Chapter 446 I am also careful

He remembered, Zhuzhu said, it was him who said this.

Why did he teach Zhuzhu like this?What's the purpose of teaching Zhuzhu like this?
Do Prince Duan and Sheng Minglin know about this?

Huo Chenzhao had been looking at Zhuzhu, listening to every word in his ears, and was so amused by his look.

A man like Sheng Minglin couldn't help but feel happy when he guessed a lot when he saw the eye contact between the two.

People who have never seen children will not understand. It is true that children cannot lie, but children have their own understanding. A very normal sentence will definitely be distorted by a child.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's play separately."

Wang Fengzhang was actually not a fool. Seeing Huo Chenzhao's expression and Sheng Minglin's expression, he became confused... But Zhuzhu's words were definitely not what Zhuzhu thought. So, was there a misunderstanding? ?

Over there, Xu Jingyao briefly explained the rules of the game.

They bundled a kind of red ball and a kind of black ball. The red ball was beady and the black ball was chubby.

Not to mention, although there were many children here this time, the only ones who were younger were Zhuzhu and Xiaopangdun.

The youngest one is Zhang Chong, but the Zhang family will definitely not be able to survive. The youngest of the other children is eight years old, which will not be fun.

So there were only two people, Zhuzhu and Xiaopangdun, occupying two groups.

Then there is a person in one group who blindfolds himself and takes the ball. The color he gets depends on luck, and then throws it backwards with his back to the field. Zhuzhu and Xiaopangdun are held by someone, holding the basket to catch the ball, and the other person is assisting. , responsible for taking the ball out of the basket.

Because what color is thrown is not necessarily what color, so two people have to grab it. No points will be counted if they grab other people's colors, but in this way, others can't get points, so it is still cost-effective to grab it.

They were all smart people, and they understood it as soon as they were told, and then started drawing lots.

They randomly folded branches from the side, and the ones with two leaves were grouped with Zhuzhu, the ones with one leaf were grouped with Xiaopangdun, and the ones without leaves were used as substitutes.

The lot was drawn quickly, and Zhuzhu was paired with Wang Fengzhang, Huo Chenzhao and Cheng Chongjin, Xiaopangdun was paired with Shen Lingjue, Tang Shihua and He Xingzhou, and then two people were specially found to keep score outside.

As soon as the groups were divided, Wang Fengzhang said: "No, no, our group has a special work, we need to change it!!"

As a result, Shen Lingjue waved his hand and said, "It's okay. I might have done it carefully, so there's no need to change it."

Several people burst out laughing.

Zhuzhu's face turned red with excitement and she also laughed.

Then several people gathered together to discuss. Cheng Chongjin, who didn't know kung fu, was responsible for catching the ball in the end. Wang Fengzhang, who had average kung fu, was responsible for throwing the ball, so Huo Chenzhao was responsible for catching the ball while holding Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu stood aside and asked the maid to wrap cloth around her little hands. She jumped up and down excitedly: "Zhuzhu will work hard!!"

Wang Fengzhang said: "Come on, give me a high five."

Tuanzi cheered, jumped hard, and gave him a high-five. Both Huo Chenzhao and Cheng Chongjin were relatively quiet people, so they got a little interested in him and gave him a high-five.

Wang Fengzhang was extremely devoted and said loudly: "We must win!"

Tuanzi shouted, his little voice almost breaking: "We must win!!"

Huo Chenzhao held his forehead and seized the last opportunity to tell Li Zhi to boil pear paste and prepare it.

Soon it started bustling with excitement.

On Fatty's side, Tang Shihua was in charge of throwing the ball, He Xingzhou was assisting in getting the ball, and Shen Lingjue was holding Little Fatty in his arms to catch the ball.

Tuanzi was hugged by Huo Chenzhao with his arms crossed in front of his chest, holding a small basket in his hands, and he was extremely nervous.

As soon as the drum sounded, Wang Fengzhang caught the red ball and threw it back. Huo Chenzhao also jumped over to grab it. Shen Lingjue also joined in to grab it. The dumpling was excited and nervous, chirping, and then looked at the red ball and snapped. Got into the basket.

Huo Chenzhao turned around quickly, and Cheng Chongjin quickly took the ball and stepped aside.

Then it was Tang Shihua's turn to throw the ball. Tang Shihua was blindfolded and caught another red ball. Then Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue squeezed, bumped and yelled to grab it, and the red ball went into Zhuzhu's mouth. basket.Tuanzi kicked his little feet excitedly and turned into a whistle spirit, screaming.

Sheng Minglin watched from a distance and couldn't help but smile.

So let’s just say that there are too many smart people in this group of people, and such a small game is full of human feelings and sophistication.

Playing this way, there are many people participating, Zhuzhu can play and have a sense of competition, and it is fun for everyone to watch, and you can't cheat even if you are blindfolded. Otherwise, everyone wants to take care of Zhuzhu and throws all the red balls, and there is no point in trying to compete.

One hundred red balls and one hundred black balls were made in a basket. Once they were all thrown, it was a game. When the game was over, Zhuzhu also gave her some water and took a rest.

At the end of the count, the Zhuzhu group got a perfect score of 89, and the Xiaopangdun group got [-] points because eleven of them were cut off.

Shen Lingjue's acting skills are excellent, and he even said to this side: "We will definitely win the next game!"

Little Fatty foolishly followed him and said: "I will definitely win!!"

He had no idea that the person holding him was a craftsman. He would lose no matter what, it was just a matter of losing more or less.

Shen Lingjue sympathized with him a little and asked him: "My kung fu is average, how about I give you someone with better kung fu?"

"No need," said Little Fatty: "I also want Sister Zhuzhu to win! You're just right!"

Shen Ling was extremely happy and touched his bald head: "Silly boy, let me teach you. At this time, you should say, it's impossible. Your kung fu is the best in the world!"

He pointed to himself.

Little Fatty quickly said: "Your kung fu is the best in the world!"

Shen Lingjue laughed.

Cheng Chongjin watched from a distance and couldn't help but feel funny.

Who in this world is not partial?He will definitely be partial to his younger brother, but the little princess's family is not annoying even if they are partial. They do not hide their partiality, but they will not take another child seriously just because of their partiality.

It was so lively here, and the commotion was so loud that even Princess Duan and other noble ladies heard the noise, and came around to look at it. The children were a little crazy, and Zhu Zhuer was even more happy. Originally, Just hold it, her excited little arms stretched out to catch it.

Fortunately, her beautiful Guoguo is an expert. No matter how she lifts it, she can catch the ball. Shen Lingjue bumps into him from time to time, which is even more thrilling and exciting. The noble ladies are shocked from time to time. Exhale.

It was noon after two games, and Zhuzhu was acting coquettishly and played one more game.

Then everyone packed up and had lunch.

Tuanzi didn’t even want his own brother, and the entire group leader was in the arms of Pretty Guoguo, holding her short chopsticks and constantly bringing vegetables to him, feeding him into his mouth, and even giving them to everyone in his group. Holding vegetables.

Shen Lingjue was unhappy on the spot: "No, let's change this afternoon! Otherwise Zhuzhu will treat me as a bad guy!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and reassured him: "Let's play separately in the afternoon."

Mainly because he was worried that his sister would be so chattering that her little voice wouldn't be able to bear it.

So after dinner, Huo Chenzhao went to coax her to take a nap, and a room full of brothers gathered together to seriously discuss what they could play in the afternoon.

The activities should be moderate, not too exciting, have many people participating, and be lively and fun.

In addition, the most important thing is that Literary's brother also wants some opportunities to perform.

After a brief discussion, everyone went out to set up.

Over there, Huo Chenzhao spent a lot of effort, almost directly tapping the acupuncture points, and finally coaxed the excited little dumpling to sleep.

Just as he was about to come out to get a book and then go in to see the child, he saw Wang Fengzhang standing there, nodding and smiling at him: "Little Marquis."

(End of this chapter)

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