Chapter 9 You are my savior
When the Seventh Prince heard the voice, he turned around suddenly and saw Sheng Mingzhu clearly, and his heart suddenly started to gnash...

Why, why wasn't she the one who was hit?

It's obviously just a little bit different!

As for Zhuzhu, when she saw his face clearly, she was also stunned.

She always felt like she had seen this brother somewhere before. After thinking about it for a long time, she finally remembered that he seemed to be in that bad boy's dream.

But the capacity of a child's head is limited, so after two days, she couldn't remember what she and he had done in the dream.

Although she couldn't remember it, she still felt a little guilty.

Zhuzhuer hesitated for a long time, but finally mustered up the courage, let go of her hand, walked over with short legs, walked around to the front of him, and stepped on him in a hurry.

Tuanzi stretched out his little arms and shook, barely standing still, and raising his little fleshy face in a flattering manner: "Guo Guo, you are so awesome! You are a strongman!"

When he first saw his enemy, the seventh prince took a flying kick without even thinking.

He kicked her little big breasts seven or eight steps away and sat down on the ground. The little red horse she was holding in her hands also flew out. She was stunned at that time.

The next moment, another watermelon-sized stone, carrying dirt, hit the place where Tuanzi had just stood.

There were screams all around again.

The Seventh Prince was all stupid.

On the contrary, Sheng Minglin was the first to come to his senses, hurried over, picked up his sister and moved away from that place, saying hurriedly: "Zhuzhu, are you okay?"

Zhuzhu was completely stunned, her eyes widened, and she was stunned. Lizhi said anxiously: "Quickly, go back to the empress first! Hurry!"

So a large group of people shouted and ran back.

As soon as she saw her mother, Zhuzhu suddenly loaded it successfully and burst into tears. The queen and Princess Duan were so frightened that they all left their seats to pick her up.

The eldest palace maid Jinyu who followed her quickly reported, and after a while, the fifth and seventh princes were also called over.

When the fifth prince came back to his senses, he was so frightened that he wanted to cry.

But he was 12 years old after all, and he was too embarrassed to cry directly, so he went over to coax the child with a gray head on his face: "Zhuzhu, stop crying. When you cry, I want to cry too... Wow!!" He lay down on the ground and howled. stand up.

The seventh prince squatted on the ground holding his head, all he could think about was "I wanted Sheng Mingzhu to be hit, but it was Lao Wu who got hit? Then another stone fell, but I kicked Sheng Mingzhu away and avoided the stone. Am I saving Sheng Mingzhu twice?"

He was so angry that he wanted to cry, "I saved Sheng Mingzhu again, damn, I saved Sheng Mingzhu again!! Why are my legs so cheap! I don't want these legs anymore!"

Several imperial doctors trotted over and looked at each one.

Concubine Xian, the biological mother of the fifth prince, and Concubine Liu, the biological mother of the seventh prince, also came over one after another.

The whole hall was whimpering, children were crying and adults were shouting. It was chaotic for a while.

In fact, the most seriously injured person was the companion who fell. Although the fifth prince was shocked, he was not injured at all.

Next is Sheng Mingzhu.

She was kicked away by the Seventh Prince. She opened her clothes and looked at the shoe marks. The kick was on the side of her thigh. Zhuzhu's small body was as soft as tofu, and she would definitely turn blue after a while.

Finally, there was the Seventh Prince, who was catching stones with his bare hands. His palms were scratched and his little arms were blue, but they were not serious.

The queen felt relieved and arranged in an orderly manner to send the injured companion out of the palace first.

Although he had stepped on the rockery and almost injured the fifth prince, he thought he was also injured, so he sent him out first without aggravating the crime.

Seeing that her son was fine, Concubine Xian recovered and wiped her tears.

Concubine Xian is a bright and flamboyant beauty who actually bullies Concubine Liu a lot.

After all, in Emperor Mingxi's harem, it was standard to give birth to a son to advance to the throne. Among the masters who gave birth to a prince, only Liu Bin was the least favored. She didn't even have a serious title. The son she gave birth to had a birthmark on his face, so he was too easy to bully. .Including the fifth prince, he often bullied the seventh prince.

But this time, it was the seventh prince who saved her son... Especially, the great strength shown by the seventh prince really scared her. With such great strength, if he had repaid the fifth prince when he bullied him before, hand?

Then her son's life is mysterious!

The more she thought about it, the more frightening she became. Concubine Xian wanted to show her favor to Concubine Liu, but she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

The fifth prince also recovered.

He was a tough guy. He was so frightened that he cried loudly just now, but he was fine after crying.

The kid didn't have so many thoughts. He turned around and patted the seventh prince on the shoulder: "Seventh brother, thank you. You are my savior! From now on, I will protect you in the palace. If anyone bullies you, just follow me." explain!"

The seventh prince hummed: "Fifth brother, you're welcome."

After dying once, he no longer cared about the petty bullying of the Fifth Prince.

Concubine Xian saw this and felt that the mother and son were really loyal and generous. She felt a little guilty in her heart, so she saluted Concubine Liu and said, "I really want to thank my sister this time. Thank you Qi Lang for saving Wu Lang."

Liu Bin had a delicate appearance, and her temperament was more delicate than her appearance. She kept saying: "Sister Xian Fei, there is no need to be polite. Liang Er just happened to meet her."

The Queen looked at them coldly for a while, and then asked someone to take the fifth prince down to change clothes.

Zhuzhuer was also tired from crying, so she stopped for an intermission, still burping and crying.

Concubine Xian held Concubine Liu and talked for a while. Then she turned around and looked here and whispered: "What happened to the little princess this year? In just a few days, she has suffered two disasters!"

"Yes!" The Queen couldn't help but nod: "When Yan Qing is finished, you can find a place to pay your respects in peace. I'd rather believe that he has one!"

Princess Duan nodded while wiping away tears.

The Empress asked Zhuzhu again: "My dear, does it still hurt?"

Zhuzhu wanted to cry again. She kept her mouth open for a long time, but her tears did not come back. However, her language skills were successfully loaded and she nodded: "It hurts, it hurts..."

At this moment, the fifth prince and seventh prince, who had changed their clothes, also came back.

As soon as Zhuzhu saw the seventh prince, she remembered it again and pointed at him: "Guoguo, kick Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu will fly off the elbow in one go! Fly away..."

While crying, Tuanzi got down from Princess Duan's arms, walked to the Seventh Prince and compared with him, then quickly ran to the entrance of the palace, sat down on the ground, pointed at the ground with his little hands, and cried: "So far! So far! Far!"

The Empress and Princess Duan felt both amused and distressed at the same time, crying and laughing at the same time.

At this moment, someone strode in at the door.

Emperor Mingxi was tall and walked with his head held high. He didn't even notice Tuanzi sitting on the ground and almost stepped on her.

The anxious eunuch Zheng Zhongshun hugged his leg: "Your Majesty! The little princess..."

Only then did Emperor Mingxi see this small spot on the ground. He quickly stretched out his hand and lifted the person into his hand. He held her buttocks in his big hands and asked her, "Does Zhuzhu still hurt?"

Zhuzhu saw a new supporter at a glance, so a new wave of tears burst out. Facing the huge grievance, she even forgot about fear, and even said and compared: "Guo Guo, kick Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu will fly." It’s so far away.”

She came down again, gave him a passionate performance, and sat down on the ground: "How far away! Zhuzhu's butt hurts!"

Emperor Mingxi coughed lightly, suppressed laughter, walked back, picked up Tuanzi again, called the Queen and Princess Duan again, sat up with a golden sword, and then glanced at his two sons.

The seventh prince buried his head deeply and clenched his fists tightly with both hands.

Yes, he wanted to kill her, but in fact, he saved her again, but she still beat him up!
He wanted to shout with hatred in his heart, but he didn't dare to make a sound in front of his father.

(End of this chapter)

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