In the silence, Zhuzhu's timid voice sounded: "What he said is okay, does he mean it?"

Prince Duan was startled and quickly picked up his daughter.

Tuanzi hugged his neck and pointed at the hawker: "Zhuzhu can't understand what he said... Why should a hundred-year-old grandfather swear? Why should a mother cry? Her child only wants to Gone?"

Prince Duan doesn't like to say "you won't understand until you grow up" easily, but this matter is really not easy to explain.

In the end, he could only say: "That mother's child was stolen by that hundred-year-old grandfather, so she cried..."

Tuanzi collapsed into a ball on the spot, clasping their little hands together, eyes wide open: "Grandpa is a child?"

"No, it's not about eating children, he..." Prince Duan paused: "He liked children, so he stole them home and raised them himself."

Tuanzi glanced at his father and didn't believe it at all, but he was also scared and didn't refute.

Prince Duan said: "Don't worry Zhuzhu, daddy will send someone to help her find the child."

He gestured to Qin Jiangbai.

Qin Jiangbai handed over his hand and was about to leave. Tuanzi became anxious: "Qin Guoguo!"

Qin Jiangbai was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

Tuanzi opened his hand to him, and Qin Jiangbai took a step forward to pick her up. Tuanzi hugged his neck tightly and said anxiously: "No, Qin Guoguo can't go. Maybe grandpa also loves Master Ci? Qin Guoguo The pot looks very good at first glance!!”

Prince Duan had no choice but to explain again: "Grandpa really doesn't eat children, nor does he eat adults..."

Tuanzi hugged her tightly but refused to let go, so Prince Duan had no choice but to say: "Okay then I won't go."

Emperor Mingxi had quietly waved his hand, and Zhou Lu, who was not far away, left, and everyone walked back together. Prince Duan continued to explain: "This old man is a hundred years old, very old, and all his teeth have fallen out. There are no more pellets, he can’t bite anything, he doesn’t eat children, he doesn’t eat adults, he really doesn’t eat them.”

Tuanzi thought for a while, reluctantly accepted this explanation, nodded, and asked: "Who is the child?"

Prince Duan: "..."

Prince Duan finally discovered it. Although Zhuzhu couldn't understand it, she could feel the atmosphere. She knew that this was a very serious and bad thing, and in such a thing, she could only think of eating children.

Sheng Minglin was distracted just now, and now he realized that his father was obviously rusty in the coaxing business, and he hadn't yet mastered the coaxing.

So he immediately said: "Zhu Zhu'er, don't be afraid. We have Uncle Huang. He is the Ming Lord and the boss in the world. No matter how powerful the bad guys are, they are afraid of Uncle Huang. Uncle Huang is also a god general, even Bao Yuan is a powerful general." He was no match for him, let alone a hundred-year-old bad old man. All the bad old man’s family members were bad adults. Uncle Huang sent out his young generals and defeated them all at once, imprisoned them, and rescued the child. .Uncle Huang is invincible."

Tuanzi looked at Uncle Huang.

He was tall, strong, and had a big beard. He looked very tough to bite, so he couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, Uncle Huang is invincible, Uncle Huang is awesome."

She looked at Uncle Huang without blinking.

Emperor Mingxi had no choice but to look back and look around. He picked a rough-looking one among the guards, called him over, and gave him pretentious instructions.

Tuanzi also looked at the guard carefully, nodded seriously, and said to him: "You have to be careful, if you can't beat him, you have to escape quickly!"

The imperial guards were all discerning and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, your highness, don't worry."

Tuanzi watched him go.

Sheng Minglin also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing her huddled up and looking confused, her brothers couldn't bear it, as if they didn't work hard enough to change the world.

She is so kind and beautiful, but this world is not good enough. There is not even a place where she can watch and play with peace of mind.Sheng Minglin calmed down and said, "Uncle Huang, I suddenly thought of something... Let's attack Mobei. What happens after we defeat it?"

Emperor Mingxi frowned and did not answer.

Sheng Minglin continued: "After we are defeated, let them raise cattle and sheep for us. That book mentioned it...Raising sheep, shearing sheep, spinning threads, and making clothes. Such a weaving workshop will use a lot of Women. In the future, we may have the opportunity to obtain high-yielding cotton seeds, high-quality silkworm seeds, efficient looms, etc... All of this requires a large number of women."

"Disabled soldiers can work and make money, and women can also work and make money, not to mention strong laborers. Everyone is a labor force and can make money to support their families. From the perspective of strengthening national strength, it should not be wasted... Is it okay to issue an edict in this regard?”

The prince said: "Actually, you don't need to think too much. It's easy to talk to the government. After the New Year's Eve blessing, it's easy to talk to the people... We have high-yielding grains. We directly formulated the policy. For example, we will pay according to the number of family members, regardless of men and women. At the same time, We also decreed the abolition of sacrificial burials, which is not difficult to implement."

"Indeed," Sheng Minglin said: "Actually, there is no need to be too anxious. After New Year's Eve, both the elderly and the sick will be in better health. With hope in their hearts, they can survive for a few months, so we will implement the new food policy together. It’s good to have a good time.”

While talking, everyone suddenly felt enlightened.

It's that feeling that a beautiful prospect is already in front of you and in your hands, so things that have always been difficult turn out to be so easy...

Emperor Mingxi suddenly said: "Yan Qing, Prince, in the future, you must be careful when formulating political orders."

Both of them were serious.

Lu Wuqi, who was standing not far away, looked at him with bright eyes, his eyes filled with "Look! This is my idol, my god!" His first reaction when he learned that the government decree was passed was not happiness or pride, but I am telling myself to be cautious! How can one love the people like a son? How can there be a famous king in a prosperous age!!"

Emperor Mingxi caught his eye, smiled, and said half-jokingly: "You can't let down the people who love me!"

Lu Wuqi quickly confessed enthusiastically: "No, no, my love for the emperor is as deep as the sea, and my love is as strong as gold. It can be expressed in the sky!"

Sheng Minglin almost choked on his saliva: "Lu Wuqi, I beg you, read some books!!"

Lu Wuqi giggled twice and said quickly: "Actually, why don't we set up a revenge box like Wu Zetian's? Isn't that kind of useful?"

Several people couldn't help but ponder.

Wu Zetian once made a copper box, which means box.

The Bronze Coat was placed in front of the Luoyang Palace and was divided into four sections: the Yan En Coo, which was used by those who presented poems and poems and sought official career; the Remonstration Coo, which was used by those who spoke about the gains and losses of the government; and the Redress Coat, for those who had been wronged and suppressed. You can vote for it; those who talk about celestial disasters and military secret plans can vote for it, and use it to attract people from all over the world.

There were also special envoys to know and manage the emperor, and a court of envoys was set up. Every night, letters from the emperor would be submitted to the court by a dedicated person for processing, so that the emperor could understand what was going on.

If we make some changes, it would be really good to have one in every province, or even every county. Apart from anything else, one could be used to avenge grievances, so that people can avoid having no way to appeal.

Emperor Mingxi said: "This is a good idea. You can write a note to the prince."

Lu Wuqi's eyes widened... How could I write a statement?
But the idol said so. He suppressed his face until he turned red and was too embarrassed to say no. He said with a sigh: "...Yes."

Emperor Mingxi nodded and strode away.

As soon as he left, Lu Wuqi immediately pulled up Sheng Minglin: "Brother Lin! Master Lin! Come to the rescue!"

Sheng Minglin was a little funny: "Let's do it tonight, I will teach you how to write in the evening. The emperor is optimistic about you, so he will urge you to make progress. If you study hard, you may have the opportunity to come to the imperial court in the future."

Lu Wuqi became excited on the spot: "Then you teach me, and I will definitely learn it hard!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and nodded.

Several people returned to the garden where they were staying temporarily. The Queen and Princess Duan came out to greet them. They saw at a glance that Tuanzi was not in high spirits. The Queen smiled and said, "What's wrong with Zhu Zhu'er?" (End of Chapter)

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