Chapter 50 People must learn to make choices
Zhuzhu was extremely sad. She rested her little face on her brother's shoulder. She didn't cry. She just shed tears drop by drop. She looked so pitiful.

Li Zhi and others were heartbroken and kept comforting her.

Sheng Minglin also coaxed her softly: "Don't cry. Brother Qi may have just separated from his mother, so he is in a bad mood. It's not Zhuzhu's fault. Zhuzhu, think about it, if Zhuzhu separates from her mother, it will be better once." Are you unhappy for a few days?"

The advantage of dumplings is that they are very reasonable.

She thought for a while, stood up, and asked him with tears in her eyes: "Guo Guo, are you tied to Qi Guo Guo? Is it wrong to be tied to Zhu Zhu?"

Sheng Minglin sighed in his heart, but still said: "It's okay, Zhuzhu. Leaving home to study is something that every child will experience, but some do it earlier and some do it later. Being able to leave the palace and gain experience, for him It’s also a good thing.”

Otherwise, if he says it's wrong, what will happen if Zhuzhu goes to beg the emperor again!
An order issued by the emperor himself cannot be changed overnight. Even if you want to change it, it will take a year and a half to find a suitable excuse, otherwise the emperor's face will be lost.

Zhuzhu nodded obediently, lowered her head and pinched her little hands, "Then his mother, is she really reluctant to let him go?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Yes, his mother is very reluctant to let him go, and he is also very reluctant to let go..."

Before he finished speaking, Tuanzi suddenly thought of something and immediately covered his mouth, eyes wide open.

Sheng Minglin looked at her inexplicably, Tuanzi added a small hand, blinked his big eyes, and moved closer to him: "Guo Guo, please keep your voice down, don't say it out loud."

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

He wanted to ask, why don't you say it?But his mouth was covered again.

There were still two drops of tears left on Tuanzi's face, so he stretched out his little claws to pick at it, moved very close to him, nose to nose with him, and whispered softly: "We have to pretend that we don't know much about this kind of thing! My mother said, those people who buy things must be reluctant to give up money, but if we want his silver, we have to pretend that we don’t have a lot of money! Brother Xie is the same, Zhuzhu wants Qi Guo Guo, so we have to pretend After a while, his mother couldn't bear to leave him."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

She slowly moved away from him, looked at him with her small eyes, and sighed: "What else can we do? The money is so good and the pots are so good. Zhuzhu just wants it. People... people..." She After scratching my head for a long time, I finally remembered that sentence: "People must learn to make choices."

Xiaotuanzi has a milky voice and is very serious. It also comes with a cat tilting its head.

Sheng Minglin looked cute, and then sighed.

Princess Duan... Really, Princess Duan has to take the blame for all the weird things that Zhuzhu does.

But he still followed Tuanzi and said, "In this case, let's leave quickly, otherwise if the seventh brother comes back to look for Zhuzhu, wouldn't Zhuzhu have no way to pretend not to know?"

Tuanzi nodded fiercely, convinced: "Yes, yes."

So Sheng Minglin hugged her and left.

The next day, Zhuzhu had forgotten about it when she woke up in the morning. However, when she saw the Seventh Prince in the afternoon, she thought about it again and quickly hid behind her.

When the Seventh Prince heard the voice, he looked up and saw her hiding behind the red pillars. Only her little hands and feet and half of her face were exposed. Her eyes were turning around to peek at him and she was smiling silly at him. She had a little hairy bump on her head. Shake it, it looks like a dragon's little horn, cute and cute.

The seventh prince suddenly turned around, stayed far away from her, and made the spear impermeable to the wind and rain.

As a result, in the evening, Emperor Mingxi suddenly sent someone to deliver a message, saying that he would give the Seventh Prince and Sheng Minglin a day off tomorrow, and asked them to accompany Zhuzhu to pray for blessings.

Sheng Minglin was still a little confused, but fortunately the family ate dinner together now, so he asked while eating.

Princess Duan only said: "Tomorrow is Zhuzhu's birthday, so I need to go to her godmother's place."

She paused and then said: "I guess the emperor heard that you had a good time in the mountains, so he thought of asking you to accompany Zhuzhu and coax her, right?"

Sheng Minglin suddenly realized.

Yes!Zhuzhu was born on the third day of March, and tomorrow will be Zhuzhu's third birthday.

Sheng Minglin really forgot, and when he was thinking about what to give her, he saw Zhuzhu's sad face. Sheng Minglin was a little surprised: "What's wrong with Zhuzhu?"

"Alas!" Tuanzi sighed like an adult: "Zhuzhu doesn't like birthdays!"

Sheng Minglin was surprised: "Why?"

Tuanzi frowned and said, "Zhuzhu doesn't like my godmother to worry about money."

Sheng Minglin still didn't understand, and when he was about to ask again, Prince Duan said directly: "No need to ask more, it's just custom."

Sheng Minglin looked at him with a serious expression, a little surprised, and looked at him. Prince Duan met his eyes and did not look away. In the end, it was Sheng Minglin who looked away first.Princess Duan coaxed her softly: "Zhuzhu'er, when you come back tomorrow, your uncle and cousin will come to play with Zhuzhu."

Zhuzhu became a little more energetic: "Don't they go to school?"

"Come on," Princess Duan said with a smile, "So they didn't take a break when they took a bath, so they saved up to take leave together tomorrow."

Tuanzi was a little happier: "Okay!"

While the two of them were talking, Prince Duan said to Sheng Minglin again: "Since the emperor has said so, you can go ahead. You don't have to show up, just go through the motions."


Sheng Minglin was a heavy-hearted person, and he had been thinking about it since he left there.

Prince Duan did not hide his displeasure at all, but why should he be displeased on Zhuzhu's birthday?Why are you getting angry at him?

He thought for a while and called the boy to come in and ask.

Many people in the house knew about this matter and it was not a secret, so the servant told her.

It is said that Zhuzhu was born prematurely, less than eight months old. She was in poor health when she was first born. She was worried that she would not be able to support her, so she adopted her as a godmother.

Every year on Zhuzhu's birthday, Princess Duan would take her to see her godmother, who would give her a padlock, which meant threading a copper coin through a red thread and hanging it around Zhuzhu's neck. One coin per year, and she had to wear it until she was 12 years old.

Born prematurely... Sheng Minglin's heart jumped inexplicably.

In a family like Prince Duan's Mansion, premature birth must have been caused by an accident. Is this accident related to his family? ?

Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment, then asked the servant: "How many years have you been in the mansion?"

The boy said: "This slave has been in the house for less than three years."

Sheng Minglin was a little disappointed, but also a little relaxed, and said: "Have you heard about my biological mother? Or, if you help me find out, I will reward you heavily."

The boy peeked at him.

Sheng Minglin asked keenly: "What do you know?"

The servant hesitated for a moment and then whispered: "I don't dare to inquire around. The prince is very concerned about this. If you gossip, your life will be in danger."

Sheng Minglin murmured: "Are you very concerned about this?"

He looked at him: "You tell me, I will never tell anyone that you said it."

The servant was originally his slave, and as expected he will be his slave for the rest of his life. After hesitating for a long time, he still said in a very low voice: "When the servant entered the house, the princess had already given birth. At that time, some people still scolded the Chen family for being the ghost." Don’t leave,”

He paused and looked at Sheng Minglin. Sheng Minglin nodded to him, and then he said: "It seems that she used some trick to cause the princess to have a miscarriage. At that time, the prince was away on errands, and when he came back, he got pregnant." He had such a bad temper that he even entered the palace, and then I heard that Chen... committed suicide."

Sheng Minglin was stunned.

Regardless of his past life, he knew nothing about it.

He always thought that Prince Duan married Xie after his biological mother died, but it turns out that his mother died after they got married?
And committing suicide again?

He was still thinking about the Seventh Prince's revenge for killing his mother, and he couldn't let it go. He didn't expect that a human life was also involved among them! !

His face turned pale, and he said after a while: "Is there anything else? What else do you know?"

The servant was a little scared and whispered: "Later, Prince Duan punished several people severely and strictly ordered the servants not to discuss the matter or mention the Chen family. At that time, the servant had just arrived and did not dare to inquire about anything. The servant did not do anything else. knew."

Sheng Minglin took a long breath.

After a long time, he whispered: "You go down first."

The boy bowed silently and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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