Chapter 45 My brother may not be very smart

Zhuzhu immediately picked up her little skirt and ran over. All the small pools were empty. Zhuzhu looked at whether this was good or not, and she was really spoiled for choice!
Sheng Minglin stood by a small pool and called her, "Zhuzhu, come here to play."

Zhuzhu agreed and ran over as fast as she could. Regardless of whether her skirt was wrinkled or not, she sat down directly by the water and stretched her little feet down.

Sheng Minglin had quick eyes and quick hands. He grabbed her feet and tested whether the water temperature was low. Then he took off her shoes and socks. Zhuzhu couldn't wait to step on her fat feet, which splashed Sheng Minglin and his servants. His face was covered with water.

The naughty child giggled happily and stepped around more joyfully, making water splash in all directions.

Sheng Minglin stuffed his wet hands into her collar: "You little rascal."

Zhuzhu shrank with itch, opened her mouth and laughed non-stop, and the whole group softened with laughter.

Sheng Minglin smiled, stepped behind Zhuzhu, pulled up her skirt, held her up again, and pulled up the skirt sitting under her buttocks, then he breathed a sigh of relief, stepped aside, and wiped her water on face.

Princess Duan looked at him and laughed.

Sheng Minglin was puzzled. He quickly glanced at his clothes, straightened his hair calmly, and then asked: "Mother?"

Princess Duan smiled and said: "You and your father have the same temperament and worry about each other. They are having fun while you are busy cleaning up this and that... and you are worried about slipping. I’m worried about bugs, I’m worried about getting my butt stung, and I’m worried about getting my stomach cold. I don’t know where you are so worried.”

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows.

But isn’t this worry normal?

Zhuzhu is only so big, anything can happen!

In the end, Princess Duan said plausibly: "Let me ask you, without saying anything else, what's the use of putting this skirt up? Anyway, if it's a little wet, or if it's mostly wet, you still need to change it. It's not cold, so why not Just let her have fun?"

Sheng Minglin didn't know how to refute for a moment.

These words were filled with the feeling that nothing was right, yet everything seemed to be right.

He hesitated for a moment and then said: "But if you are usually too casual and let Zhuzhu'er play, then if something happens, it will be difficult to respond in time."

"What can happen?" Princess Duan waved her little hand and said with a general demeanor: "Didn't you already pick a pool with the flattest terrain? It's impossible to fall in. At most, it will slide. There are so many drops on both sides. People can’t fall, so how can there be so many chances?”

Sheng Minglin was speechless.

Princess Duan said and smiled again: "It's okay, I said mine, you don't care about yours, you can't change it even if I say it, it saves me trouble if you worry about it, it's good."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Zhuzhu held a small basket over there, filled it with water, then lifted it up, watched the water leak down, filled it with water again, and lifted it up again... After playing like this for a while, she started picking up pebbles in the water again. , after a while he picked up half the basket, carried it with difficulty, and wanted to go to another pool to pick it up.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but went over and stood below to prevent her from falling. He also stretched out his hand to test the ground to see if it would burn her little feet. Then he looked at the servants and surrounded her all the way.

What can I say? It turns out that he is a servant trained by Princess Duan. At this time, he is not even supporting his little master.

Sheng Minglin looked at Princess Duan. Princess Duan was looking not far away with a smile. She was laughing at him.

Sheng Minglin was a little embarrassed, so he simply found a pool and took off his shoes and socks. He was still young anyway, so what was he afraid of!
There was sunshine at the waterfall and the water was warm. It was quite comfortable to soak in. Zhu Zhu ran around and picked up a basket of stones and brought them to him. He said seriously: "Guo Guo, this is our family's money. You have to keep an eye on them.”

"Okay," Sheng Minglin nodded seriously: "I'm definitely optimistic about it."

Zhuzhu changed the basket and continued to walk around picking up stones. She picked up round, smooth and beautiful stones, and soon she could pick up a basket.

Not far away, Prince Duan came with the Seventh Prince and several others. Zhuzhu saw it at a glance and shouted from a distance: "Daddy~ Qi Guo Guo~~" "Hey!!" Prince Duan agreed and said to Princess Duan: " It’s getting late, we’re ready to have lunch, I’ll ask someone to go to the mountain to prepare, can we climb for a while?”

Princess Duan nodded.

Prince Duan called his daughter: "Zhuzhu! We are going to the mountain for dinner!"

Zhuzhu looked away and pretended not to hear. Sheng Minglin turned to coax her: "Zhuzhu, let's take our money and go to the mountain to buy food for our parents, okay?"

Zhuzhu looked at him strangely, then touched his head with her wet hands: "Guo Guo, this is money for playing house, it's made of stones, not real money, so you can't buy anything."

"My brother may not be very smart" is written all over her face.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Several people were laughing so hard that even the Seventh Prince laughed out loud.

Being laughed at by Hanhan or something... Sheng Minglin glanced at him sideways.

The two companions who were languid and confused had obviously been scolded. None of the servants around them had obviously been punished as well. He still had the nerve to laugh!

After Prince Duan coaxed her for a long time, Zhuzhu reluctantly agreed. Prince Duan didn't even put her shoes on, but just carried her up the mountain.

The sunshine was warm all the way, and Sheng Minglin walked slowly behind. The seventh prince felt that he was very familiar with him, so he came over to talk to him: "I feel that I am really stupid. There are many things that I can't understand."

Sheng Minglin said to his heart that you only knew?On the other hand, he said: "Then think about it slowly."

The Seventh Prince was choked by him, but he didn't care, so he said again: "Do you think it's just... that..." He squeaked.

Just... why are Zhuzhu so different?
Sheng Minglin guessed with his toes what he was thinking, but he hesitated and still felt that the heat was not enough and had to wait.

After all, their hatred involved his mother's life. This was a hatred that could not be erased.

So his swing is actually very unsteady.

If he told him at this time that this bead was not that bead, he would immediately sit up in shock and come up with a hundred reasons to refute.

Only when he has discovered that this bead cannot be that bead and then pierces the window paper, will he suddenly realize it.

So the little fox Sheng Minglin looked at him innocently: "What?"

The seventh prince scratched his head and hesitated, "It's okay, forget it."

Sheng Minglin nodded without asking further questions, and then said calmly: "Have you noticed that you are very bad at controlling your emotions and always take offense at others?"

The seventh prince nodded: "Just now, Uncle Duan Wang also talked about me. I..." He scratched his head in frustration: "I am too stupid."

Sheng Minglin said calmly: "It has nothing to do with whether you are stupid or not."

Although you are indeed stupid, Sheng Minglin continued: "But it doesn't matter. I will teach you a method that is very suitable for you. I guarantee it will be useful."

"Really?" The seventh prince looked at him suspiciously: "What can I do? Can you tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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