Contract mother is a popular porn star

Chapter 122 Divided into 2 ways

Chapter 122
[Is this too cruel for children? 】

[I feel uncomfortable watching it. Not to mention the babies, is the program team too inconsiderate? 】

[We should be clear about the reality, otherwise our children will grow up under filters and how can they understand the cruelty of the world! 】

[Sadness is human nature, isn’t it just because you feel sad that you have to save them? 】

The reactions of the two children aroused heated discussion.Here Ran Ran and Cheng Cheng walked out of the stray animals' room in low spirits, while Nuan Bao and Nan Nan were obviously happy after seeing the results of the treatment.

"Are we here to save them?" Cheng Cheng still cried in her mother's arms.

Ran Ran stood in the corner without saying a word.

The director is already gathering everyone and asking the children to talk about their different feelings.Xiang Nuan was not in a hurry to pull Ran Ran away, but stood side by side with him.

"A little sad." Xiang Nuan seemed to be talking to himself.

Jiang Ranran didn't respond, staring at the ants at her feet in trance.

"When you and your dad went camping, you must have seen a lot of interesting animals, right? That's when you started to like snakes, right?"

Ran Ran still didn't speak, but Xiang Nuan knew he was listening.

"Ran Ran, let's gather!" Nuan Bao shouted loudly. Ran Ran just turned her head and glanced at it before lowering her head to look at the ants.

Xiang Nuan looked at him and remembered the time when he was frustrated when he acted as a real statue in Xi'an. At that time, he didn't cry or make trouble and digested his emotions by himself.

"You go first, we will catch up later!" Xiang Nuan waved to everyone in response.

"What's wrong with Ran Ran? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Are you having trouble? Or are you injured?"

Their abnormal reaction aroused everyone's concern, and everyone came over to check the cause. Cheng Cheng even hugged Ran Ran's shoulders and said warmly: "You also think those little animals are so pitiful, right? Let's go save them together!" "

Ran Ran retreated to the side and rejected Cheng Cheng's kindness.

"It's okay, let him take it easy. You continue with the process below, and we'll return to the team in a moment."

He He patted Xiang Nuan on the shoulder and comforted him: "Ran Ran is a very kind-hearted child. He can sympathize with these sad things more easily than others. This is an advantage but sometimes it is also a hindrance to him. At this time, something special is needed. If you guide him with positive things, he will get out of this mood."

Xiang Nuan looked at Ran Ran and was [-]% sure that this guy was definitely not a problem with overflowing sympathy.She just smiled slightly and patted He He on the shoulder in response.

[Being too kind sometimes makes it difficult for yourself~]

[Dr. He is so right. That’s how I am. When people tell me sad things, I burst into tears even if they don’t do anything. In the end, they have to comfort me in turn! 】

[I know this is not appropriate to say, but I really hate having someone analyze me no matter what I do!What about experts? ! 】

[Ran Ran is so pitiful, I really want to hug Ran Ran! 】

Ran Ran's anomaly also successfully attracted the attention of the audience. Even when the director divided his troops into two groups and the large group continued the task process, the traffic in the live broadcast room did not shift with the large group.

This doesn't look good, right? 10 people are online, and 9 people choose to stay in place. What should this program do?
Liu Yunshan, who was also "recuperating" in the ward, couldn't help but sneer when she saw this scene.

"It's just pretentious. Isn't it just that I want to manipulate the audience and prove that I am the traffic controller of the show? Yep, it's very cliched. Who can't do it?"

She really resisted the urge to start a rhythm. Thinking of Xiang Nuan's warning to her, hum, it was clearly a threat, so she retracted her hand that was already on the keyboard angrily.

These idiots, what she did was obviously selfish and pretentious, and she didn't care about everyone, let alone the overall situation. Why didn't anyone speak out about such a good point? !
[After all, Mrs. Jiang is the one with the most powerful position...] Liu Yunshan typed a few words secretly, then gritted her teeth and withdrew in anger.I won’t leave either, I’ll just squat here and watch what trouble you two can cause.Wait for me to expose your little trick in a minute!

Director Zhang's face turned dark, but the decision had been made. We couldn't just rest in place and wait for Ran Ran to adjust to his mood, right?After all, time was limited and the mission was clear, so he decided to leave!Just think of it as a program effect.

Ran Ran watched everyone leave and simply sat down on the ground.Xiang Nuan also sat down on the ground. Seeing that he didn't speak, he simply lay down, propped his head on his hands, and looked at the white clouds in the sky.

Just because everyone is gone doesn't mean there are no staff, this is also a live broadcast!The cameras are going crazy. Is this going to go on strike?
[This... lie down? 】

[These girls don’t want to record anymore, so they are blatantly showing off, right? 】

[Forget it, I will also lie down and watch, and the angle of view must be consistent. 】

As a result, the audience lay down one after another and even posted photos of themselves "lying down and watching" the show.

The audience started to enjoy themselves, and Jiang Ranran finally reacted.He glanced at Xiang Nuan with disgust, patted his butt and entered the house again.

He squatted in front of the cardboard box containing the four kittens and fell into a daze again.

Xiang Nuan did not go in, but looked at him through the crack in the door.The photographer was about to go in and take pictures, but she stopped him.I had no choice but to set up the machine at the door and start the "candid shooting" mode.

Xiang Nuan seemed calm, but his heart was beating wildly.She tried hard to recall whether Jiang Ranran had any worries or psychological problems in the original book, but found nothing.

After all, books are books and people are people.No matter how detailed the plot of the book is, it is impossible to cover every aspect of the characters' psychology.Jiang Ranran was a bully in the original book. At most, he could be turned into "a bully on the outside and warm on the inside" to save his image, but it would never be possible to show all his own little thoughts.

Oh my god, this is a test of her ability to adapt to situations.

"Will they die?" Ran Ran finally spoke, asking the staff.

A man came over and squatted next to Ranran. He grabbed one of the kittens and said, "They were picked up from the trash can. They were soaked in the rain and malnourished. They were no different from dead when they first came back. But you Look, how strong its desire to survive is."

The kitten closed its eyes, but sucked the man's finger with its mouth.

"They are four brothers and sisters. This one is the youngest brother, and he is also the weakest. When we wiped the rain off his hair and dried his hair, we almost thought he was hopeless." The man gently stroked his head with one finger. Compared to its thin body, its forehead and fingers are too huge.

The man raised the cat in front of Ran Ran. Ran Ran was so frightened that she quickly put her little hands behind her back and fell to the ground with her buttocks.

Jiang Ranran, a man who catches snakes like he's picking things up in a bag, is he afraid of cats? !

"Would they have died if they hadn't been picked up?"

"Maybe I will meet other kind-hearted people. After all, there are still many good people in this world."

Jiang Ranran stopped talking and retreated silently.

"Let's adopt this cat." He told Xiang Nuan without asking.


"Then can..." He faltered this time and glanced into the room again.


Xiang Nuan didn't even need to finish.She was originally sitting on the ground, but now she got up and half-knelt and took Ran Ran's hand: "We will raise all four of them, brothers and sisters just want to be together!"

(End of this chapter)

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