Chapter 81 Zhuzhu will cry a little quieter

Sheng Minglin smiled and touched her little face. Tuanzi hugged his arm and crawled on top of him. Sheng Minglin simply returned his hand and lifted her on his back. He motioned to Lychee to look at her and added a small number on the picture. detail.

Add a decoration to the pavilion cover and hang small bells on the four corners.

Tuanzi put his arms around Sheng Minglin's neck and lay on his shoulder to watch, while making a request: "Zhuzhu wants a flower basket, hang it here, it will be fragrant and beautiful."

Sheng Minglin nodded and added it to her.

The seventh prince stood beside him with his hands on his hips and also made a request: "Can you give me a rein and a saddle for my horse? By the way, I want a bay red horse, which General Xie rides on." which type."

"No," Sheng Minglin refused ruthlessly: "The color of the maroon horse doesn't match, but the white horse looks better."

Tuanzi quickly comforted the seventh prince: "Uncle also has a white horse! He has horses of all colors!"

The seventh prince accepted: "That's okay."

The three of them discussed it carefully, drew a picture and gave it to the housekeeper to do.

Sheng Minglin also specially asked the boy to take out the money and asked the butler to reward the craftsmen so that they could make it quickly.

When the craftsmen received the reward, they were naturally very interested.

It's just that what Sheng Minglin painted here is just one look. The craftsman has to consider a lot, mainly safety, and also the use, such as whether the turning is smooth, whether it will be bumpy, and whether the "horse" in front stops suddenly. Will they collide with each other? Will the front end eat dust when running? And other small details.

So I couldn't make it the next day.

However, Princess Duan heard about this and asked someone to send Sheng Minglin a box of small ingots so that he could reward people.

Sheng Minglin also sent the prescription to Prince Duan along with a letter from Prince Duan's Mansion.

Ordinarily, this can be regarded as completing a big thing, but people who like to worry will worry about another thing after worrying about one thing, so Sheng Minglin started to worry about other things.

He asked Princess Duan that she wanted to find some records about the plague, including those from the Imperial Hospital.

Princess Duan went directly to Uncle Xie San and delivered two large boxes that night. She asked Princess Duan to take a look at them. It was a gesture that she would never see in a lifetime, but Sheng Minglin happily asked someone to carry them back. After finishing your homework every day, take an hour or two to read these.

On the morning of the third day, the pony carriage arrived.

Whether it was the horse in front or the car behind, they were all exquisitely and beautifully made, just like ornaments. Tuanzi fell in love with them at first sight and wanted to sit on them immediately.

But Sheng Minglin really felt that this work was unsightly and didn't want to do it, so he told Tuanzi: "Only the seventh brother can ride the horse this time. My brother's legs are not long enough to ride."

Tuanzi suddenly understood, so he immediately moved a small bench and sat outside the school, holding his chin in his hands, waiting for the seventh prince to finish school.

Xu Heshu was originally a determined person, but every time he looked outside, he could see Tuanzi's small figure.

This little one doesn't make any noise or fuss, she just waits obediently, and when she sees you looking at her, she smiles at you... It makes people's hearts soften inexplicably, and they can't bear to ask her to wait any longer.

So Xu Heshu left school more than a quarter of an hour early for the first time. The seventh prince rushed out and fished the dumplings into his arms: "Is the car coming?"

"That's right!" Tuanzi said excitedly on the spot: "Let's go take a ride!"

The seventh prince hugged her and went there. When he saw the car, he was pleasantly surprised: "Wow!!"

Although Tuanzi had already wowed for a round, he still followed him: "Wow!!"

The two of them walked around the car, you said wow, I said wow, and then the seventh prince couldn't wait to put the dumplings into the car, took a long step, got on the horse, and shook the reins vigorously: "Come on, Zhu. Zhu'er, brother will take you to play!"

Zhuzhu responded loudly: "Go and play!"

So the two of them rumbled and rumbled again, just playing there without eating.Sheng Minglin had no choice but to come out and call them.

As a result, he stood there for a long time, and the two of them had no intention of stopping. Zhuzhu saw him, pointed at him, and said to the Seventh Prince: "Guo Guo wants to play too!"

"Ah?" The Seventh Prince was sweating profusely and without stopping, he shouted, "Will you ride for a while?"

Sheng Minglin hurriedly refused: "No, no, I don't..."

Tuanzi loudly explained: "Guo Guo can't ride! Guo Guo has short legs!"

She pointed to the top of the pavilion: "Guo Guo, you can sit on the top! Seven Guo Guo can be pulled!"

Sheng Minglin could only refuse again: "No, no, I'm afraid of heights!"

Group: "..."

Nai Tuanzi paused her happiness and looked worriedly at her brother, who had short legs and was afraid of heights. Finally, she patted her calf and said firmly: "Why don't Guo Guo sit on Debuzhu's legs? Zhuzhu is not afraid. It hurts! Zhuzhu will cry a little quieter!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Why is my sister so cute! !
He was so coaxed that as soon as the carriage stopped, he held his sister and kissed her for a long time.

Zhuzhu didn't understand where her brother's kiss was at all, and her little face was full of confusion, but she still obediently raised her face to kiss him. She couldn't be more obedient.

After everyone had eaten, Zhuzhu came back from a nap and played again all afternoon.

Although the Seventh Prince was not tired, he felt that it was no longer fun after playing all afternoon, so he discussed with Sheng Minglin, "Do you think we should replace the horses with real horses? Then, we can make the pavilion at the back bigger. It should be fun to sit with Zhuzhu, right?"

"Okay," Sheng Minglin said, "Then, let's name this thing 'carriage', do you agree?"

The seventh prince scratched his head and felt happy himself.

Really, isn’t this just a carriage?
Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "It's okay to make the back part bigger, so that two more people can sit there, but you can't use a real horse in the front part, which is difficult to control. If you're afraid that it won't be able to pull, you can make two wooden horses for two people to ride on, or even If you don’t want to be a horse, just be a handle and ask the servants to pull it and play with it.”

The seventh prince couldn't imagine it: "You ask someone to do it first, and then we'll see when it's done."

Sheng Minglin nodded and did not draw any pictures this time. He directly asked the butler to tell the craftsmen to try out a few.

Then he went back to have dinner with Zhuzhu in his arms.

While eating, Princess Duan said to him: "Tomorrow, it's the crowning ceremony for the eldest son of the emperor. I didn't plan to make it a big deal, but today the emperor mentioned it, and everyone went to the eldest prince's mansion to have fun in the evening. "

She paused for a moment: "Then tomorrow morning, you and Qilang will go there first, and in the evening our whole family will go... By the way, you and Qilang, I will ask the housekeeper to send over a few things for you to choose from. I have already sent gifts from home. These are gifts between your brothers. Children don’t need to give too formal gifts, that’s all.”

Sheng Minglin responded.

Princess Duan told him in detail some etiquette rules that needed to be paid attention to.

Even though Sheng Minglin had done something like this before in his previous life, there were some things he heard for the first time, and he nodded as he listened.

After Princess Duan finished speaking, she smiled and said: "I have always been careless in etiquette, but you are different. You are still young, and you are good at reading. You will have an official career in the future, so you should pay more attention to some things."

Sheng Minglin's heart skipped a beat when he heard that this tone did not sound like that of Princess Duan. He remembered that the rules she had just taught were extremely detailed. There were some things that she would not know. After all, the circle of women's family members was still different from the outside world.

Sheng Minglin asked her: "Has mother asked anyone specifically for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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