Chapter 16 Assassination

Zhang Ji's voice sounded slowly, even though he knew in his heart that the so-called old man was just a story made up by Zhang Ruochen.

However, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm and the Tiger Soul Suppressing Sword are really too attractive to him. If he misses this time, he doesn't know how long it will take to get access to king-level martial arts again.

Zhang Ruochen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this. His most important target tonight was Zhang Ji. This was the person he really thought could help him in the future.

He handed the two martial arts books to Zhang Ji, who reached out to take them and put them in his arms.

Although the book was not heavy, the content it contained was extremely heavy, and the meaning it represented made him feel heavier than the mountains.

Yunwu's Zhang family is not a descendant of Shengming, but when he chose to take over these two martial arts, he already was. In the future, it is inevitable that he will go against the First Central Empire.

Zhang Ji had finished, Zhang Ruochen turned to look at Princess Ninth, took out another book, and said with a smile: "Sister Ninth, this is the ghost-level technique "Tianhe Jade Scripture", which is most suitable for you to practice.

Are you willing to take over this skill and take over the identity of a descendant of the sage? "

The Ninth Princess was shocked when she saw Zhang Ruochen handing Zhang Ji two king-level martial arts skills before. Now that a ghost-level skill was in front of her, she suddenly panicked.

You must know that the highest-level martial art of the Yunwu royal family is only the mid-level spirit-level "Xiantian Kung Fu". Compared with the ghost-level martial arts, it is simply a difference between cloud and mud.

"Ninth brother, this... this is too valuable, I can't have it?" The ninth princess refused at a loss.

"Ninth Sister, becoming a descendant of Shengming is a very dangerous thing. In the future, you may become an enemy of the entire First Central Empire and Queen Chi Yao.

It is precisely because of the extreme danger that the senior would take out such a precious skill as a gift. Ninth Sister, if you are willing, then accept it. " Zhang Ruochen explained in a gentle tone.

The Ninth Princess took a deep breath, then stretched out her hands to take the Tianhe Jade Sutra.

"I don't know if I should take over the identity of Shengming's descendant, but since Jiu Di and Ba Ge are willing to take over, I'm not afraid.

With the Tianhe Jade Scripture, I will definitely defeat Lin Nianshan next time I fight her. "

Zhang Ji looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh at Zhang Ruochen's generosity to his own people.

With the talent of the Ninth Princess, Qiuji may not be able to cultivate to a level that would be helpful to him in his lifetime, but even so, he is still willing to give away a priceless ghost-level technique without hesitation.

Those who can achieve such achievements in the future, even when they are weak, will eventually have their own merits.

"Ninth Brother, now that Ninth Sister and I have taken over the identity of Shengming's descendants, what should we do next? What arrangements does that... senior have?" Zhang Ji asked calmly.

Zhang Ruochen shook his head slightly and said: "That senior has been being chased by the people of the First Central Empire. The dragon has never seen its tail. With our current cultivation level, we simply cannot participate in that level of battle. We can only practice hard." , make yourself stronger so that you can be qualified to contribute in the future.”

Zhang Ji had no intention of exposing Zhang Ruochen's lies, which would do him no good at all.

Now that he has accepted two martial arts books, Zhang Ji is not a person who only takes benefits without doing anything. He is a descendant of Shengming, and he is a descendant of Shengming. Anyway, the Yunwu Zhang family and the Shengming Zhang family are from the same lineage.

"If we want to fight against the behemoth of the First Central Empire, the three of us cannot do it. I think we can create an organization, and this organization will be our help in the future."

"Organization?" Zhang Ruochen was startled when he heard the words. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that the words made sense.

"I wonder what Bago thinks about this organization?"

Zhang Ji smiled lightly and said: "Our cultivation is still weak, and now there are only three of us, so the affairs of the descendants of Shengming should be kept a secret between us.

When new members join in the future, there is no need to mention fighting against the First Central Empire, just think of this organization as a platform for mutual assistance and mutual benefit.

We can use this platform to accumulate connections, strength, and obtain resources. When this organization becomes stronger one day in the future, it can become our help against the First Central Empire. "

"I agree with Bage's proposal!" Zhang Ruochen was convinced by Zhang Ji's words.

As for the Ninth Princess...

"Since Ninth Brother and Eighth Brother both think it's feasible, let's establish this organization. But what should it be called?"

"The sun and the moon are called brightness. I think the name of this organization is called the 'Sun and Moon Society'." Zhang Ji said calmly.

"The Sun and Moon Club..." Zhang Ruochen nodded with satisfaction, "Then it's called the Sun and Moon Club!"


After a detailed discussion, the three of them left the Cloud Tower and dispersed.The ancient antelope-horse chariot drove slowly towards the palace.

Zhang Ji had already put the secret books of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm and the Tiger Soul Suppressing Knife into the Hunyuan Pearl, but he still looked at his chest from time to time, as if the two secret books were still there.

Suddenly acquiring two king-level martial arts skills, even with his current temperament, it was difficult to calm down for a while.

Shan Xiangling saw his weirdness and asked in confusion: "Senior brother, what are you worried about? Did you have an unpleasant quarrel with His Highness the Ninth Prince in the Cloud Tower?"

Zhang Ji looked at her appearance and realized that he had lost his composure. He shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just suddenly thought of some small things, and I was a little distracted for a moment..."



A thunderous arrow shot from the back of the ancient Lingma chariot, tearing the ancient chariot into a huge gap with powerful force.

Xuan Jia noticed the sudden change behind him and immediately pulled out the sword from his waist. He turned around and looked inside the car. He saw Zhang Ji holding Shan Xiangling's slender waist with one hand and holding a sword with the other hand. Thunder Arrow clung to it.

"Be careful, it's an arrow shot by a Dzogchen warrior in the Huangji Realm."

As soon as Zhang Ji finished speaking, two bright sword lights appeared in the darkness. The owner of each sword light was a killer in the Huangji Realm.

Two rays of sword light split the entire ancient Lingma chariot. Zhang Ji jumped out of the chariot with Shan Xiangling in his arms and landed on the bluestone floor.

Xuan Jia fought off one of the killers with one blow, feeling both shocked and angry.

"You are so brave, you dare to assassinate His Highness the Eighth Prince in the royal city!"

The two killers turned a deaf ear, ignored Xuan Jia, and went straight towards Zhang Ji.

Faced with a sudden assassination, Zhang Ji's eyes were full of evil at this moment. He put Shan Xiangling on the spot and reached out to make a move. Among the wreckage of the ancient car, the Heaven-Suppressing Sword was unsheathed and flew into his hand.

"A group of shameless monsters and monsters who dare to come and kill me, I will keep them all today!"

The light of the sword flashed past, and the bodies of the two killers who rushed forward were directly transformed into four pieces and fell on the bluestone ground. Blood was spread all over the ground, and the blood essence in them was absorbed by the Heaven-Suppressing Knife without anyone noticing. Walk.

After breaking through to the Great Perfection of the Huangji Realm, Zhang Ji's physical strength has reached nearly sixty oxen. The power of a sword cannot be resisted by warriors in the early stage of the Xuanji Realm, let alone two killers of the same level.

Shan Xiangling looked at this bloody scene and was in a daze, protected by Xuan Jia behind her.

"Senior brother, he is so strong!"


In the darkness, several black figures rushed out with sharp blades in their hands. One of them had a gauze face and an extremely graceful figure. She was a female assassin who had reached the Xuanji realm and held a soft sword in her hand.

In addition to this female killer, there were six other people who took action, each of whom had reached the Huangji Realm of Great Perfection.

The six people saw Zhang Ji's powerful sword that killed two killers just now, and they did not dare to come forward to confront him head-on. They just kept harassing them with hidden weapons.

The woman holding the soft sword stepped forward, and the soft sword in her hand was like a spiritual snake, stabbing Zhang Ji's vital points.

The Heaven-Suppressing Sword in Zhang Ji's hand knocked away all the hidden weapons, and then the sword and the soft sword were struck together, directly knocking the female killer back several feet.

The female assassin was horrified when she saw that she was repelled by Zhang Ji's sword. She was a warrior in the middle stage of Xuanji Realm, how could she be forced back by a warrior of Huangji Realm.

"Eighth Prince, it seems that you are more powerful than I thought. With my own strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill you today."

Zhang Ji frowned slightly and said coldly: "So, you are going to run away?"

The female assassin sneered, "The Eighth Prince's talent is so powerful, I will naturally have to use all my strength to kill you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Ji felt two waves of biting coldness approaching from behind him, so fast that he didn't even have time to react.

In just an instant, he felt the threat of death.

The person who took action far surpassed him in cultivation!
(End of this chapter)

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