Sure enough, after checking his real name, he was Xue Qinghui, a native of Qizhou.

It is another "celebrity" that Sheng Minglin still remembers from his previous life, and it is also a story about the revenge of a young master. No wonder he looks at Huo Mingzhao. After all, Huo Mingzhao can be regarded as a representative figure of the young master's revenge.

Sheng Minglin remembered that in his previous life, it seemed that at the end of this year, a young minister of Guanglu Temple named Chen Yue got a strange disease, and his face and body turned black in patches.

Guanglu Temple was originally in charge of sacrifices, banquets, and palace meals, so they were particularly taboo about this and immediately asked him to report illness at home.

But no matter how he treated it, he couldn't cure it, and the doctor couldn't explain the reason. Later, his wife and son also got this strange disease. At that time, even Emperor Mingxi was alarmed, for fear that this disease would kill people.

But no, only their family got sick, and even the servants were fine. At first, it was just black spots, and then the whole body started to ache and fester, and the medicine was ineffective, and in the end it hurt to death.

That Chen Yue was distressed, and even said to himself that this was retribution... Apparently he had done something wrong before.

At that time, Dali Temple also interrogated him and sent people to investigate.

However, before the results were found, Chen Yue and his wife were in pain to death, and then his eldest son. But in the end, his five-year-old son slowly recovered.

It was because the little boy was well that Dali Temple made serious inquiries and found out about a boy named Xue Qinghui. The second young master Chen said that Xue Qinghui gave him medicine every day for three days and he was fine.

Xue Qinghui didn't run away either. He was caught by Dali Temple and readily confessed.

Xue Qinghui, whose real name is Chen Yu, his grandfather was a great Confucian who had been working as a mountain leader at Jiangnan Academy. Later, his grandmother passed away and he was old, so he returned to his ancestral home in Qizhou, leaving only his daughter, Xue Qinghui's daughter. Mother accompanies.

Then, in a very cliché way, Xue Daru fell in love with Chen Yue, a country boy, and accepted him as his disciple. After Chen Yue and his daughter saw eye to eye, he decided to get them married.

But Chen Yue was full of ambitions and wanted to be a master. He looked down upon Xue Daru and the Xue family's mentality of living in poverty and enjoying their lives. After all, in his view, Xue Daru's son and many students were already serving in court. If the official job is over, if you try to help others a little, your life will not be so bad!
He did not dare to reveal his thoughts before getting married. After getting married, he repeatedly tried to persuade Mr. Xue, but Mr. Xue did not dare to tell his father and did not agree. The couple often separated on bad terms, and Chen Yue simply went to the capital alone.

Chen Yue was also considered talented, and he was admitted to Jinshi three years later. After returning to his hometown, Xue Daru died suddenly within a few days. At that time, no one thought much about it. After all, Xue Daru was old.

Only Chen Yue was in great pain, which made the Xue clan feel better about him.

Xue Daru's eldest son Ding You came home, and many students came to express their condolences. Chen Yue handled all matters.

In the meantime, Mr. Xue fell ill and died, and Xue Dalang could not afford to fall ill, and died soon after.

During this period, Chen Yue performed impeccably... But the reality is that Chen Yue spent a year to get hold of all Xue Daru's money and connections, and then left with Xue Qinghui, who was five years old at the time, and tricked him on the way. poisoned and then thrown away.

Unexpectedly, Xue Qinghui's life should not have been cut off, but he was saved by a man who was good at poisoning. A few years later, the poisonous doctor died. He fell in love with his current wife, Ma, and became an adulterer. Later, Ma provided a secret medicine, and his grandfather, uncle, mother, and himself all died from this secret medicine.

So Xue Qinghui entered the Chen Mansion as a servant. If he hadn't let the young son go in the end and his identity was exposed, this revenge could be said to be perfect.

Although it was revenge, patricide was inappropriate after all, so he was still sentenced to death. At that time, Xue Daru's students came to give him a beheading meal. In anger, they said that he was a benevolent woman... This is actually what many people think. , since you want revenge, why let the last one go.

Xue Qinghui was only 12 years old at that time. He was shackled and looked embarrassed, but he smiled and said: "I was five years old when he poisoned me... Although I avenged my grandparents, I was ashamed of my father."

It is said that several of Xue Daru's students at that time burst into tears on the spot, saying that he lived up to his teacher's teachings.

Because many of Xue Daru's students were well-educated people, who wrote books and commentaries on him after his death, and caused a stir for a while, so Sheng Minglin was deeply impressed.

But for some reason, he actually ended up in Honghuwei in this life.As for Zhuzhu, she said he had a strange smell because he was good at poisoning!
Although he has only been practicing poison medicine for four or five years, he can make poisons that no one can tell are poisons, which is a very good skill.

But although he is good at poisoning, he is not crazy, and his moral level is still very high. There is no need to worry about him being harmful to Zhuzhu, just look for opportunities to hit him.

After all, there are ways to deal with scumbag men and bitches, so why do you have to deal with yourself?

Outside, Zhuzhu had already started walking up the stairs.

In fact, Xiao Tuanzi was very guilty, thinking that he might not be able to leave after not leaving for a long time, but the benefit of inner breath is here, it quietly changes the breathing method, and can subtly transform the body, so when he walks again, not only does he not regress, , seems to have improved.

As for Xiao Pangdun, he started to follow Shen Ling's unique skills.

While learning, Jiang Qingyang brought over a group of new people, so Shen Lingjue taught together.

Zhuzhu followed the beautiful Guoguo up the stairs over there, turning her head from time to time to encourage them: "Come on, Xiaoyi Jiji! Once you learn how to mess with them, you can do elbow circles with Zhuzhu!"

Little Fatty nodded vigorously, working very hard.

Tuanzi didn't show favoritism at all: "Come on, everyone! Once you learn how to mess with someone, you can fight!" At the same time, she glanced at Xue Qinghui, the only person she recognized. When Xue Qinghui raised his head, she smiled broadly at him.

Xue Qinghui: "..."

Sheng Minglin looked at the window, his mouth slightly curved.

Xue Qinghui obviously wanted to keep a low profile, and probably didn't want to be selected, but after being looked at by Zhuzhu, he began to practice seriously for some reason. Shen Ling definitely paid special attention to him. Seeing it, he nodded in approval: "Yes, you are the first, everyone, please be careful! You continue."

Xue Qinghui: "..."

He couldn't help but glance at Tuanzi again.

Tuanzi thought he understood, so he clapped his hands and named him on the spot: "Little Moon Bangbang! Come on!"

Xue Qinghui stopped talking.

He didn't have poison on him at this time, but after Zhuzhu said the strange medicine, he kept feeling guilty, thinking that he would be dragged down for questioning the next moment, but they did nothing, especially Xiao Xiao. The princess really has no airs, but she doesn't know why she pays so much attention to him.

Xue Qinghui was very confused.

Shen Lingjue said with a straight face: "Okay, continue."

Xue Qinghui could only close his eyes and concentrate, and continue to exercise.

Tuanzi also continued to practice, practicing very seriously. In front of his sister Bao Bao and the top student Bao Bao, he dared to walk to the top every time, and then glanced over there to see Xiaopang Dun or Xue Qinghui open their eyes, and he also encouraged him seriously. One sentence, and then I felt satisfied.

After practicing for more than half an hour, Huo Chenzhao picked her up and held her in his arms, squeezing her little hands and feet. Tuanzi looked at Little Fatty, who had not succeeded yet.

He looked at Xue Qinghui again. Xue Qinghui was still practicing with his eyes closed. (End of chapter)

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