Chapter 147 Crowned as the No. [-] Scholar

Taoist Priest Qingxu's mouth twitched as he listened to the audience.

Didn't he just grow a beard and look a little more mature?

He is only in his 30s!They said they looked like a bad old man.

Taoist Master Qingxu regained his fighting spirit, but his opponent was too powerful. Boxing champion Tai Sheng had already forced him not far from the edge of the ring.

After almost an hour of anxiety in the ring, boxing champion Tai Sheng was also very surprised how this "elderly" fighter could fight so well, and his physical strength was also declining.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more silent, and many viewers were very touched when they saw the tenacity of Taoist Master Qingxu.

Some people felt that this stalemate game was becoming more and more boring. It was obvious that Taoist Master Qingxu would lose to Tai Sheng sooner or later, so they got up and left one after another.

Taoist Master Qingxu felt that he could no longer hold on any longer and that the tight string was about to loosen.

However, at this moment, a childish voice suddenly came from the dull scene.

"Both are brave."

"The wound on your forehead, yours, is different, your mistake."

"All, there is no need to hide."

"Your battered doll, your, mask, your ego."

This is the song "Lonely Warrior" that became popular a few days ago?
Someone turned around to look for the source of the sound and found a kid who looked like he was in third or fourth grade. He was singing with tears in his eyes as he looked at Taoist Master Qingxu with a bruised nose and swollen face on the stage.

As she took the lead, more and more children at the scene sang "The Lonely Warrior", and even the children who had just urged their parents to leave stopped.

Primary school teacher Deng Shanshan also told other children: "The man on the stage is fighting for the honor of our country!"

The children sang harder and harder, and the more they sang, the more excited they became!
Taoist Priest Qingxu's consciousness was already somewhat blurred, but suddenly a childish but powerful singing voice reached his ears.

"I love the way you walk alone in a dark alley, and the way you don't kneel!"

"I love you, you have persisted in despair, and you refused to cry!"

The children's chorus was like a cold wind that woke up Taoist Master Qingxu, and his consciousness became clearer.

There are so many children watching and paying attention to me in the audience, and there are even more on the Internet!

He stands on the stage as a role model for Chinese martial arts.

He can't give up or lose. He wants the children to know that Chinese martial arts is the most awesome!

Taoist Priest Qingxu's eyes widened, and a bright red stood out in his sight.

It was Master Wen Hee who taught him Wing Chun in the morning!
At this time, Wen Xi looked at Taoist Master Qingxu with a smile. She lowered her palm, spread her right hand, circled her right hand, and closed her fist.

It was still the same demonstration as in the morning, but at this time Taoist Master Qingxu saw the deeper essence.

Wen Xi demonstrated very quickly, because the next moment boxing champion Tai Sheng's heavy punch hit Taoist Master Qingxu.

Taoist Priest Qingxu's reaction was much quicker. He dodged the opponent's attack and then used the progressive Japanese punch to switch from defense to offense!

Taisheng did not expect that Taoist Master Qingxu would suddenly counterattack, and was caught by surprise at this time.

More and more people are joining in the chorus of "Lonely Warrior". They feel like they are being poisoned. This song is so contagious, and the chorus can be sung almost immediately after listening to it once.

"Go? Match? This ragged cloak!"

"Fight? Fight! With the humblest dream!"

Under the home battle song, Taoist Priest Qingxu felt that the songs coming from all directions were conveying endless power to him.

He is going to win!
Taoist Master Qingxu's speed is getting faster and faster. Wing Chun, which originally seemed soft and delicate, gradually evolved into a sharp weapon at this extreme speed.

In the current stalemate battle with boxing champion Tai Sheng, although he exhausted his energy and was beaten half to death, he figured out the opponent's methods and gradually digested the essence of Wing Chun taught to him by Wen Xi in actual combat.

Boxing champion Tai Sheng hadn't even realized why such a delicate move hurt him so much.

He started to block with his fists and hind legs, but the opponent's quick movement made it impossible for him to attack and counterattack.

"To the whimpers and howls in the night—"

"Who said that those who stand in the light are heroes—"

The situation in the ring was reversed, and the singing children became more and more excited!
Taoist priest Qingxu's Wing Chun is so awesome!
In the live broadcast room, the "Lonely Warrior" resounding throughout the stadium combined with Taoist Master Qingxu's Wing Chun was presented to the audience like an art film.Boxing King Taisheng is very popular around the world, so many overseas viewers are watching the broadcast through the official website of ANDE Sports.

Seeing the mediocre Taoist master's gorgeous counterattack, the foreigners watching the broadcast were dumbfounded.

【OMG!Is this Chinese Kung Fu?miracle! 】

[Are you sure it’s not an acceleration effect? 】

[If I hadn’t seen that Tai Sheng’s movements were still at the same speed, I would have really suspected that the Taoist priest was cheating. 】

[This Taoist Priest looks to be over 50 years old, how can he beat Tai Sheng like this? 】

[I can’t believe what will happen if there are more than a billion people in China and everyone knows this Wing Chun? 】

[It’s not that China cannot unify the world, it’s just that they don’t want to. 】

[I hope China can always follow the path of peaceful cooperation and show mercy! 】

"I love you from the wild, and I will not borrow anyone's light in my life."

"You will build your city on the ruins."

At the time of this song, Master Qingxu suddenly understood the essence of Wing Chun and fought back.

When Taoist Master Qingxu pushed boxing champion Taisheng off the ring with his palm, the whole audience was in a state of excitement!


The referee blew his whistle, and the host excitedly announced that the Chinese Wushu Team had won this Chinese-foreign duel!

The spirit of not admitting defeat, the moving persistence, the gorgeous and beautiful counterattack, Luke, the president of ANDE Sports, stood up and applauded Taoist priest Qingxu in the audience.

The audience at the scene burst into tears, it was so difficult!Everyone was greatly shocked.

Taoist Master Qingxu on the stage finished his closing pose, and all the seats in the room were aimed at him.

However, Taoist priest Qingxu was seen cupping his fists in the direction of Wen Xi in the audience.

"Thanks to my Wing Chun master Wen Hee for his generous teachings."

"Thank you all for "The Lonely Warrior"."

The scene was filled with excitement again.

[Damn it, Master Qingxu’s Wing Chun was taught by Wen Xi. 】

[Who would have thought that if he didn't say it, Wen Xi really fulfilled his own poem "Hidden merit and fame". 】

[It was a pity that Wen Xi had not seen Tai Sheng, the strongest overseas boxing champion, before. Now that I know that it was her apprentice who defeated Tai Sheng, I immediately stood up and saluted. 】

[I announce that Wen Xi has won the top prize in Wu, who supports it and who opposes it? 】

[Excellent in both civil and military affairs, No. 1 in the imperial examination, Wen Xi! 】

Only then did he feel that his stamina tank had been emptied. He straightened his back and walked off the ring amidst cheers.

Wen Xi quickly asked the staff to go forward and help Taoist Qingxu.

The media reporters at the competition site all gathered around and rushed to interview Taoist Master Qingxu.

The staff blocked the reporter's microphone: "Let Taoist Master Qingxu take a rest first."

However, Taoist Master Qingxu raised his powerless hand with difficulty: "Wait a minute, I have something to say!"

The reporters all had wet eyes, thinking that Taoist Qingxu was forcing himself to speak to encourage Chinese netizens, but the microphone was handed to Taoist Qingxu's mouth.

He said seriously: "To reiterate, I am not a bad old man, I am only 34 years old!"

After saying that, he fainted from exhaustion.

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter!
Videos of Wen Xi and others' matches also quickly spread through the Internet platform.

Wen Xi, who was originally the God of Rain in the hearts of children, became even more godlike after this game!
After today, China will set off a wave of traditional martial arts learning!

(End of this chapter)

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