Chapter 217 Unexpectedly
While waiting, Chu Qingge said naturally, "Sir, this secret fragrance was originally my mother's maid, why is it in the Yuan family?"

"This..." Magistrate Sun came to Chenyang County to serve as a parent official for almost ten years. Although when Yuan died, he was still an official in another place.

However, the Yuan family was diligent in giving gifts, and he also asked people to inquire about the Yuan family, knowing that the Yuan family had done evil things such as stealing dowries from married girls.

He didn't care much at the time. After all, the Chu family who were shot had no future. He didn't dare to fight against the Yuan family at that time, and he couldn't do it now.

He accepted the gifts with peace of mind.

But now...

Magistrate Sun remembered Lu Siming, who had helped solve the case not long ago, which had won him the appreciation of the prefecture city, and took a look at Pei Yan, who was now behind Chu Qingge...

He suddenly wanted to return all the things the Yuan family gave him...

It's hot...

It's really hot...

When County Magistrate Sun had a headache, Lawyer Chen already had an expression on his face that said, "Humph, I knew you were going to say this. I was already prepared." The actual dowry taken is consistent with the dowry agreed by the parents.

Although there is the seal of Mrs. Yuan on the dowry book, the seal was secretly stamped by the Yuan family. There are servants of the Yuan family who can testify to this!

After the Yuan family learned about this, they thought it was their own child after all, so they did not pursue the matter. However, Yuan died in childbirth only five years after marrying into the Chu family.

There were also rumors at that time that Chu Xiucai had someone outside, and that the Yuan family and Chu Xiucai were not on good terms. Naturally, the Yuan family did not want their own property to be taken advantage of by outsiders! "

Chu Qingge fell silent. Although in modern times, there are many phenomena of favoring boys over girls, at least in modern law, men and women are equal.

As a daughter, Chu Qingge would not lose her inheritance rights even if she did not take her mother's surname.

But in ancient times...

Her surname is Chu. Even if she is related to the Yuan family, she is still an outsider... If Yuan Zhenzhen's dowry is proven to have never belonged to her from the beginning, then Chu Qingge and her younger brother Chu Huaifang will get nothing.

"Can the servants of the Yuan family testify?" Chu Qingge said coldly, "Your servants of the Yuan family will naturally speak to your Yuan family. Who can be sure that they will not give false testimony?"

Chu Qingge said this to indirectly prepare for the arrival of the maid Anxiang later, making people suspect that Anxiang would tell lies.

However, the Yuan family is really well prepared - "The servants of the Yuan family can't count what they say, but what about the patriarch of your Chu family? What he said may prove it!?"

The head of the Chu family?

Chu Qingge was stunned and before he could react, an old man in his 70s, wearing a Confucian robe, walked in at the yamen's signal.

Because the Yuan family had known for a long time that Chu Qingge was going to bring up old stories in court today, they had already invited the witnesses who should be invited.

If a sticker dealer hadn't popped up next door, the Yuan family wouldn't have thought that there would be something wrong with the dowry booklet, and there would be no need for Anxiang to go and buy it now...

"Second grandfather?"

Chu Qingge looked at the current head of the Chu family. He was her grandfather's cousin. Because the family ranked second, the juniors called him the second grandfather.

At this moment, in the crowd outside the courtroom, Mrs. Yan pulled her old man, extremely anxious, "Old man, what is going on?"

There were so many people in the village that the Yuan family sent people to invite the head of the Chu family, so it was hard for Yan and others not to know about it.

Then they discovered that the Yuan family actually wanted to sue Chu Qingge...

Facing his wife Yan's inquiry, Old Chu did not speak, but his expression was obviously not very good, "Qingge is in trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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