Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 101 Young Master’s Qualifications

Chapter 101 Young Master’s Qualifications
With the help of Zhang Ji, Luo Shuihan cultivated the supreme realm of the Xuanji realm, and also cultivated the supreme realm of the Earthly realm in the underwater Dragon Palace.

With the golden holy body in his possession, he experienced two supreme realms, which was much stronger than the ordinary holy body.

She and Zhang Ji stepped onto the No. 80 step together, which immediately caused everyone to exclaim. Even the Saints and Semi-Saints at the end of the ladder became uneasy.

Rank eighty means the qualifications of a young master.

A saint who had always practiced in seclusion exclaimed: "There were actually two people who climbed the eighty steps at once. That girl is from the Luo family. No one can compete with Luo Xu. This young man wants to accept her as a disciple. Don’t grab it from me.”

"Hahaha, Saint Yunhai, I'm afraid you won't be able to do what you want. My master has already accepted him as a disciple. He is my little junior brother. If you want to accept him as a disciple, you must first ask my master. "A free and easy laughter sounded.

Saint Yunhai looked at the unruly middle-aged man and frowned: "Have you been accepted as a disciple by Master Yi?
It's no wonder that his sword intention has reached the point where the sword's heart is transparent. "

The middle-aged man named Xinghe Half Saint is the No. 12 disciple of Master Yixuan. He looked forward to Zhang Ji who continued to climb the ladder after climbing the eighty steps.

Luo Shuihan finally stopped at the fifth level of No. 80, while Zhang Ji continued to move forward. After reaching the [-]th level, the pressure became more terrifying as he moved forward. The holy power of the saints was so terrifying that it was like a mountain pressing on him.

Stepping onto the No. 90 step, even Zhang Ji began to sweat on his forehead.

The Saint of Yunhai said in great surprise: "Level 90, as far as I know, only the disciple of Wu Zun from Martial God Mountain has climbed to the [-]th level in the past few years, but he has only stopped at the [-]th level. He Is he even more talented than the disciples of Martial Master?"

Zhang Ji looked at the remaining nine stone steps and mobilized the power of the Golden Holy Body. The power of the Holy Body offset part of the holy power of the saints, and the marks of the gods in the sea of ​​​​qi also glowed, partially offset again.

The ninth-grade Wanxiang Divine Martial Seal between his eyebrows also glowed with divine light.

The Ninth-grade Divine Martial Seal has become one of the most powerful Divine Martial Seals in the world. If there is no Eternal Divine Martial Seal, the Ninth-Rank Divine Martial Seal is the top existence.

The Wanxiang Divine Martial Seal is tolerant of all aspects and embraces all rivers. Under the stimulation, the pressure on Zhang Ji has become much smaller.

He continued to move forward, step 91, step 92, step 93... until he reached the seventh step No. 90.

The temple at the top of the ladder is already vaguely visible.

Zhang Ji struggled to lift his legs, but was unable to move forward. This was already his limit. Since the establishment of the Eastern Territory Holy Academy, no new student has successfully reached the top of the pilgrimage ladder.

Before him, the person who reached the highest level only reached level 94. Zhang Ji has become the No. 1 person since the establishment of the Eastern Territory Holy Academy.

Level 97, enough to be famous all over the world, Wu City Academy has welcomed another peerless genius.

On the pilgrimage ladder, Semi-Saint Xinghe stepped out of the sky and said loudly: "The Prince of Yunwu, Zhang Ji, has been accepted as the No. 13 disciple by my master, Master Yixuan. Today, the news will be spread throughout the world."

As soon as this statement came out, fierce discussions suddenly broke out among the surrounding crowd.

"It turns out that he is the disciple of Master Yi. No wonder he is so powerful. It seems that he must have a place among the young candidates of Wushi Academy."

In front of the temple, the three-knife and half-saint of the Xu Sheng clan was as pale as water. There was an irreconcilable conflict between him and Lei Jing. How could he be happy because Zhang Ji and others were so outstanding.

"We can't let these people grow up. We have to find an opportunity to deal with them in the battlefield of Ruins Realm." San Dao Half Saint thought in his heart.Zhang Ji looked at the unshaven figure in mid-air and recognized that this figure was the person who made the noise before.

The Galaxy Half-Saint fell next to Zhang Ji and said with a hearty smile: "Junior Brother, you really surprised me. I thought you could only reach the 85th level at most, but I didn't expect you to reach the 97th level, breaking the Saint hospital records.

This kind of performance makes it difficult to use the meeting gift prepared by senior brother. In this way, after you complete the three rounds of assessments, I will give you a new meeting gift. "

Seeing how enthusiastic he was, Zhang Ji had no choice but to salute and say, "Thank you, senior brother."

Half-Saint Xinghe didn't say much, just said: "Perform well in the next two rounds of assessments. As long as you perform amazingly enough, Master can win you the position of a Young Master candidate. Becoming a Young Master candidate has many benefits." , you don’t want to miss it.”

"Thank you, senior brother, for your advice." Zhang Ji thanked him again.

He is different from Zhang Ruochen. Zhang Ruochen did not want to show too much talent in Wushi Academy and became a candidate for Young Master because he was worried about being discovered by Queen Chi Yao.

But he is different. Becoming a young master can bring him many conveniences, a large amount of cultivation resources, and a noble status. Everything is extremely precious and is an opportunity that he cannot miss.

After the half-saint of Galaxy finished her instructions, she flew back to the top of the pilgrimage ladder. Although Luo Shuihan's talent was astonishing, she was a member of the Luo Sheng clan, so naturally no other master would come forward to accept her as a disciple.

After Half Saint Xinghe, Old Man Xuanji’s fifth disciple Half Saint Lingshu flew out together with Half Saint Alan from the Buddhist lineage.

Old Man Xuanji, the Half-Saint Master of Lingshu, accepted Zhang Ruochen as his disciple. After some weighing, Zhang Ruochen chose to agree temporarily and promised to wait until the end of the three rounds of examinations before accepting Old Man Xuanji as his disciple.

Half-saint A-Lan accepted Chang Qiqi, believing that Chang Qiqi had the blood of a golden dragon in her body and was most suitable for the Buddhist lineage.

Chang Qiqi didn't want to join the Buddhist sect at first, but after hearing that the person who accepted him as a disciple was a semi-saint, she immediately became a disciple.

Huang Yanchen and Duanmu Xingling both had backgrounds and had already contacted a Half-Saint to be their teacher. Naturally, no other Semi-Saint would come forward to accept them as disciples.

Si Xingkong was accepted as a disciple by the Half-Saint Longxing of the Palm Technique. He majored in Palm Techniques and had the power of the black dragon in his body. He was most suitable to be the disciple of the Half-Saint Longxing, a powerful member of the divine dragon and half-human race.

Although Chen Xi'er is not very talented and is only at the fiftieth level, because she was born in the Holy King's Palace of the Eastern Region, she was also accepted by a Half-Saint. Among all the people in the Tianmoling Wushi Academy, only Qiu Lin did not have a Half-Saint as a disciple. .

However, Qiu Lin was not discouraged. He was of average talent, so it was not expected that he would not accept a disciple from a semi-saint. As long as he successfully passed three rounds of assessments, he could still enter the Holy Academy to practice.

After the first round of assessment, everyone went to the various departments of the Holy Academy to report.

The Holy Academy is divided into 27 departments, including eighteen departments of martial arts and nine departments of spiritual power.

Zhang Ruochen, Huang Yanchen, and Duanmu Xingling chose to apply for the Kendo department. Although Luo Shuihan practiced Luoshui boxing, he did not apply for the boxing department with Luo Xu as the No. 1. Instead, he applied for the Tao department.

Zhang Ji naturally chose the Sword Dao system.

Although the Sword Art Department is not as good as the Sword Art Department in the Eastern Territory Holy Academy, it is still a large department, with tens of thousands of people applying for it.

(End of this chapter)

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