There was a room full of people in the Royal Study, and at first glance, I saw several familiar faces, obviously looking like they were having formal discussions.

Sheng Minglin was used to the imperial study, but he had never participated in such serious discussions. He was a little surprised, but he kept his face steady and saluted with a smile.

But what he didn't expect was that the ministers' attitude towards him was surprisingly good. They all smiled so brightly that their teeth broke out in laughter.

As soon as we started talking, he understood.

Everyone was discussing his proposal yesterday.

Nowadays, the people in the imperial study are almost the same as the human sperm in the world, so when everyone hears this issue, they will immediately think of the promise made by Emperor Mingxi when he was crowned prince, that the weather will be smooth for a year!

Now it’s even better. All my people, Dasheng, will be blessed with blessings, good health and long life if they pray sincerely.

It is not as accurate as the 20% stated, but it is enough to surprise and awe the ministers.

Then everyone discussed and moved the time to worship heaven on the night of New Year's Eve.

Around 19:[-] on the evening of the New Year's Eve, basically even the poorest farmers have food on the table, and the family is eating. Because they have to stay up during the New Year, they must not have slept, nor have they. As for how sleepy you are, it is the most suitable time to close your eyes and pray that you will be free for a while.

However, everyone is still discussing how to issue the notice and who will perform the sacrifice.

Now, the one that has the most approval is that the emperor, the prince and Zhuzhu take everyone with them, and the notice is issued accordingly.

This means that no one can be offended.

Sheng Minglin listened quietly for a while.

In fact, if you ask him to see it, there is no need to discuss this issue at all.

This unprecedented and far-reaching sacrifice to heaven has political significance that far exceeds that of Feng Chan.

Emperor Mingxi was still young and powerful, and had no plans to abdicate. He was stupid to give up the limelight to the prince. It was not whether he loved his son or not, but the key was to shake the rule. There is no day in the sky, and there are no two rulers in the people.

But he couldn't say it himself, and it was hard for the ministers, including Prince Duan, to say it.

The prince himself could politely refuse, but he couldn't point it out, and he couldn't refuse to offer sacrifices to the gods.

And beads.

Zhuzhu was only a little older, but the ritual of offering sacrifices to heaven was so complicated and took so long, and it would be unlucky to make any mistake. It would be a sin to let Zhuzhu go.

You can just keep it in your heart as auspicious words, you really don’t need to put it in your mouth or put it on your head every day.

Therefore, the best and only way is to let the emperor bring the prince and officials to sacrifice. In other words, the notice only mentions the emperor and does not mention the prince and Zhuzhu.

Can't these people understand this?
How can it be!

These old foxes are all very knowledgeable, but there are some things they can't say.

This kind of great scenery, which has never been seen in ten thousand years, is an important part of the history of history. How can you deny the prince with your mouth?

Doesn't this offend people to death?

Or not letting Zhuzhu go?

Although it was not stated clearly, everyone knew that this matter was related to Zhuzhu. If they said they would not let Zhuzhu go, would they think about it in the future?

Sheng Minglin thought to himself that no wonder he called me here for no reason. I guess Emperor Mingxi was so hot-tempered that he was too lazy to wait for everyone to discuss it slowly, so he asked him to be "young and energetic" and "outspoken" to settle the matter early. .He really dared to say this.

He understands the prince.

The prince is a very public-minded person. He does not have a strong desire for power but a public-minded person, so he will be happy to cooperate with things that are good for the world.

Moreover, if others don’t know, how can they not know?This kind of thing will never happen again. Why is the prince so anxious?
So Sheng Minglin took a moment and said, "My lords, can Minglin say something?"

Others quickly said: "Your Majesty, just say it."

Sheng Minglin said: "Everyone's words are reasonable, but Minglin suddenly thought of something small. People actually can't remember things that are too complicated... Therefore, if you want to spread the word quickly and widely, the simpler the better. . Ming Lin said something arrogant, and the government issued a notice, and the people were afraid that they would not even remember to offer sacrifices to heaven, so the most important thing in the notice is to emphasize the time."

"Emphasize time and let everyone feel it. After something happens and everyone feels the change, they will turn to find out the root cause. Only then will they realize that such a great benefit is because the emperor sacrifices to heaven and the emperor receives orders from heaven. Only then can all people be blessed. The people will support you, your government will be clear, and your prosperity will last."

"Everything is for the sake of prosperity and the common people, so Minglin feels that it is enough for the emperor's uncle to lead the sacrifices."

In fact, he was secretly changing the concept, but he said it in a serious way.

The old foxes also pretended not to hear it. After he finished speaking, there was a sudden chorus of agreement, yes, yes, yes, the future life is terrible, my lord, you have a successor!
"That's what he said." Prince Duan cooperated with him: "I also think that the emperor is enough alone. It would be a joke to ask Zhuzhu to go. Zhuzhu is just an ignorant child. The emperor favored her a little, so he gained some dignity. Isn’t it nonsense to ask her to go to worship heaven?”

The prince then said, "I think so too. Father, I and my son are willing to work with all officials to receive the blessings bestowed by God and father."

When the atmosphere was up, Emperor Mingxi nodded.

Chao Shang posted the notice as quickly as possible.

In addition to the official notice, an internal notice was also issued, strictly ordering every local official to inform all villages and towns about the matter, and on New Year's Eve, they must beat gongs and drums to announce it again in every street and alley, and there are Bell tower watchers and watchers must be reminded individually at that time. The imperial court will send Jinyi guards to inspect everywhere. If delays are found, they will be dismissed from office and escorted back to the capital for trial.

So, after several vassal kings came to Beijing, the first thing they heard about was that Prince Xiang became a monk, and the second thing was that he was bestowed with blessings on New Year's Eve.

This year, because of the establishment of a prince, several vassal princes were recruited to the capital. Their first reaction was, "Is the emperor crazy? You dare to tell such a lie!"

But when I entered the capital, saw the Immortal Tower, and compared it with some of the news I had heard before... I immediately believed it [-]% of the time.

So Zhuzhu became the first person that all the feudal kings wanted to see.

But Prince Duan would not get too close to various vassal kings, and Zhuzhu was at home in the winter, so she never got to meet him.

It was busy outside, and Sheng Minglin was not idle either, quietly doing a small thing.

Uncle Xie finally helped find someone. This person was from Qianhu in the army. His name was Tang Kui. He was a good friend of Uncle Xie. His son died on the battlefield, and his second son died in infancy, leaving only The married couple are now nearly fifty years old.

Although his status was not high, he was an upright Miaohong. Uncle Xie talked to him, Sheng Minglin also looked at him personally, reported to the prince, and brought Han Jiujiu over and put the wine on the table. Genealogy, officially recognized parents.

It is worth mentioning that at Han Jiujiu’s insistence, he and Han Wanwan even drew a lottery and confirmed the name of Han Jiujiu.

Sheng Minglin originally wanted him to call him Tang Jiujiu, but at Han Jiujiu's insistence, he called him Tang Jiujiu. Sheng Minglin also helped him cancel his slave status, gave him a teaching position in Honghuwei, and officially started teaching. .

Although it was a small matter, once it was done, it was very friendly to Sheng Minglin, an obsessive-compulsive disorder person, and he was completely relieved.

When Tuanzi heard about this, he was very envious: "Sugar, wine, and wine! It tastes so sweet when I hear it!"

Tang Jiujiu smiled so hard that he showed his big white teeth.

He also thought it was quite good. Moreover, although they were not biological parents, they were both enthusiastic and honest people. They felt very comfortable when they came into contact with each other, and they could also walk around as relatives in the future. (End of chapter)

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