Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 1 The division of the realm of the eternal god emperor

Chapter 1 The division of the realm of the eternal god emperor
Realm division

Four realms of martial arts/spiritual power level 1~39

Huangji Realm (Qi Pool)

Early stage → Middle stage → Late stage → Small extreme position → Middle extreme position → Great extreme position → Great Perfection → Supreme extreme state (the power of a hundred bulls)

Xuanji Realm (Qi Lake)

Early stage → Middle stage → Late stage → Small pole → Middle pole → Great pole → Dzogchen → Supreme pole (speed 81m/s)

The end of the earth (air sea)

Early stage → Middle stage → Late stage → Small pole → Middle pole → Great pole → Dzogchen → Supreme realm (the speed reaches the speed of sound)
Heavenly Realm (Martial Spirit)

Early stage → Middle stage → Late stage → Small extreme position → Middle extreme position → Great extreme position → Great Perfection → Supreme extreme realm (military merit value of 3000 million points or the legacy of the gods)


Fish and Dragon Realm/Spiritual Power Level 40~44

Innate fetal breath - refining skin into gold - refining bone into jade - Yin Qiao Holy Vein - Yang Qiao Holy Vein - Yin Dimension Holy Vein - Yang Dimension Holy Vein - Chongling Holy Vein - Glazed Treasure Body - God's Fate Pattern (Tenth Change) )


Four Realms of Saints/Spiritual Power Level 45~69/Physical Saint-Holy King-Great Sage
Semi-Saint: Level 45 ~ Level 49 Quasi-Saint (mental power level [-]~[-])
Saint (spiritual power level 50~54): Lower Realm - Middle Realm - Upper Realm - Xuanhuang Realm - Thorough Earth Realm - Tongtian Realm - True Realm (True Saint) - Ultimate Realm (Ultimate Holy Realm)
Holy King (spiritual power level 55~59): one step to nine steps; the nine-step Holy King is divided into small heaven and earth, big heaven and earth, Dao realm, Jietian, Lindao (you can step into the Great Sage at any time), Saint King Realm Dzogchen (The rules of the holy way reach [-] million ways)

Great Sage (mental power level 60~69 and a half): Immortal Realm, Hundred Shackles Realm, Thousand Questions Realm, Ten Thousand Deaths Realm, Supreme Realm

realm of gods
Heaven-Building Realm: Lower God, Middle God, High God (mental power level 70~74)
Taizhen Realm: Taiyi True God, Taibai True God, Taixu True God (mental power level 75~84)
Infinite realm: immeasurable universe, immeasurable freedom, immeasurable immortality (mental power level 85~93)
Half Ancestor (mental power level 94)
Ancestor (mental power level 95 or above)

(End of this chapter)

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