Chapter 73

After finishing her dream, Zhuzhu felt relieved and nodded obediently.

Sheng Minglin stood up and handed Zhuzhu into Princess Duan's arms. Princess Duan hugged her sideways and patted her gently.

Tuanzi's eyes were wide open, and he thought for a long time, looked at his mother, and asked: "Dad, mother, and Guo Guo will all be fine, are they okay?"

"Yes," Princess Duan said, "Everything will be fine. It's all a dream. Zhuzhu, don't worry."

She gently kissed her forehead: "Go to sleep, sweetie."

Zhuzhu then closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Princess Duan put down Zhuzhu and looked up at Prince Duan. She hesitated several times and stopped talking. Finally, she sighed and whispered: "I'm here with Zhuzhu. You all can go back."

Prince Duan nodded, gently squeezed her shoulder to comfort her, then turned around and came out with Sheng Minglin.

Both of them are worry-mongers who dwell on things as they go.

After leaving Zhuzhu Courtyard, Sheng Minglin said: "Father, I'm going back to my room."

Prince Duan made a sound, turned on his feet, and walked alongside him. Sheng Minglin's heart skipped a beat, and he understood something... But when he thought of what Chen Qingyu said back then, he suddenly felt a sense of relief, and followed him without saying a word. Walk.

After entering Sheng Minglin's yard, he asked people to light the lamp and pour tea, and then Sheng Minglin asked everyone who was waiting on him to get out.

As soon as the door closed, Prince Duan raised his eyes and looked at him steadily.

Sheng Minglin looked at him quietly.

Among smart people, there is actually no need to say too much, so Sheng Minglin said directly: "Okay, I can tell you, but it's a bit unbelievable, and you may not believe it."

Prince Duan nodded seriously.

So Sheng Minglin told him, including his own psychological history and speculations, but did not mention the seventh prince.

Prince Duan never interrupted him, never questioned him, didn't even look at him, just lowered his eyes and listened quietly.

For a person like Sheng Minglin, confessing is actually a very insecure thing, but Prince Duan's attitude makes him feel a lot more comfortable, mainly because it will be very convenient to talk to Prince Duan in the future. Okay, that's a good thing.

Otherwise, what can he do?

I've said it all.

Sheng Minglin comforted himself, sat down slowly, and poured himself a cup of tea to drink.

Prince Duan was silent for a long time.

Sheng Minglin didn't rush.

I don't know how long it took, but Prince Duan whispered: "Don't mention your words to anyone again in the future."

"I know," Sheng Minglin said, "but my father must respond to this plague in time."

Prince Duan nodded, and then he suddenly said: "Tell me, should I tell your uncle Huang about Zhuzhu's dream?"

"I don't know," Sheng Minglin said calmly: "I have hardly seen you get along in my previous life, and I don't know what kind of person Uncle Huang is."

In fact, he himself felt that it would be better to tell the emperor.

Because Zhuzhu’s dream is by no means groundless. It can be called a clairvoyant, and it is definitely related to clairvoyance.

However, the beads are too small and the dreams are too vague. It cannot be said that they are useless, but the usefulness is really not great. One dream will lead to a dream more than ten years later.

But no matter what Prince Duan did, if he wanted to deal with a prince, he would definitely not be able to bypass the emperor.

When the Sacred Heart is with you, such confession will make the Emperor love and protect you even more.When the Sacred Heart is not with you, a little princess who is related to clairvoyance will also make the emperor feel hesitant to deal with it.

Another point is that Zhuzhu's situation is too special. Sooner or later, he has to consult Master Yanyi for clairvoyance. Even if he consults other eminent monks, the information will easily be leaked. If it is exposed by then, it might as well be Say it now.

However, this is actually the same situation as Sheng Minglin at this time.

That is, although he knew that after talking to Prince Duan, it would be very convenient in the future, but if there were other good choices, he still hoped to keep this matter under wraps for the rest of his life.

However, in addition to the benefits, there is another point, "A bad pearl is also a pearl?" This point is more difficult to explain.

After hearing what Sheng Minglin said, Prince Duan understood and believed it, but Prince Duan planned to hide it from Sheng Minglin. So, what would the emperor think if there was no evidence in this regard?
He was unsure of the emperor's reaction.

So I didn’t dare to make suggestions, so I just let Prince Duan make his own decision.

Prince Duan didn't ask any more questions, waved his hand and left directly.

Sheng Minglin lay on the bed and tossed and turned all night, not falling asleep at all. He took a leave of absence from Mr. Xu in the morning and estimated the time when Zhuzhu would get up and went over to take a look.

Zhuzhu hadn't gotten up yet, and Princess Duan was still there. Judging from her expression, she hadn't slept all night.

As soon as she saw him, Princess Duan waved him over and whispered: "Zhuzhu woke up just now. When I asked her what she had dreamed about, she only remembered the old man with a white beard. I told my servants not to mention it, just forget it." Come on, it’s scary.”

Sheng Minglin nodded and whispered: "My son understands."

Princess Duan said again: "Tell me, did you say that sentence? Is it that sentence from the minister?"

Sheng Minglin thought for a while: "I hope that my child will be foolish and reckless, and he will be able to reach the throne without any trouble?"

"Yes, that's it!" Princess Duan sighed: "I really don't expect Zhuzhu to be so powerful, just stay safe. Anyway, your father and I can always protect her. But now, these It sounds mysterious, and I’m very worried.”

"Don't worry, mother," Sheng Minglin said warmly: "Have you forgotten what Master Yanyi said before? So, no matter how strange Zhuzhu is, it is a good thing and there is no need to worry at all."

Princess Duan sighed repeatedly, but nodded.

Sheng Minglin said: "My son is guarding Zhuzhu here. Mother, shall we take a rest first?"

Princess Duan waved her hand: "Where can I sleep?"

Next to me, Aunt Zhou also advised: "How about Master go in and lean with the little master for a while, and let the little master sleep a little longer."

This was fine. Princess Duan nodded, opened the curtain and went in. She immediately put on her clothes and lay down next to Zhuzhu, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Sheng Minglin sat outside and took out a book from his sleeve to read as usual.

While watching, the housekeeper outside brought in the small car he ordered yesterday.

It was in the style of a dove cart, with a small arc backrest added. Sheng Minglin took it and looked at it carefully. He felt it was still unsafe, and told the housekeeper to add a ring behind the bird's head to make the bird's mouth. The way it holds the ring is interesting to look at, and Zhuzhu can hold the ring at the back, which is comfortable and safe.

The butler went as ordered.

Sheng Minglin became interested and asked someone to bring in pen and ink, and drew a new picture on the table.

It is made to look like a horse, but the horse's legs are made into four small wheels. After Zhuzhu rides on it, she can use her two legs to pull her around, and she can also practice her calves at the same time, and it is better than asking others to pull her. Walking is one more way to play.

As for the handle, just make the horse's ears into the pointed shape of the lower cylinder, and Zhuzhu can hold it with her little hands.

After the painting was finished, he looked at it carefully and thought about not running too fast. Don't put the little feet into the wheels. He drew baffles just outside the four small wheels. After seeing that there was no problem, he asked the boy to send them too. To the steward.

As a result, as soon as I handed it over, I saw someone hurried in: "Your Majesty, someone is coming from the palace. Princess Xuan is coming into the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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