Chapter 83 Only my mother dares to say that
In fact, Sheng Minglin is considered an important figure today, and many people are paying attention to him secretly. Therefore, many people saw the conflict between him and Prince Qi, and some even vaguely heard it, and they exchanged glances.

Especially those who had been tested just now, each of them said in their hearts: You kid, are you still hiding your clumsiness? !I almost fooled you!
Cui Xiaolin, who had interacted with him once before, secretly laughed, then came over and handed it to him, and whispered to him: "Young Master, you don't have to think too much. Prince Qi is such a lively person and likes more disputes."

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

So what he means is that Prince Qi did not have a bad relationship with Prince Duan, so he came to sow discord between their father and son, mother and son, but that he just likes to sow discord, and is it not a big deal to just watch the fun?

Cui Xiaolin met his gaze and smiled twice. Just as he was about to speak again, he saw General Xie walking over. Cui Xiaolin handed over his hand and left.

General Xie stood next to Sheng Minglin, stretched out his hand to hold his shoulders and came close to him, and then whispered: "Don't pay attention to him, he is now... barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, just treat him as a fart. I'd rather give in than have a conflict."

Sheng Minglin responded in a low voice.

He thought about it for a moment and then remembered about Prince Qi.

After Prince Qi became a vassal, he acted recklessly and caused many things. It was too much, so Emperor Mingxi recalled him to the capital.

However, after recalling Jing, it is equivalent to turning over what happened before. As long as he no longer causes trouble, basically everything will be fine.

But in this situation, for example, the princes, for example, him, if you argue with him, it will be like bullying. If you make him angry, he will lie down and roll on the ground. Nothing will happen to him, and your reputation will not be good.

This guy is really barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. No wonder he dares to provoke people everywhere.

General Xie came over just to express his attitude. Even though he is not his biological uncle, our Xie family still recognizes this nephew.

After saying a few words, the crowning ceremony began.

There was no banquet in the morning, and everyone went home after the ceremony. Sheng Minglin and the seventh prince belonged to his own family, so they could stay for dinner, but he declined and returned with the seventh prince.

After getting on the carriage, the seventh prince asked him: "Did I do something wrong today?"

Sheng Minglin was a little helpless.

In his previous life, the Seventh Prince was really transparent. Concubine Liu was too weak-tempered and asked him to report illness whenever something happened. She taught him to have low self-esteem. He did not like to socialize with others, was not good at writing, and had no skills. Man discovers his gift of strength and lives in vain until he is 15 years old, knowing nothing...

In this life, he left the palace by accident and started learning from scratch. Although he was a little clumsy, he was sincere towards others, just like just now, he was wholeheartedly protecting him.

He said: "It doesn't matter, it's nothing wrong."

He explained it to him carefully, and the Seventh Prince suddenly nodded: "I understand, he is just a piece of shit now, so he dares to compete with us. If I hadn't come out just now, and he hits you, you should immediately lie down on the ground and pretend Duan, it's his turn to cry. Isn't it?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

This statement is really not wrong...but he doesn't know how to evaluate it!

After returning home, Sheng Minglin told Princess Duan about this matter, but Princess Duan didn't take it seriously: "Ignore him, he can't actually do anything. He only jumps around from time to time, which is disgusting."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

If you go to a banquet in the evening, you can usually go after noon, but Princess Duan still waited for Zhuzhuwu to wake up before inviting people to leave.

Just before going out, the carriage was hitched, and with the familiar sound of Lu Lu, Princess Duan finally saw her daughter's new carriage.

Princess Duan: "...??"

She still held a glimmer of hope and looked at the more reliable Sheng Minglin: "This, is this the new car that Zhuzhu said?"

Sheng Minglin nodded silently.

Princess Duan said again: "..." One large and one small child had already arrived in front of them happily. Princess Duan said with a smile: "My dear, your car...may not be able to reach Fat Brother's house. Their home is far away."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Tuanzi's little voice was crisp and milky, full of uncontrollable excitement: "Qi Guo Guo Guo is not afraid of getting tired!"

"It's not a matter of whether you're tired or not," Princess Duan said, "It's just that if you take a car like this on the road, some people may laugh at you."

"No, no," Tuanzi said, "Zhuzhu has a car, but they don't. They will definitely cry with envy!"

She stood up in the car excitedly, waving her little hands, bubbling with joy: "Elbow, elbow, elbow, let's go quickly! Zhuzhu's new car is waiting impatiently!"

Princess Duan had no choice but to order Haosheng to follow her, and called a few more guards.

After getting on the carriage, she covered her face with a handkerchief and whispered to the coachman: "Go quickly, go quickly! Don't look at them! Don't get too close! Don't let others know that we are the same family!"

Sheng Minglin happened to hear: "..."

Three "goodbyes" in a row, only my mother dared to say that.

He also got into the carriage silently.

The Seventh Prince and Tuanzi rushed in front of his carriage and went out surrounded by everyone.

Sheng Minglin wanted to stay away, but was not at ease, so he followed them out the door.

So, amid the buzzing sound, everyone turned their heads and saw this fancy little carriage...

Princess Duan was very unmotherly. The carriage drove at the fastest speed in the city and disappeared in a flash, so only Sheng Minglin's carriage followed.

Sheng Minglin was so embarrassed that he dug his toes on the ground, but Zhuzhu and the others didn't feel embarrassed at all!
Naitanzi was very happy and proud. His little head shook back and forth, the whole dumpling bounced and danced on the seat. Little White Teeth laughed out loud!
The seventh prince also held his head high, like a general returning a victory, riding a tall horse and accepting the crowds of people!

It is estimated that all his confidence in his life has been spent at this time.

Sheng Minglin could only: "..."

Although he was really envious, he really couldn't do it.

Sure enough, some happiness can only be enjoyed by real children. After becoming an adult, you can no longer enjoy this kind of happiness without caring about the life and death of others.

Prince Duan's Mansion and the First Prince's Mansion, one to the east and one to the west, are indeed a bit far away. Wherever they pass, everyone is watching...

But in fact, this kind of thing means that adults feel embarrassed themselves, but others don't feel much if they see it.

In particular, Zhuzhu was so cute, and her happy look was particularly contagious. The people all looked at her and laughed, and the children were extremely envious. From time to time, children came close to look at her, and Zhuzhu waved to them. From time to time, he would call Li Zhi and the others: "You should walk slower, you are blocking others from seeing Zhu Zhu!"

Lychee and others: "..."

Two people happened to come out of the nearby drugstore and stopped slightly when they saw this scene.

As a result, Zhuzhu saw it and said hello from a distance: "Uncle Hei! Beautiful Guoguo!"

Two people: "..."

The key is that when Zhuzhu called her like this, the people all turned their heads and looked at them. Some people said: "She's really pretty? No wonder she's called Pretty Brother."

Xiaotuanzi received no response and continued to shout: "Pretty Guo Guo! Beautiful Guo Guo!"

(End of this chapter)

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