give you the justice you want.
He looked at her with great eagerness, then took a step forward, took her little hand, and asked her in a low voice: "Your Highness, did you think I was very good as soon as we met?"

Tuanzi was confused, but nodded anyway.

Wang Fengzhang was very happy: "Your Highness, Fengzhang is deeply grateful for your kindness."

Tuanzi's eyes widened: "...??"

The two people were talking, and everyone else couldn't help but listen distractedly. Then, more than one person thought of what Wang Fengzhang thought of, and they all turned to look at Tuanzi.

How auspicious!Live!Can distinguish between good and evil!
Tuanzi noticed it, looked up, and saw everyone looking at her with burning eyes, waiting for her to recognize the bead. After all, everyone thought that they were the bead.

Tuanzi was so flustered that he suddenly turned his head and avoided their sight: "Shengweifeng, you, come to the side!"

Sheng Weiwei was both a foodie and a gossip. Although he didn't understand it at all, he listened very seriously. When his master called out, he came back to his senses and rushed over in one step. Then he spread his big wings and wrapped them around half of the circle. The owner packed it up and specially left space for watching the show.

Tuanzi breathed a sigh of relief and continued to watch.

Of course, people outside didn't dare to touch the sacred bird, so they could only look away regretfully.

Only Wang Fengzhang was close, and he was lucky enough to be included in the circle, and he was secretly happy.

Tuanzi asked again: "Are the bad guys who eat children bullying the careless Guoguo and interfering with an old uncle?"

Shen Lingjue didn't answer, and looked at Wang Fengzhang as if Zhuzhu was asking him this question.

The main reason is that he is well aware of Zhuzhu's habits, and he feels that he may not be able to cope with it. In order to maintain his image of being a wise and powerful person, so... the dead Taoist friend will not die the poor Taoist.

Wang Fengzhang: "..."

Anyway, Zhang Tingyu was dead, so Wang Fengzhang didn't shy away from it and said, "It may be true, but he doesn't admit it."

Tuanzi said angrily: "He is too bad! Careless Guoguo is so pitiful, sick and bullied by bad people! Careless Guoguo's father, why don't you help him!"

"It's not that he doesn't help..." Wang Fengzhang didn't know what to say, "He might not know, and besides, the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh..."

Tuanzi raised his little hands and looked at them: "The palms and backs of the hands are tied, does it have anything to do with daddy?"

Wang Fengzhang quickly explained: "This sentence is used to describe parents who love their children very much, just like..."

He didn't dare to use her as an example, so he used himself as an example: "It's like, my father loves me and my sister. If I quarrel with my sister, my father will say that the palms and backs of my hands are full of flesh, which means That means he feels bad for both of them, so it’s hard to deal with them.”

Tuanzi suddenly nodded: "Then why don't you get along well with your sister? Zhuzhu and Guoguo are just fine!"

In fact, Wang Fengzhang had no sister at all, so he could only say: "I really envy His Highness to have such a good brother."

Tuanzi nodded with deep understanding.

Wang Fengzhang thought he had been fooled, and just turned around when he heard Tuanzi ask again: "But Guo Guo's sister is not a bad person, nor is Guo Guo! Then, even if his father is You You, he has to help him ah!"

Wang Fengzhang had no choice but to say: "Well...there are always a lot of helplessness in life!"

Tuanzi asked: "What does the introductory sentence mean? Is it okay to mean helpless?"

Wang Fengzhang came into contact with Curious Baby for the first time, and could only continue to explain to her: "That is, as human beings, there will always be times when we are very helpless. Helplessness means that there is no way, and we feel uncomfortable but there is no way to change it. People will always encounter such times. .So when this happens, you have to be more open-minded.”

Tuanzi asked: "What do you mean by wanting to open a reduction?"

"That's right," Wang Fengzhang tried hard to explain: "Thinking away means not taking these uncomfortable things to heart, but thinking about something else, being more open, just like opening the window, and you will feel better. "

Tuanzi nodded suddenly.

He learned several new sentences at once, and Tuanzi happily praised him: "Fengfeng Guoguo, you are as knowledgeable as Guoguo!"

Wang Fengzhang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness."

While the two were talking, everything was secretly playing in her mind. The points had been increasing continuously in the past few days, and today was another small peak. However, there were too many people at the moment, so they didn't dare to speak out.At this moment, someone suddenly said: "Prince Duan has quite the style of Bao Qingtian."

Silly Zaizai Awu bit the bait in one bite and asked: "Who is Bao Qingtian?"

Then someone came around from behind the grand and majestic wings and saluted: "Your Highness, my surname is Tang. The soup I drink when I eat is named Shihua."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone secretly scolded him for being shameless.

If that is the case, then they will too.

My surname is Huang, from Huang rice cake.

My surname is Zhang, and I have a piece of pie.

My surname is Wang, the king above the head of your grand family.

But Tuanzi obviously liked this kind of self-introduction, nodded and looked at him.

Tang Shihua is very tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and deep eyebrows. He has an angular and resolute appearance. In fact, he is still very handsome, but it does not suit Xiao Tuanzi's aesthetics. Xiao Tuanzi only thinks... he is so tall, so tall. Ah, it actually takes me a while to see my face when I raise my head!Like a flag pole.

Tuanzi had already secretly named him the flag pole in his heart. While showing his little teeth and smiling at him, he asked cutely: "Who is Bao Qingtian related to?"

Tang Shihua explained to her with a smile: "Bao Qingtian was a high official in the Northern Song Dynasty. He had a strange appearance, a dark complexion, and a crescent moon on his forehead..."

Just when everyone here is showing off their magical powers,

Prince Duan questioned him repeatedly, but Zhang Tingyu was still making excuses.

Emperor Mingxi was impatient to listen any more, stood up and kicked him to the ground, scolding: "The evidence is all over your face, and you still refuse to admit it! Who can you call a fool? Don't dare to be a coward. !”

Zhang Tingyu was unwilling and wanted to scream that he was wronged, but when he saw the look in Emperor Mingxi's eyes, he was frightened back.

Emperor Mingxi immediately said: "Bring this bastard to my custody! Yan Qing goes back and hands the matter over to the Ministry of Punishments. You keep an eye on this matter and let me make a decision as soon as possible!"

Prince Duan agreed quickly.

Emperor Mingxi immediately stepped forward and helped Yu Jin up personally: "Don't worry, I don't have officials to protect you. I will give you the justice you want!"

Yu Jin held his hand tightly with tears blurred in his eyes: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty... Thank you, Your Majesty!"

He wanted to climb down and kowtow, but Emperor Mingxi held him tightly. Yu Jin looked at Zhang Tingyu and suddenly said: "How are my two children doing now?"

His voice was soft and floating, but his eyes were staring straight at him, asking with the last glimmer of hope.

Wondering, wondering desperately.

But I am afraid of knowing, very afraid, very afraid of knowing.

Zhang Tingyu was lying on the ground, as if he was forced to the extreme, and suddenly lost control of his emotions. He raised his head and said: "He has been dead for a long time! I don't know how to appreciate things! I committed suicide within two days of playing, and you still dare to follow me?" I'm talking about integrity, bah! I'm giving them face! I'm going to put them..."

Emperor Mingxi went over and kicked him a few steps away.

Zhang Tingyu stood up with his hands on his hands and was about to say a few harsh words. The Seventh Prince rushed over and kicked him away. He flew up high and fell down again. He howled miserably and was filled with pain. Rolling on the ground.

Yu Jin stared at this scene blankly. The next moment, it was as if all the bones in his body had disappeared. He suddenly slid to the ground, his eyes wide open, and he was breathless.

Emperor Mingxi sighed silently.

Then he suddenly thought of something and turned his head sharply to look at Zhuzhu.

(End of this chapter)

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