Everyone was awake. Zhuzhu was hugged by her parents, leaning against Shanda Huahua, her eyes wide open, and she was waiting nervously.

The first moment of the first lunar month...the second moment of the first lunar month...the third moment of the first lunar month...

Suddenly hearing Shen Lingjue's roar, the 16 people who had been waiting below jumped up at the same time, and slapped the talisman on it.

The talisman, which could not be attached no matter what, seemed to be sucked tightly by something invisible.

At that moment, Sheng Minglin in the distance clearly saw a faint flash of golden light, as if even the night sky there suddenly became clear.

Backlash successful!

At the same time, a scream came from somewhere.

The prince and Qin Jiangbai, who were standing high up, suddenly saw that there was a place in the capital city at night where a blue light suddenly reflected the moon!
Qin Jiangbai quickly dispatched manpower.

After a while, countless Jin Yiwei gathered together, and countless more Jin Yiwei stood on the eaves in the distance, special rockets on their bows, just waiting for an order, thousands of arrows were fired!
Looking at it from a closer distance is even more chilling.

At night, the entire courtyard was shrouded in thick green mist. The mist was like mud, with a faint flowing feeling.

But there is no taste.

Except for the first scream, no sound came out, as if everyone in the courtyard died in an instant under the mist.

The ultimate silence makes it even more terrifying.

The prince asked in a low voice: "Whose house is this? It looks a bit familiar."

Qin Jiangbai had a complicated expression and said: "Princess Changchun's Mansion."

The prince couldn't help but be surprised.

Princess Changchun was the ninth daughter of Grandpa Taizu. Grandpa Taizu loved her very much during his lifetime, but she fell seriously ill two years after her marriage. After she recovered, she developed some hysteria. Sometimes she would suddenly laugh and hit people in the palace. Later, She got confused in the house and set fire to the house, almost burning her two-year-old daughter to death. It is said that she left scars all over her face and body and she became blind.

The imperial doctor could not cure the hysteria, so she stopped going to the palace and only made trouble from time to time. Because the prince-in-law was the son of the founding hero, she divorced him and let him go home. From then on, she became even more ridiculous and raised several faces. , the life is extremely nourishing, but I never go out.

Qin Jiangbai couldn't help but whispered: "I'm afraid that he was replaced by someone else."

The prince nodded and said in a low voice: "That fire actually blinded Ai Niang, so she could not see the light of day."

Qin Jiangbai nodded silently.

There was a sound of flapping wings not far away, and the grand majesty fell. A guard from the Princess Mansion grabbed Zhou Qingshi and jumped down.

Zhou Qingshi looked at it carefully for a while, then squatted on the eaves to do some calculations, and then said: "Prince, it's almost done."

He stood up and slipped. Qin Jiangbai quickly went up to help him. Zhou Qingshi pointed and said, "Did you see it? There is a vortex in the fog there. Do you see it? Just shoot in that direction!"

Qin Jiangbai stared carefully for a while before he saw the vague flow.

He made eye contact with the prince, quickly grabbed a handful of rockets, and ordered: "Archers! Listen to my orders. I will count to three and shoot an arrow. Follow the direction of my arrow!"

Everyone obeyed the order with a roar. Qin Jiangbai drew his bow to the full moon and counted: "One, two, three!"

The arrow branch left the string, and the firelight drew a ray of light that quickly disappeared into the green mist.

The next moment, several arrows were fired in unison, all shooting in that direction.

In the blink of an eye, a black hole opened up in that place, and countless shrill screams suddenly came out, making people's scalp numb.

After one round of shooting, another wave of people quickly filled in, and another round was shot. When the arrows shot over, the green mist disappeared with a pop.The situation in the courtyard fell into the eyes of everyone.

A thin figure stood up unsteadily on the eaves, and with a flash of silver light in his hand, he stabbed himself.

In the flash of lightning, Qin Jiangbai suddenly reacted and said loudly: "Shoot her eyes!!"

The next moment, a big blue bubble seemed to appear on the top of the figure's head, but then, several firelights shot down, and the bubble disappeared with a pop. The figure also screamed, carrying a large cluster of arrows. There was a splash as it slid down the eaves.

Just at this time,

In Prince Xiang's Mansion, the skinned Sheng Qianqian was lying in a pool of blood, unconscious. Next to him, Bei Feihong and his men were listening to the sounds not far away, while preparing for the attack.

Sheng Qianqian suddenly sat up and let out a scream that didn't sound like a human voice... Even being skinned and removed before was not as painful as it is now.

Then, just like Jiang Mingyue back then, her whole body twitched and changed rapidly until she became a ball of chicken skin and white hair.


Zhou Qingshi felt something in his heart, quickly calculated a few times, and said loudly: "It's gone, it's gone! Ah! Merit! Merit!!"

He was ecstatic and dancing.

In my whole life of practicing Taoism, I have never felt the merits and virtues so truly felt!Even if he doesn't care about this, he can't help but be ecstatic!
The prince's eyes swept across the audience. Zhou Qingshi was calculating, then jumped up and grabbed his arm: "Your Highness the prince! The country is prosperous! Hahahahaha! I didn't expect that destroying Yaoyai would bring so many benefits!!"

The prince nodded slowly.

at the same time,

In Prince Duan's palace, Tuanzi suddenly shouted: "National destiny! National destiny!"

Tuanzi himself didn't know why he screamed like that, but he just felt something, and then screamed clearly.

Just after Zhuzhu finished shouting, the system also spoke in her head, "National Protection Line! National Destiny Line! Wow! Host Host! It's amazing! Everything has gone up!!"

Although the charms were posted, everyone was still nervous. When they heard Zhuzhu making a sound, they slowly relaxed.

Sheng Minglin had just gone up to the small building and couldn't help but smile when he heard Zhuzhu's voice.

This result is unexpected but not surprising.

Since the Han Dynasty, there have been records about demons in all dynasties. They are terrifying, bloodthirsty, and poisonous. However, no one has ever been able to get rid of the root cause. Now that it can be completely solved, it is indeed worthy of joy and it is indeed a great merit.

The crisis was over, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Sheng Minglin sent people to see the situation on the prince's side.

The prince and his party are still busy.

In the Princess Mansion, the last Yi Niang was hit by several arrows in the face and died on the spot.

I don’t know if she is the princess herself. She is extravagant and lustful, and has raised many beautiful young men in the courtyard. But now, whether it is the servants, the master, or the woman herself, all of them are covered with blood like needlework. Road after road, yellow water flowed, festering rapidly, rolling on the ground in agony.

Zhou Qingshi tried several talismans back and forth. He couldn't bear it and said with a face, "I have no way to cure him."

The prince nodded calmly and began to deal with it in an orderly manner.

The prince left Qin Jiangbai here and returned to the palace to resume his duties. (End of chapter)

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