So in this way, in the jade plate, only Sheng Zhenzhen was left in the King of Xiang's group.

Why is there no Qin Jiangbai?

Because Qin Jiangbai was unwilling to change his surname, nor was he willing to recognize his ancestors and return to the clan, Emperor Mingxi was very kind to him and had Zhuzhu's reputation, so Emperor Mingxi simply made him a Marquis of Yunhai and gave him a mansion.

The sea of ​​clouds comes from "There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, and the cloud sails are hung directly to help the sea."

It can be considered a good wish.

Prince Xiang, no, when Taoist Priest Dongyu received the order, everyone was dumbfounded.

He never expected that the punishment would be so severe.

Sheng Minglin and others looked down upon him very much, and secretly complained in private that they didn't know if this wise man who talked a lot would be so poor in the future that he would come to borrow money from his lay wife and daughter.

Well, the path is natural, maybe he will wait for death naturally.

In fact, Emperor Mingxi was certainly very angry, but he was not so angry that he lost his mind. Of course, he made such a decision after careful consideration.

Later generations often say that the clan policy of the prosperous Mingxi Dynasty was to "gather the world's financial resources to raise pigs."

Because the Mingxi Dynasty deprived the vassal kings of their military and political power, and only gave them some economic benefits. They raised the clan like pigs, granted them extensive land, and allowed them to annex land. The vassal fields did not receive food, and the tenants of the vassal fields did not serve... All these things accumulated, and the increasingly large clan gradually brought the world to its knees.

Emperor Mingxi has always been worried about this evaluation, but he has never found a suitable opportunity or a suitable way to deal with it.

But now, they are all coming to your door, and they are dealt with one by one.

As for why he obeyed Qin Jiangbai's wishes and not inherited his father's throne, but instead made him a marquis, this was really a good intention.

Qin Jiangbai is young and will have to return to his fiefdom as a free king when he succeeds to the throne. However, if he downplays this relationship and stays in the capital, he can still perform meritorious service and be promoted like an ordinary official. He holds great power at such a young age, and his future achievements will never stop there. .

This result can be regarded as a happy one.

Sheng Minglin didn't have to be controlled by the word filial piety, and he didn't have to hold his nose to recognize his scumbag father. Sheng Minglin first breathed a sigh of relief for Qin Jiangbai.

As for Princess Xiang and Sheng Zhenzhen, Qin Jiangbai probably doesn't hate them.

Although Princess Xiang is a little confused, she is also a blinder. She loves her children. The mother and son slowly get along, which can be regarded as making up for the maternal love that Qin Jiangbai lacked in his childhood. Sheng Zhenzhen is also a smart girl. Besides, she is now She is nineteen, has inherited the palace's huge wealth, is in good health, and will get married soon.

In addition, another decree was made against Yaoyuan...

This decree is purely about praising virtues. It almost means, "Look, take a look. We have completely solved the eternal mystery. From now on, there will be no evil spirits in the world. Will there be any wise kings in the prosperous age? Will there be any righteous kings and virtuous ministers? There will be auspiciousness in this world." No! No way in the world could I have surpassed the great master of the country!"

At the same time, those people involved in the case were executed. Those who deserved Lingchi were Lingchi, those who deserved beheading were beheaded, and those who deserved were exiled.

During the execution, there was a huge crowd of people. Everyone came out to see this rare living monster. If you don't see it, you won't be able to see it anymore! !
This is something.

Now, Sheng Minglin was happy and uploaded the information.

In less than half an hour, the reply came, awarding a National Fortune Line lottery. At the same time, because the information was extremely detailed, an additional ordinary lottery was awarded.

Sheng Minglin is overjoyed!
He knew it!The system is not a profiteer. If you organize it into two copies, you will definitely be able to sell it for more money!

So adding in Zhuzhu's crazy points that night when Yaoyai was annihilated, there were four draws.

They are, twice for the National Luck Line, once for the National Protection Line, and once for the ordinary lottery.We have never been so rich!
So everyone, including Zhu Zhuer, took a shower and changed clothes very seriously. Then Tie Sijiao, Ming Xidi brothers, the prince and Sheng Minglin went into battle and surrounded Zhu Zhuer and started drawing prizes.

First, I drew a Protector Line to practice.

Then I pulled out one: Thousand One Beans (100×100 group)
An ordinary magic weapon in a certain world can be adsorbed on a smooth surface to protect cargo and reduce the weight of the cargo to one thousandth of its actual weight. That is, after a thousand kilograms of cargo absorbs a thousand beans, the weight becomes one kilogram.

To prevent loss, there is a magnetic disk for every hundred pieces, which can only be removed with a magnetic disk.

Everyone was very excited.

thousandth!So what are you worried about when transporting grain and grass?
And after it is adsorbed, it also has the effect of protecting the goods. In other words, after you put it on, you won't be able to pull out a single straw until you take it off.

Isn't this a transportation artifact?

Emperor Mingxi was a person who couldn't sit still. At that time, he was jumping around like a naughty child of several decades: "I'm going to fight. I don't want to celebrate the New Year. I'm going to fight in Mobei now!! Everything is ready!" Ready!! Yan Qing! Everything is ready! Fight against Mobei, fight against Mobei!"

Prince Duan only said: "Brother, I'm drawing the fortune of the country!"

Emperor Mingxi quickly stopped going crazy and came over.

Everyone was bent over, staring at Zhuzhu's little finger. Zhuzhu was so nervous that she closed her eyes and clicked but failed to click.

Emperor Mingxi couldn't see it, so he asked anxiously: "What? What did you smoke?"

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to move Zhuzhu's little hand upwards and help her a little more...

Click, firework special effects, draw, zoom in...

Sheng Minglin and his father gasped at the same time.

Emperor Mingxi was so anxious that he almost slapped Prince Duan to the ground: "What the hell!"

Sheng Minglin hurriedly read: "The physical fitness of the whole people will be enhanced by 20% (patients will be targeted first at the lesions)"

Emperor Mingxi roared loudly on the spot, beaming with joy.

Sheng Minglin said: "Uncle Huang, fourth brother! You can choose the time for this to take effect! Why don't we tell the world first that we will sacrifice to heaven on a certain day, then let everyone close their eyes for half a moment and receive the blessings, and then we will click to take effect at that time …”

Nowadays, those who are close to things that are auspicious, such as seeing the big tiger in the Shenxian Tower, believe it without doubt, but those who are far away just listen to it as a story, but if this is the case...especially "the patient will act on the lesion first" "ah!Isn’t that just healing without medicine?

Which village or county doesn’t have a few patients?
When you talk about such true feelings, it’s something that affects everyone around you, who can’t believe it!

In this way, the centripetal force of the whole people will reach a terrifying height!

The smooth implementation of government orders after that was absolutely unimaginable by emperors of all dynasties!
Emperor Mingxi was overjoyed and stretched out his hand to lift him over: "Hey! Our Minglin, his brain is amazing! Minglin is really good at everything, he just needs to be younger. Hey, Minglin is really ours big baby……"

Prince Duan looked at him for a long time and said quietly: "Fourth brother, how about my brother leaving?"

Emperor Mingxi glanced at him, fearing that he would make trouble, and immediately pushed Sheng Minglin away: "Come on, don't delay our conversation with Yan Qing! We and Yan Qing are what future generations have said is 'true love'!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

The little dumplings would pick up every kid's laugh, spinning around and looking up at the adults making trouble, laughing so hard that their white teeth were exposed. (End of chapter)

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