Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 110 I wish people a long time

Chapter 110 I wish people a long time

After hearing this, Half-Saint Xinghe looked quite surprised and said, "I never expected that you, my junior brother, would have such an opportunity. A king from a low-level ruin realm is as good as, and even better than, a king from a high-level country." In addition, you can get the blessing of luck from one realm, and your cultivation will be much smoother.

I heard that junior brother wants to take over the Five Elements Market Realm and truly turn it into his own territory? "

Zhang Ji nodded, "Senior Brother, you guessed it right. I do want to take over the Five Elements Ruins Realm. Since I have become the king of the Five Elements Ruins Realm, I naturally don't want the Five Elements Ruins Realm to become a place of training and a place of killing.

I wonder if senior brother can do anything? "

"Of course there is a way, but with your current strength and identity, you simply can't do it." Galaxy Half Saint shook his head.

"I don't know what the solution is?" Zhang Ji asked.

"The First Central Empire's management of the Ruins Realm is actually relatively loose. Unlike the state capitals, many low-level Ruins Realms and even mid-level Ruins Realms are the fiefdoms of saints. Most of the saints in the Ministry of War also have one or two of their own. The Xujie is the family’s back garden.

If you want to turn the Five Elements Ruins Realm into your own territory, you need to meet two conditions. One is to obtain the title of at least a lower-level domain king, and the other is to have at least one billion in military merit. One billion is just in exchange for a lower-level ruins. The lowest level in the world, the Five Elements Ruins Realm can give birth to five elements spiritual objects. I estimate that it should cost 15 billion military merits to obtain it. "

Zhang Ji took a breath after hearing this. The Supreme Realm of Tianji Realm only requires 3000 million military merits. Even if he kills all the creatures in the Five Elements Ruins Realm, he may not be able to collect 3000 million military merits, but he wants to exchange for Five Elements Ruins. world, but it requires 15 billion military merits, which is simply an astronomical figure.

As for the lower domain king, it is also difficult to achieve.

The titles of the First Central Empire are divided into nine levels: County King, Territory King and Heavenly King. Each level of title requires a lot of merit to be exchanged.

Yunwu County is now only a medium-sized county, and it is still extremely far away from the lower-level domain kings. Most of the people who can be named domain kings are powerful semi-saints.

Upon seeing this, Half-Saint Xinghe smiled and said: "I know that my junior brother has neither a title nor military merit, but I do, your senior brother.

I said before that after you complete the three rounds of assessments, your senior brother will give you a new gift. How about using this Five Elements Market Realm? "

There was a look of surprise on Zhang Ji's face, "This, how is this possible? This gift is too precious."

Half-Saint Xinghe shook his head and said: "Military merits are only for use. I will keep my military merits. It is just right to use them to exchange for a ruin world. With the name of Master and his old man, other saints will definitely I won’t fight for it.”

Zhang Ji still wanted to postpone it, but the Galaxy Half-Saint couldn't refuse and said: "Junior brother, in our lineage, there are only three of you, me and Master left now. If I don't help you, who else can I help?"

Zhang Ji had no choice but to give up and keep this in mind.

"Then thank you brother."

Then, he asked doubtfully: "Senior brother, as a master, why are there only two of us disciples now?"

Hearing this, Semi-Saint Xinghe showed a little melancholy on his face, sighed, and said: "I am Master's No. 12 disciple, and you are No. 17. When I entered the school, there were five senior brothers and sisters alive in front of me, and there were more in the back. Four junior brothers came, but three years ago, the last junior brother also died, and I am the only one left among the master’s disciples.”

Zhang Ji frowned immediately when he heard this and was very puzzled.

"With the strength of Master and the strength of Wu City Academy, who dares to target all senior brothers and sisters like this?"

"Except for the Seventh Senior Sister and the Eighth Senior Brother who died in the battlefield of the Ruins Realm, all the others died because of being possessed by evil spirits." Galaxy Half-Saint said quietly.

"Obsessed? What's going on?"

"Junior brother, you have already practiced Daoyi, and you will face this problem sooner or later. Our lineage, starting from the ancestor, has been determined to create a supreme sword path that is comparable to the wordless sword manual. Master and Grandmaster This is the end of their lives.

Your senior brothers and sisters, including me, have put almost all their efforts into it.

It’s just that the art of swordsmanship is difficult, and it’s even more difficult to create a supreme art of swordsmanship that encompasses all the art of swordsmanship. The further you go, the more contradictory the art of swordsmanship you practice will become, and then you’ll be denying it. In the midst of self-denial, the Taoist heart collapsed and became obsessed.

I have already cultivated into the Five of Swords and reached the extreme on the road to semi-sainthood, but I still dare not take another step forward. I have a premonition that once I understand the Six of Swords, I will inevitably go crazy and die. "Galaxy Half Saint said solemnly.

Zhang Ji also looked solemn at this moment. Anyone who could join Yixuan's sect must be a brilliant swordsman genius, but they all died because of the wordless swordsmanship.

Xinghe Half Saint is already a top Half Saint figure, but he still dare not set foot in Daoliu. No wonder Luo Shuihan wanted to prevent him from joining the disciples of Saint Yi Xuan. He obviously knew something.

Taking the Silver Moon Ship from the Five Elements Market Realm back to the Chaos World Mountain, more than 5000 students took part in the third round of assessments. Only less than 3 people returned, and only more than 1 people passed the assessment.

Those who successfully enter the Holy Court are naturally happy, while those who fail to pass the test are naturally disappointed.

After King Liyan returned, he released Qiu Lin and the two female students, but they failed to pass the third round of assessment.

Qiu Lin looked lonely. He could not imagine himself returning to the Heavenly Demon Ridge and living in abject poverty. He had already made up his mind to stay in the Eastern Divine Land no matter what. Even if he could not be admitted to the Holy Court, he would still grow into a strong man. .

Zhang Ji had been secretly observing Qiu Lin's changes and saw that he did not seem to be defeated, so he stepped forward.

When Qiu Lin saw Zhang Ji approaching, he immediately saluted respectfully and said, "Greetings to Senior Brother Ji."

He failed to enter the Holy Academy, but Zhang Ji is the disciple of the Academy Master and the future young master candidate of Wushi Qianzhuang. As long as Zhang Ji is willing to support him, his future will be much easier.

"Junior brother Qiu Lin, there is no need to be polite. We all come from Tianmo Ridge. I wonder what junior brother has planned next?"

"There are so many powerful people in the Eastern Divine Land, far from being comparable to the Heavenly Demon Ridge. I plan to stay in the Eastern Divine Land. With my cultivation in the Tianji Realm, I can stay even as a family guard for the saints." Qiu Qiu. Lin said calmly, with determination in his eyes.

"Junior brother, with your talent, being a guard is too humiliating. How about you follow me and help me?" Zhang Ji looked at Qiu Lin and said sincerely.

Qiu Lin's eyes showed ecstasy when he heard this, but he did not agree immediately, but asked: "I wonder what senior brother wants me to do?"

Zhang Ji smiled faintly and explained: "You also said that there are many powerful people in the Eastern Divine Land, and the training environment in the Holy City of the Eastern Region is many times better than that of Tianmo Ridge.

As the crown prince of Yunwu Commandery, I plan to bring some people from Yunwu Commandery to the Holy City of the Eastern Region. Now I need some people to work under me.

I don’t know what my junior brother thinks, but are you willing to serve me? "

"Qiu Lin is willing!"

Zhang Ji nodded, but Qiu Lin continued to ask: "Senior Brother, do you still need manpower? If there is still a shortage of manpower, Junior Brother knows two students from Qingming County. The two of them shared the difficulties with me. Although they failed to pass Assessment, but the talent and ability will never be inferior to other saints."

Zhang Ji naturally knew who the two people Qiu Lin was talking about were the two women who were rescued by Zhang Ji and brought with him.

"If you think it's appropriate, just stay. Then help me find a student who is innocent and trustworthy and willing to work for me. I'll gather ten people first. I will buy a mansion in the Holy City of the Eastern Territory. Then you can live there. There." Qiu Lin was shocked. The mansion in the Holy City of the Eastern Territory was priceless, and ordinary fish and dragon realms couldn't afford it. Zhang Ji was able to buy it. It was worthy of having a master of the courtyard as his teacher. He was so wealthy.

Back in the Holy City of the Eastern Territory, all the students who passed the examination received the identity certificates and robes of the saints and waited for the start of the Holy Academy.

Half-Saint Xinghe was extremely efficient in his work. He quickly spent 16 billion military merits to exchange the management rights of the Five Elements Market Realm at the imperial court's office in the Eastern Region.

Because of the existence of the Five Elements Spiritual Treasure, the price of the Five Elements Ruins Realm is much higher than the Galaxy Half Saint estimated.

After turning the Five Elements Ruins Realm over to Zhang Ji, Half-Saint of Galaxy came forward to help Zhang Ji find a Half-Saint mansion that was for sale, and spent [-] million spiritual crystals to buy the mansion.

Naturally, it is impossible for the Galaxy Semi-Saint to come out with these [-] million spiritual crystals. Fortunately, Zhang Ji's trip to the Five Elements Market Realm, whether it is the large number of Five Elements Spiritual Treasures harvested or the rare elixirs picked in the secret realm, are all valuable.

After taking out a small part of the source of spiritual fire and giving it to Galaxy Half Saint to sell, he got more than a billion spiritual crystals, which was richer than some poor Half Saints.

There was still nearly a month before the start of the Holy Academy. After everything was settled, Zhang Ji sent a message back to Yunwu County through the channel of Wu City Bank, asking the King of Yunwu County to send some of the potential warriors from Yunwu County to the Eastern Territory Holy Academy. City for further study.

Qiu Lin lived up to his expectations. Within two days, he brought nine students who had failed the examination to the mansion bought by Zhang Ji.

The two women from Qingming County were also among them. These two women were both from small families in Qingming County and had a clean family background.

They are called Li Qingwan and Murong Xue respectively, and they are both in the early stage of Tianji Realm.

Qiu Lin had his own criteria for finding people. All the nine people he brought were at the early stage of Tianji Realm. Although they failed to pass the third round of assessment, the main reason was because their cultivation was too low and their talents were not as good as Many saints who have entered the Holy Temple will be sent.

After arranging the nine people, Zhang Ji brought Qiu Lin into the house and said to him: "You have done a good job. If you stay with me in the future, your future achievements may not be worse than those of the saints in the Holy Court."

Hearing this, Qiu Lin suddenly knelt down on one knee and said, "Qiu Lin, thank you for taking me in."

"Junior brother Qiu Lin, why are you doing this?" Zhang Ji frowned upon seeing this.

Qiu Lin said stubbornly: "Your Excellency is already a saint, and has been accepted as a disciple by the Master of the Holy Court. He is a candidate for the future Young Master. If Qiu Lin cannot distinguish between superiority and inferiority, he will only bring trouble to himself." Trouble."

When Zhang Ji saw this, he no longer pressed for it. As his strength and status increased, it was impossible for everyone around him to treat him as a friend and brother. The long-term way is to have order and respect.

Buying a mansion was not a small matter. That night, Zhang Ji held a banquet and invited Zhang Ruochen and others to have a banquet and talk.

After everyone had had their fill of wine and food, Zhang Ji and Zhang Ruochen went to the top of the highest attic in the mansion and lay together on the glazed green tiles, looking at the bright moon in the sky.

"Bago, to be able to buy a mansion in the Holy City of the Eastern Territory, you have achieved something that even Master Lei Jing can't even hope for." Zhang Ruochen said with a smile.

"I just gained something in the Five Elements Market Realm. I heard that Ninth Brother, you have sold a lot of black water glazed crystals. It is probably very easy to buy a mansion."

"Bago, I would like to exchange the Black Water Glazed Crystal for the other four Five Elements Spiritual Treasures in your hand."

"Of course you can. I have some of the Five Elements Spiritual Treasures in my hand. I can trade ten kilograms of them to you, Ninth Brother." Zhang Ji readily agreed. Even the smallest amount of Nourishing Saint Blood Soil in his hand was obtained from King Kuntu. Got nearly a hundred pounds.

"There is still nearly a month until the Holy Academy starts school. Ninth Brother, what are your plans next?"

"I have sent the Shen Yuan Sword to the Divine Sword Villa for repair. After Shen Yuan has repaired it, we will make other plans." Zhang Ruochen replied with expectation in his tone.

Shen Yuan was his sword in his previous life and had extraordinary significance to him.

"By the way, senior brother, there are still three months until the day when senior sister Yanchen and I will fulfill our three-year engagement. I want to bring my mother-in-law to the Holy City of the Eastern Territory so that she can personally witness my wedding to senior sister Yanchen."

Zhang Ji's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and then he remembered that Zhang Ruochen and Huang Yanchen had a three-year engagement.

Now it seems that they have gained each other's recognition and are truly emotional.

However, Zhang Ji understood how Queen Chi Yao would let the man she cared about marry another woman. Zhang Ruochen would definitely not be able to make this marriage happen.

"Ninth brother, if I want you to marry Princess Yanchen later, is that possible?"

Zhang Ruochen's face suddenly changed and he asked: "Bago, why is this? Although Senior Sister Yanchen's personality is sometimes unpleasant, she is not bad at heart. She has helped a lot. Since I have a marriage contract with her, I should not betray her." .

What's more, the engagement has been made long ago. If you want to change it, Half Saint Liuli and my mother-in-law will be the first to refuse to agree. "

Zhang Ji smiled helplessly, knowing that he might not be able to change this matter.

Perhaps Zhang Ruochen and Huang Yanchen's engagement will be fulfilled later, and Queen Chi Yao will intervene later.

Zhang Ji had countless reasons in his mind to persuade Zhang Ruochen, but in the end he didn't say anything.

This is a road that has been paved for a long time. Even if Zhang Ji stops Zhang Ruochen this time, he will be pushed back into the quagmire of suffering by that ruthless hand.

The coldest water and the strongest fire were used to temper the sharpest sword. Perhaps everyone thought this was for Zhang Ruochen's good, hoping that he would grow into the future of Kunlun Realm and the hope of the universe.

But, in the final analysis, even if Zhang Ruochen is reborn in two lives, he will still be just a boy under 20 years old.

A casual finger of the chess player will bring him excruciating torture.

"Ninth brother, please forgive me, I'm drunk..."

"When will the bright moon come? I ask the blue sky for my wine. I don't know the palace in the sky. What year is it tonight...

I want to ride the wind back home, but I'm afraid that it's freezing in the beautiful buildings and jade buildings at high places. I dance to clear my shadow, how can I feel like I'm in the human world...

Nung, moon and new moon……"

Zhang Ji sang the words of his hometown and his thoughts wandered. There were countless big hands behind Zhang Ruochen. As for himself, was there also countless hands secretly manipulating behind his back?

Since his rebirth, Zhang Ji has had too many questions that remain unanswered. Zhang Ruochen can still contact the old Shengming department, and there are still familiar people in the world, but he can only be one person from beginning to end.

Zhang Ji was drunk and in his own dream.

(End of this chapter)

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