Chapter 145, a wave of harvest

What Rong Yue didn't expect was that the place where she landed happened to be the camp where the Liao army kept food and grass.The military camp of the Liao Kingdom is slightly different from the military camp of the Wei Kingdom, but they are also similar.The difference is that the tent camps of the Wei State were set up in a square or rectangular shape, while the tent camps of the Liao State were set up in a round arch shape, like a yurt.

Just as Rong Yue hid herself, she suddenly heard a conversation between two soldiers from the Liao Kingdom——

A Liao soldier said: "The weather is dry and everything is dry. Be careful. These grains and grass have just arrived. The meat is enough for six days. It must be kept ventilated to prevent it from getting stifled."

Another Liao soldier said: "I know. We will stay far away from here when making fires, and we will never dare to be careless. The mutton this time is still very fresh, let alone six days, even half a month. There will be problems."


After listening for a while, Rong Yue quietly sneaked into a tent where grain was stored.When she saw the piles of rice and flour in the tent, she couldn't help but think depressedly, was the Liao army preparing for a long-term war by accumulating so much rice?And, there’s so much lamb.Are the Liao people really so ambitious that they must swallow up the Wei Dynasty?

Rong Yue was very angry.Can’t these people work hard on their own territory?Why do you have to be an aggressor and steal the fruits of other people's labor?Can she put all this into space?If all their rice, noodles, and meat were collected into space, and they would have nothing to eat, could they still continue to fight?

When Rong Yue thought about it, she immediately harvested it with her mind, hoping to collect all the grain, meat, and all their gold, silver, and jewelry into the space.After harvesting her thoughts, she herself entered the space, wanting to see if she could collect all these things with her thoughts.

As a result, what surprised her was that there were piles of rice, flour, mutton, beef, and pork in the space instantly...

In addition, there are actually several boxes of gold and silver jewelry? !

She was so surprised that she couldn't help but mutter to herself: "System, system, how big is my space? Can my space hold the entire universe?" Rong Yue was really surprised by the space again and again.

The system's mechanical voice answered her: "Little Master, the space of the merit system can be large or small. The system itself doesn't know how big the merit space is, so it can't answer you."

"Tch! The system itself doesn't know that?" Rong Yue couldn't help laughing, and then asked, "Have I taken in all the food and meat of the Liao army now? Why are there still several boxes of gold, silver and jewelry?"

This is really... my wife was pleasantly surprised and overjoyed!

The mechanical voice of the system sounded: "Yes, they are all taken in. Now, all the tents containing food and grass in their tents have become empty. Those boxes of gold, silver and jewelry were brought by several generals of the Liao Army to Quy Nhon. After entering the city, we plundered the proceeds of several wealthy merchants. Doesn’t the little master’s intention to harvest all their belongings include collecting them? Naturally, gold, silver and jewelry are no exception.”

"Ah!" Rong Yue clasped her hands together, "Amitabha! System, you are really amazing! I admire you, I admire you so much!"

The system's mechanical voice: "Little Master, if your thoughts are what the merit system is willing to accept, the merit system can be infinitely large. If your thoughts are what the merit system is not willing to accept, maybe not even a needle can be put in."

"So that's it!" Rong Yue was a little stunned. She understood a little but didn't quite understand, but it didn't matter whether she understood or not.

"So, my harvest of the Liao army represents justice? Is it for the benefit of the people of the world? Great! So, instead of rejecting it, the merit system accepted it very happily?" Merit system: " That’s right.”

"Ha ha!"

Rong Yue laughed, and then happily came out of the merit system.She thought to herself that after harvesting so many things, she couldn't let things disappear inexplicably like she did when she harvested Zhennan King in Nanshan.She had to set a fire and burn the tents and camps, making them think that the food and grass were destroyed by the fire.Otherwise, where would the food and grass go?Then shouldn’t it be attributed to the theory of gods and ghosts and make people believe in gods and ghosts?

But before setting the fire, she had to find her two brothers.

Rong Yuan and Rong Zhuang were indeed captured by Tian Ji and Yelu Ji.Yeluji and Tian Ji disguised themselves and sneaked into Laiyong City. They happened to meet Rong Yuan and Rong Zhuang in the market and came out to investigate the incident.

Yeluji's people recognized Rong Yuan and Rong Zhuang.Tian Ji pretended to be a weak girl and pretended to be molested by some gangsters.As a result, Rongzhuang was fooled and took the initiative to save the beauty.He was successfully taken away by Tian Ji.Seeing that something was wrong, Rong Yuan immediately went after him, but was defeated by Yeluji and Tian Ji together, and they were captured together.

They tied up Rong Zhuang and Rong Yuan, put them in a carriage and took them back to a camp of the Liao army.

After Yeluji threw the two people into a tent, he couldn't wait to use his sword to cut off the hand tendons and hamstrings of Rong Yuan and Rong Zhuang, and said gloomily: "I heard that Rong Zhuang was poisoned. Yuan broke his hand, and now they are completely fine? My brother is dead, how can they be so carefree and happy, completely fine? I personally cut off their hand tendons and hamstrings to see if they dare to be arrogant! I Their blood and their heads must be used to sacrifice my brother’s spirit in heaven.”

Yeluji struck too quickly, and his screams were terrifying.

Tian Ji originally wanted to stop her, but failed to do so. She could only say: "We agreed to let Rong Jing replace these two people. Ah Ji, you are too impulsive! You broke their hand tendons and heels so quickly. , I'm afraid Rong Jing won't come to exchange. He would be happier if Rong Jing's head could be used to sacrifice your brother."

Yeluji said: "I just broke my hand tendons and hamstrings, but they are not dead yet. Is Rong Jing really willing to trade himself for his two sons? Even if he is willing, he may not come, because Rong Jing has to take care of the entire army."

Rong Yue originally didn't know which tent the two brothers were taken to, until she heard two miserable screams, and then she found the tent where the two brothers were placed.

When she heard those two screams, she knew that the two brothers had been humiliated and probably suffered extremely cruel torture.This Liao people are really vicious!In the blink of an eye, they brought the person back, and they couldn't wait to torture him.

Rong Yue lay on the roof, opened a hole and saw her two brothers.At the same time, she also saw Yeluji and Tian Ji.She saw Yeluji returning the sword and leaving with Tian Ji.

Rong Yue brought the two unconscious brothers into the space, gave them regenerative hormones and anesthetics, and then left the tent quietly.Because my hand tendons and hamstrings were severed, other medicines except regenerative hormones were ineffective.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Rong Yue poured some kerosene on all the tents where the Liao army kept food, and then lit a fire.After lighting the fire, Rong Yue got on the Little Black Eagle of the Universe, quickly left the Liao Army tent and flew back to Laiyong City.

(End of this chapter)

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