Chapter 1061 Requirements
Chu Qingge originally had three requirements for the chefs of Chunhui Tavern. First, the professional level should not be low.

Even though Chunhui Tavern is just a small shop now, its main focus is the word "wine".

The selling point seems to be focused on the wine, that is, the craftsmanship of Zhu Sanniang and Lao Liu, and the food has become secondary.

But Ping'an Town is a famous Xinghua Wine Town, and there are many taverns here.

Even though most of these taverns only sell bulk wine, they are secretly supported by many wine shops. Their main function is to increase sales channels and test the reactions of new products after they are brought to the market.

But both the quantity and the quality of the wine sold are very good.

If Chu Qingge wanted to gain a foothold in Ping'an Town, he not only had to have good wine, but he also had to start from other places.

Her ultimate goal is to open a restaurant in the capital, so the food must be good.

Therefore, the chef's requirements cannot be complied with like other foot shops that specialize in selling wine.

In addition to making delicious food, Chu Qingge’s second requirement is to be aware of change. No matter whether a chef is confident or not, when faced with food that does not suit his own taste but suits the taste of diners, he should not be too repelled.

And you have to adjust your recipes at any time according to market trends, even if you can't change them in real time.

But at least we cannot exclude seeking change.

Finally, and most importantly, Chu Qingge hoped that the other party's character should be up to standard and not be the kind of villain who is only interested in profit and is in Cao's camp but his heart is Han. No matter how powerful such a person is, she would not dare to use him.

Otherwise, as soon as her recipes are given out and the other party learns them, they will probably resell them or even run away.

So it seems that she only has three requirements, but there are not many people who can meet these three requirements at the same time.

Yu Hongfu grinned, "Mrs. Chu, you will know when you see our new cook."

With that said, he didn't waste any time and led Chu Qingge directly into the backyard of the tavern, where the kitchen was.

As soon as Chu Qingge walked to the kitchen door, she heard someone humming a song, the tune was cheerful and melodious.Listen to the voice, no matter how you sound, it should be that of a young girl.

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Qingge entered, he saw a young girl of medium stature, full of energy, wearing a simple blue skirt, a whip, and a blue cloth scarf of the same color tied on her head.

The other person's eyes are big and bright, and although his skin is slightly dark, it is a healthy wheat color.

Even though it didn't conform to the contemporary aesthetic of beauty's skin as jade and snow, Chu Qingge still thought the other person was good-looking.

This kind of good looks is not just superficial. After all, if you look at the facial features, the young girl in front of you is not outstanding.

But the aura of natural optimism, confidence and joy exuding from her whole body has greatly increased the favorability of outsiders towards her.


The young girl was cleaning and humming in the kitchen, and did not notice anyone coming at first.

When she turned around, she saw a young and beautiful girl standing at the door.

The girl looks very young, about the same age as her. She has loosely combed hair and two simple white hairpins. She looks a little tired, but her eyes are particularly energetic.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful. Standing under the eyes, she looks like a little fairy in a painting, shining brightly.

Fang Lanyi was stunned for a moment, as if it was the first time he saw such a beautiful person.

Moreover, the other party looked at him with a smile, as if he had a good impression of him.

Fang Lanyi blushed immediately, "Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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