Chapter 36 Learning
Zhao Yuyi moved his fingers and slowly woke up from the chaos.

She opened her eyes.

When I found myself still in a dark cave, I felt like crying again.

At just the right time, a little sporadic light seemed to come from the farthest part of the cave.

Zhao Yuyi immediately jumped up excitedly.

She tiptoed toward the light, not feeling the icy cold air.This showed that Di Xiao's ghost was not in the cave. She felt slightly reassured, groped her way to the light, took a closer look, and was immediately ecstatic.

That turned out to be a cave entrance!
Although the hole was only a foot wide, Zhao Yuyi was tall and slender, so it was not difficult for him to crawl out on his hands and knees.

Zhao Yuyi climbed out hard.

She loves clean people so much that she doesn't feel disgusted at all when she is covered in dirt and stains.After leaving the cave entrance, it suddenly dawned on him that Zhao Yuyi stood up and ran wildly.

In the woods, the bushes and grass were taller than her head.

Zhao Yuyi's face, arms, neck, and any exposed skin were all scratched by blades of grass.

Not long after, the injured areas suddenly felt excruciating pain. Zhao Yuyi could bear it originally, but after running for a while, the pain seemed to come from his bones, as if he had been stung by a scorpion, and his white and delicate skin became red and swollen, like Burned by fire.Zhao Yuyi was in unbearable pain and could no longer run. He squatted on the ground and burst into tears.

Just in time.

A familiar chill came from behind.

Zhao Yuyi raised his eyes with red tears, sobbing and speechless.

Di Xiao sighed.

There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

He pointed to the tall grass blades next to him and said, "This is hemp grass. Once it comes into contact with the skin, it will cause excruciating pain."

Zhao Yuyi looked carefully and discovered that the leaves and stems of the plants she pushed aside were all covered with tiny thorns. On the surface, there was no danger at all.

She lives deep in the palace, and the royal garden is full of precious flowers. She has never seen such weeds.

Di Xiao seemed to know that she was uncomfortable, so he grabbed it in the air with his right hand, and a handful of black ashes came out of nowhere, like incense ashes or plant ashes.

"It won't hurt so much if you put this on."

Zhao Yuyi didn't want to say anything now, so he could only turn his head away angrily.

Tears trickled down her chin.

Just as he was about to wipe it off, he felt that the burning pain on his body was relieved, as if ice had been applied on it, giving it a slight cooling effect.

Zhao Yuyi looked up and saw Di Xiao smearing the black ash on her skin.Maybe the black ash had an effect, or maybe Di Xiao himself had no body temperature.

This kind of care only made Zhao Yuyi angrier.

She said angrily: "I don't want your fake mercy!"

Di Xiao said sincerely: "You need to change your temper."

"What does it have to do with you whether you change it or not?"

"You are a descendant of Zhao Sheng, so naturally it is none of my business."

"If you really care about the kindness between my great ancestor and you, please send me back to my cousin." As soon as Zhao Yuyi finished speaking, his body suddenly became light.Before she had time to react, she found herself being carried on Di Xiao's back.

A ghost, carrying a living person like her, walked as fast as flying.

After Zhao Yuyi was stunned, he raised his hand and hit him hard, but all he got was an empty phantom.She was stunned, "Put, let me down!"

Di Xiao seemed not to have heard anything.

After more than 100 years, it is rare to meet a descendant of Zhao Sheng. He wants to teach her the art of war and the way of governing the country that he has not been able to teach.In this way, when Zhao Yuyi returns to the capital, he can carry it forward and make the Yuan Dynasty prosperous and prosperous forever.

Zhao Yuyi is back to the starting point.

This time, she was not locked in a dark sedan, so she saw herself being carried into a mass grave by Di Xiao.

The tombs are desolate and terrifying.Especially in some places where the soil is shallow, pale and weathered skeletons are exposed.

When Zhao Yuyi was extremely frightened, she heard Di Xiao say in a deep voice: "These uncollected remains are all loyal martyrs who sacrificed their lives to defend Dayuan a hundred years ago."

This short sentence immediately made Zhao Yuyi ashamed.

The fear he had just now disappeared, and instead he felt a deep respect.

She even began to reflect.

Shouldn't he be cold-hearted to General Di Xiao?

After entering the tomb, Di Xiao put her down and asked, "Why do you resent Fu Jiao?"

Zhao Yuyi was startled.

She was filled with anger when she mentioned Fu Jiao, and when she thought of Di Xiao helping Fu Jiao in everything, the reflection she had just had was instantly forgotten.She snorted coldly: "I won't tell you."

"Also, I don't just hate Fu Jiao."

"I still resent you!"

"You and Taizu are brothers. The Zhao family even named you the Duke of Zhenguo. You can enter the Taizu Temple and enjoy the worship of the royal family every year. But what about you? Turn your elbows outward!"

Zhao Yuyi felt that if she wanted to kill Fu Jiao, Di Xiao should help.

Instead of capturing her and imprisoning her in the tomb.

These words made Di Xiao feel that Zhao Yuyi was stubborn, and it seemed that it was urgent to educate Zhao Sheng's descendants.

Di Xiao asked his subordinates to bring wild fruits and spring water.

He said: "You eat something first and start studying later."

Zhao Yuyi was furious, "What are you studying?"

"The Four Books and Five Classics, the principles of governing the country, biographies of the art of war, and the golden mean."


When she was a child, because she hated the old master of the Imperial College, she became ill after attending classes for only a few days.She is the first daughter of Emperor Jianming, and the most favored concubine Jing. She is loved by thousands of people. If you don't want to read, just don't read. Just know some simple words.

Now that I am an adult, do I still have to hold my head to study?
Di Xiao didn't allow her to refuse at all.

As soon as she filled her stomach, the ghosts led her to a wider and brighter cave, and a thick stack of books and bamboo slips were placed in front of her.

When Zhao Yuyi saw this powerful force, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Di Xiao took out a book and said: "At first, human nature is good, but killing is too important in your heart. As a woman, you can't do it. Goodness comes first in everything, and only kind people can do it even if they don't live in the temple. You can help the world, but you can also live alone in the world." He handed the book in his hand to Zhao Yuyi, pointed it, and laid out the rice paper and ink in front of him, "You need to calm down and cultivate your nature now, and understand the way of kindness. Come, first read this book "Ten Copied "The Sutra of Good Karma" eight times."


Zhao Yuyi gestured with his hand to indicate the thickness of the "Ten Good Karma Sutras", "Eight times? Are you kidding me! I won't write it!"

She hadn't touched a pen in years.

Di Xiao shook his head, "I will teach you other knowledge after you finish writing." He ordered a little ghost beside him, "Keep an eye on her. If you don't finish copying, you can't eat."

After speaking, his figure gradually disappeared into the wall.

"Di Xiao! You——"

Zhao Yuyi was so angry that his mouth twisted.

The kid even kindly lit a will-o'-the-wisp for her, and the faint green light illuminated Zhao Yuyi's face ashen.

The cave is closed.

Zhao Yuyi seemed to be locked in a small dark room, with nothing to do but listen to Di Xiao's words.

She stamped her feet, yelled ventedly, grabbed a pen, lay on the ground and copied the "Ten Good Karma Sutra" stroke by stroke: "I heard that at one time, the Buddha was in the Sajiluo Dragon Palace, and he was with the Eight Thousand Great Buddhas. Bhikkhus, there are thirty-two thousand Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas..."

(End of this chapter)

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