Chapter 92 The Emperor’s Big Son
Emperor Mingxi quite liked Sheng Minglin's way of speaking.

As an Emperor Wu, he is particularly annoying to some people. Even though they are here, they still have to pretend to say, "I don't know if I should say this or not." Why don't you say it when you are here? Are you here to amuse us?

Therefore, you have to be like Sheng Minglin. If you have anything to say, say it directly. It doesn't matter whether it's the emperor's uncle or the princess. Anyway, I only protect my family.

So Emperor Mingxi said with great admiration: "It's better that Ming Lin is careful, that's all. Zhu Zhu'er is my heartthrob and the auspicious sign of our great fortune. However, we are still a little unclear about these things. At this time , no matter how small a thing is, you can’t let it go easily, you have to live well, Chacha, don’t worry Chacha!”

"If something like this happens again in the future, you can come and tell us if you have any guesses, and tell us that in our hearts you are no worse than Shiro and the others. Your father is not here at the moment, so I am your dearest friend. Dad! If my son and I have anything to say, tell me!"

Sheng Minglin looked flattered and admired, and agreed repeatedly.

When he went out, he wiped his face silently.

The emperor's speech was so... so arrogant. From time to time, he wouldn't even call himself me, just like an old farmer. He really couldn't stand it. He probably didn't perform well, and he didn't have time to cry. No matter how crowded, I still have to learn more from Zheng Zhongshun.

Who knows, as soon as he left, Emperor Mingxi also tutted: "This little brat is pretending to be with me! I'm not lying to children. In my heart, Yan Qing's son is my son!"

Zheng Zhongshun was naturally happy, yes, yes, everything the emperor said was right, while secretly complaining... Prince Duan himself was also the emperor's eldest son, so how should this generation be judged?
At this time, Prince Duan's Mansion.

Zhuzhu woke up from her nap. As soon as she heard that her elder brother and fourth elder brother had entered the palace, she wanted to go find her new and beautiful elder brother to play with.

So the people below changed her clothes and combed her hair again, and Zhuzhu walked to Huo Chenzhao on her short legs.

At this moment, Huo Chenzhao had just settled down.

Thanks to Princess Duan's magnanimity in doing things, although Sheng Minglin was not welcomed back home, the courtyard he was assigned to was the largest and best besides the main courtyard and Zhuzhu courtyard.

The main room in the courtyard is five rooms wide, with three pavilions at the front and back. There are also wing rooms on both sides. There are bamboos in the courtyard. It is quiet and elegant, and quite grand. In fact, it is quite suitable for a young man who loves reading.

As soon as Huo Chenzhao saw the furnishings, he knew it was his master's yard.

On the contrary, he felt relieved.

After all, if you hire a doctor to treat the prince, you can only stay in a guest room in the guest house, and there is no need to arrange to enter the master's yard. He obviously has other ideas, so he wants to keep him by his side.

But, what other ideas?

Although he prides himself on his literary talents, how can he be a dignified palace without talents?

Or for medical skills?Or is it because of the little princess's preference for him?

Huo Chenzhao couldn't figure it out for a while.

Zhou Xingguo is usually the most evasive, but since he entered Prince Duan's mansion, he didn't dare to breathe.

It wasn't until Huo Chenzhao finished writing the things he needed and sent the butler away, the two of them had a hasty meal, and sent the servants away... that Zhou Xingguo finally breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to him: "This is called the palace! Walking all the way in, I can’t see enough, it’s so majestic!”

Huo Chenzhao whispered: "You should go back first."

"Should I go back now?" Zhou Xingguo was a little hesitant: "I'm not at ease. I'm thinking of staying with you for two more days."

"No need," Huo Chenzhao said, "I have nothing to do here for the moment, and you are too restrained here. Why not go back and take care of Yaoyuanzi first."

Zhou Xingguo thought for a while, nodded, and said to himself: "Yes, Prince Duan seems to be quite kind, and if they want you to treat His Highness Seventh Prince, they will definitely not do anything to you... Then I am really leaving? "

Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but smile and whispered: "Let's go."

He sent him out and asked the servant to take him to the housekeeper to say goodbye.

The housekeeper was very polite and offered to send him off in a carriage. Zhou Xingguo was flattered and refused immediately. The housekeeper wanted to give him a horse to ride with him... So in the end, Zhou Xingguo accepted the carriage with trepidation.

Huo Chenzhao didn't know this.

Mainly because he had just arrived and it was inconvenient for him to walk around the palace without permission, so he only sent Zhou Xingguo to the gate of the courtyard and then came back.

Just when I came back, I heard footsteps in front of the door, and a familiar little voice shouted: "Beautiful Guoguo! Uncle Black!"

Huo Chenzhao rushed out to greet him.

The clothes he usually wears are ordinary coarse cloth robes, and they are also at this time. But the more simple they are, the more radiant and beautiful he looks. Standing next to the bamboo forest, he looks like a painting.

At first glance, it seems particularly difficult to care for.It looks very expensive at first glance!

But it’s really beautiful!Bulling Boling's!

Tuanzi ran over, raised his little face and said, "Pretty Guo Guo."

Huo Chenzhao quickly squatted down: "Little princess, what are your orders?"

Tuanzi asked him: "Can you read? Do you know how to make beans?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I know a little bit."

Naituanzi's eyes lit up: "Well, are you very knowledgeable?"

Huo Chenzhao didn't understand why she asked this, and subconsciously wanted to be modest: "I am still young and have little talent and knowledge. I cannot be called knowledgeable."

Tuanzi didn't understand: "Jie, what does the word introduction mean?"

Huo Chenzhao could only explain it to her, and then he saw that there was deep disappointment in the eyes of the little girl with big breasts... and even a little bit of sadness and sadness.

She asked him: "Then, what else can you do? A very powerful one."

Huo Chenzhao's mind was spinning, and then he changed his mind decisively: "Little Princess, we scholars are very humble when we speak..."

He explained to her what modesty meant, and then shamelessly whispered: "I have read a lot of books, and I am very knowledgeable."

Tuanzi's eyes lit up: "Is Mr. Bixu still knowledgeable?"

Huo Chenzhao asked: "Who is Mr. Xu?" He coughed: "You can call him out and compare."

Tuanzi immediately took his hand: "How about that elbow? Zhuzhu will take you to Mr. Xu."

Huo Chenzhao followed her.

It was already afternoon and Xu Heshu was not in the school. Tuanzi was reminded by his servants and went to Xu Heshu's yard, and then said to him: "Mr. Xu, the beautiful Guo Guo has come to compete with you in knowledge!"

Xu Heshu pinched his beard: "Oh?"

Huo Chenzhao just wanted to cover his face.

But in front of the dumplings, there was no way to explain. He could only salute with red ears and said: "Boy Huo Chenzhao, please give me a question to test me, Mr. Xu."

Xu Heshu asked him casually: "What books have you read?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I've almost learned the book for industry, sir, just take the exam."

As the name suggests, the books used in the imperial examinations were used for imperial examinations. They were not only the Four Books and Five Classics, but also dozens of others.

Xu Heshu let him in, took a book from the case, and began to take the test. Huo Chenzhao answered fluently.

However, for Zhuzhu, it was when the two of them began to speak incomprehensible words.

Look at this, I don’t understand it, but it’s a string.

Look at that one, I can’t understand it either, but it’s a string of strings!

Tuanzi hugged his little hands, his eyes bright.

Wow!They are so knowledgeable! !

As soon as Sheng Minglin came back from the palace, he heard that Zhuzhu had gone to find Huo Chenzhao.

Sheng Minglin sighed in his heart, fearing that his silly sister would say something he shouldn't have said, so he hurriedly ran to put out the fire.

Fortunately, halfway through the walk, I heard that Xu Heshu was here. Sheng Minglin breathed a sigh of relief and asked someone to call the housekeeper first.

(End of this chapter)

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