Chapter 96 The brother who is good at martial arts and reliable

Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "No need, Princess. My prescriptions are all from the medical classics of previous generations. I just took them and used them. I don't deserve the Princess's thanks."

"Huh?" Tuanzi didn't understand much of what was said in the middle, and looked at him with big eyes in confusion: "Come on, don't you like them all? Then, do you like money?"

Huo Chenzhao: "..."

He couldn't explain it, so he had to hold the little pig in the hand of a maid nearby. It looked like it was made of cotton, but he didn't expect it to be quite heavy when he held it.

Huo Chenzhao didn't think much and said, "I like this one, then, should I take it?"


Zhuzhuer nodded generously, feeling that she and the beautiful Guoguo were already friends.

So she immediately took the colorful ball from Lychee's hand and looked at her expectantly: "Beautiful Guoguo, do you want to play with this ball? Zhuzhu can play with you."

Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "I want to play."

He quickly took down the piglet to the boy, and then went out to play with colorful balls with Zhuzhu.

The two played tossing each other for a while, but when the colorful ball accidentally hit a bamboo, Huo Chenzhao swung in the bamboo forest, fished the moon from the bottom of the sea, turned around and easily threw the ball back into Zhuzhu's arms.

Naituanzi's eyes lit up on the spot: "Wow!!"

Huo Chenzhao was also opened to a new world on the spot, and then began to play with some tricks of Cuju.

He was naturally extremely beautiful, he was young, and his clothes were simple. When the colorful balls were flying around him, the scene was really extraordinary.

Zhu Zhu'er's eyes were not strong enough, the whole group was super excited, running around non-stop and chattering in their little voices.

The servants like Li Zhi were happy to see them.

Because Sheng Minglin doesn't know how to fight, and the seventh prince is unreliable.

Huo Chenzhao perfectly makes up for these two points. Not only does he have many tricks to play, but he also interacts with Zhuzhu from time to time. He will not just play by himself, nor will he hurt Zhuzhu lightly or seriously. Even the servants are relaxed.

While playing, Huo Chenzhao paid attention to Zhuzhu. Seeing her opening her little mouth and starting to pant, he raised his feet and made a flying move, preparing to close the pose.

The colorful ball flew high on his toes, and the next moment, he heard a sharp bird call.

Huo Chenzhao and Tuanzi raised their heads together.

Then I saw the colorful ball hit a black bird in mid-air. The black bird chirped again, and feathers fell down. The colorful ball fell down with it. The black bird chirped fiercely, chirped crazily, and flew away. .

Tuanzi raised his little head and stared blankly. His little head swung in that direction as the bird flew. His center of gravity was unstable and he almost fell down.

Huo Chenzhao reacted quickly and quickly held the back of her head with one hand.

Tuanzi rested on his hand and asked him blankly: "Is it scolding us?"

Huo Chenzhao coughed: "It's possible."

So Tuanzi said loudly: "Niaoniao! Don't be angry! We didn't do it on purpose! I'm sorry!!"

In the distance, the blackbird's broken voice: chirp, chirp, chirp...

Tuanzi thought for a while, then decisively changed into bird talk, pouting his little lips, and his little arms subconsciously trembled: "Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp! Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp!"

Huo Chenzhao looked adorable and smiled.

Tuanzi screamed for a long time, turned his head to listen, and found that there was no sound. Then he stood up straight and said, "Is everything okay?"

"Well," Huo Chenzhao said, "It's okay."

He was the one who kicked the ball, and he should have been panicking at this moment, but the dumplings are so small, soft, and silly, and are born to make people put down all their guard, so at this moment, he didn't actually feel at all. nervous.

The two sat down on the stone table in the bamboo forest. Li Zhi and others quickly came up to give her water, and the boy also brought tea to Huo Chenzhao.

The two of them each held a cup and drank water. Tuanzi looked around while drinking. He saw a bird on a branch not far away and was startled: "Beautiful pot pot, beautiful pot pot!" Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "What's wrong?"

Tuanzi pointed quickly with his hand, fearing that the bird would see it, so he quickly stopped his hand and pretended to look around, with his big eyes and an anxious wink: "The bird is back again! What should I do?"

"It's okay," Huo Chenzhao comforted her: "It's probably not that one, that one has already run away."

Tuanzi whispered anxiously: "But, they look the same! It's not that one, but it's his friend! It's looking at us, it's looking at Zhuzhu! What should we do!"

Huo Chenzhao secretly touched a bamboo leaf from the corner of the table, popped it out gently, and then said calmly: "Don't be afraid, it flew away, it was probably just passing by."

Tuanzi covered his face with his two chubby hands, leaving only a little bit of the seam exposed. He looked at it and felt relieved: "Oh!"

Lychee took the time to feed her some more water, and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, the birds don't know the way, so they can't find us."

Tuanzi asked: "Don't birds know the way?"

Li Zhi and others didn't blink, and nodded in unison: "You don't know the way."

Tuanzi breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of something. He turned his little head around, and after searching for a long time, he finally found the black feather that fell just now, so he ran over to pick it up, walked to the door of the yard, and pushed out with all his strength. Throw: "Hey!"

The feathers are so light, they fly back in no time.

The dumpling was startled, and he quickly picked it up again, threw it out harder, and stamped his little feet, "Hey!"

The feather fell to her feet, and Tuanzi jumped in shock.

Huo Chenzhao quickly jumped over, picked up the feather, and popped it out with his fingers. The black feather flew far away with a swish.

Tuanzi breathed a sigh of relief and hugged his legs: "This way the birds can't find us to mess with, right?"

"Well," Huo Chenzhao bent down and picked her up: "Don't be afraid, you won't be able to find her, Bird Bird..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard something, turned his head suddenly, and saw several black birds flying towards this direction.

Huo Chenzhao was surprised.

He didn't expect that the bird would actually come back and avenge him on the spot...

Tuanzi followed his gaze and looked over there. He was also frightened and said loudly: "Quick, run! The birds are coming to harass us!" As he said this, he opened the lapel of his clothes, and the little boy His face was buried in it, and he arched it inward as hard as he could, focusing on his head and not his buttocks.

Huo Chenzhao: "..."

A few birds had already flown over, and then... they pooped collectively, and the sky was filled with feces for a while.

Huo Chenzhao quickly moved out of the way, and several servants couldn't help but scream and dodge.

Tuanzi didn't dare to look at him at all, his little face was hidden in his arms. When he heard the servant calling, Tuanzi stretched out his chubby hands in a hurry and covered his face randomly, saying: "Run! Go find Guo Guo! Guo Guo must have a solution!"

Although Huo Chenzhao killed these birds easily, he hesitated and still felt that he could not let the children see such a situation, so he followed the instructions and ran towards the martial arts field.

As soon as the two broke in, several people were shocked.

As soon as Tuanzi heard the voice of the smart brother, he dared to show his little face, waved to him desperately, and said loudly: "Guoguo! Save Zhuzhu! Save Zhuzhu's face!"

Sheng Minglin came over quickly and took a closer look at her little face: "What's wrong with Zhuzhu's face?"

"It's a bird!" Tuanzi said, "A bird is here to tease me!"

Sheng Minglin frowned and looked at Huo Chenzhao, who quickly explained.

The seventh prince was very excited: "What are the birds afraid of? Wait until I get the slingshot and shoot them all down."

Tuanzi waved his hands hastily: "No."

"Ah?" The seventh prince asked inexplicably, "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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