Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 213 The last blow

Chapter 213 The last blow

The number of Marquis Rakshasa who gathered behind Luo Yi was increasing, and they quickly formed a formation, guarding Zhang Ji vigilantly.

Zhang Ji heard Luo Ji's words and understood that the other party had accepted the defeat. He chuckled and said, "Princess, do you think you can escape today?"

Luo Ji wiped the dust off his face, regained his radiance, and said coldly: "The Nine Nether Corpse Divine Formation has been destroyed, and the monks in the Seven Realms of Shatuo have been blocked by our army and the turbulence of space. You alone can Do you also want to keep this princess?"

Zhang Ji took out the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, and the Hundred Saint Blood Armor was activated to the fifth level, and the power of a hundred Earth-Through Realm Saints was blessed on him.

"If you can stay, you have to give it a try."

He took a step forward and swung the knife in his hand. Luo Yi's eyes just lit up with a gleam of light. He subconsciously activated the protective treasure on his body, and the moment the sword light fell, he put up a layer of protection. cover.

The Heaven-Suppressing Sword struck the protective cover, and the huge force of the shock sent Luo Qi flying backwards, and he fell into the midst of a group of Rakshasa Marquises.

She stood firm, with horror in her eyes.

"His cultivation level is the same as mine, and he is a half-step Saint King. How can he be so strong?"

Zhang Ji did not stop and continued walking towards Luo Yi step by step.

Hundreds of Rakshasa Marquises rushed forward, trying to block his path.

The sky-suppressing sword was as bright as a prison, and the corpses of Rakshasa Marquis were thrown away, with broken arms and limbs scattered everywhere.

Zhang Ji was like a god of death, mercilessly harvesting the life of Marquis Rakshasa.

Even the first-class Marquis could not survive his sword blow, and his body and head were separated.

Luo Ji looked at Zhang Ji, who was walking step by step, and at the Rakshasa army retreating like a tide in the distance, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

With 400 million versus 100 million, in such a crushing battle, she actually lost.

Even if he tried his best, he still couldn't defeat the man in front of him. In fact, this man even wanted to keep him in the midst of thousands of troops.

"Zhang Ji, you can't keep me."

Luo Yi's eyes turned scarlet, and a drop of his natal essence and blood flew out from between his eyebrows. The essence and blood condensed into a talisman, which was connected to the Qi of the Rakshasa Temple behind him, and the Rakshasa Temple trembled violently.

In Zhang Jijie's slightly surprised eyes, the temple actually stood on the plane tree, got rid of the suppression of Yihuo Bronze City, and floated into the sky again.

Luo Ji retreated into the temple. Tens of thousands of Rakshasa marquises gathered their Rakshasa evil energy into the temple. Thousands of rays of light fell from the temple and fell towards Zhang Ji, forming a line in front of Zhang Ji. The Holy Light Barrier blocked his progress.

The three major military formations of the Rakshasa clan have been completely separated from the saints of the Seven Realms of Shatuo, and a chaotic zone of spatial chaos has been formed in the middle of the battlefield.

Only the army led by Ji Hua and the monks from the three realms led by Lingyan Demon Concubine and others have not been completely separated.

The divine envoys of the three realms were also involved in the battle to besiege Ji Hua. The divine envoys of the Great Demon Shifang Realm were so mad that they directly activated the divine weapons regardless of the chaos of the battle.

The Babu Realm, Zifu Realm, and the divine weapons carried by Ji Hua were all attracted.

The four divine powers gathered together, tearing apart space and shattering the earth. Ji Hua's holy body was torn apart by a spatial crack, and his blood spilled into the turbulent flow of space.

The rest of the Rakshasa Marquis no longer had the will to fight, and they all avoided the turbulent flow of space and fled towards the temple.

On the battlefields everywhere, millions of Holy Realm troops were fighting, and with the use of no less than ten divine weapons, the turbulent flow of space outside Chikong City stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the cracks on the earth spread towards the end of the world.

If you look down from the starry sky, the southern continent of the Ancestral Spirit Realm is splitting into two pieces right now, along the dark crack outside Chikong City.

In the temple, the pale-faced Luo Yi controlled the Rakshasa Temple and fired out rays of holy light to rescue the Rakshasa army from the turbulence in space.

More and more Rakshasa Marquises participated in the battlefield that besieged and killed Zhang Ji, and the corpses that fell at Zhang Ji's feet piled up into a mountain.

Luo Yi was very puzzled in his eyes. The battle situation had reached this level. The Rakshasa army had gathered. Even if he had three heads and six arms, he could not get past the million-strong army and leave him behind.

"Since you don't want to leave, then just stay for me!"

The light from the temple gathered into black spears of light, falling towards Zhang Ji like raindrops.

The Holy Book of Confucianism flew out from Zhang Ji's sea of ​​energy, and the divine power of Confucianism and Taoism scattered the sky-black spears, bombarding the temple.

The entire temple shook violently and almost fell down again.

The holy light of the sacred sycamore tree still planted on the temple revived and seemed to fly away from the temple.

When Luo Ji saw this scene, he immediately sneered: "It turns out that I want to snatch the big banner back. Don't have such wishful thinking. This sycamore tree will be regarded as my princess's trophy, so that I can always remember today's defeat."

With the attack that triggered the Holy Book of Confucianism, Zhang Ji's mental energy was consumed by [-], and his face turned pale by three points.

Looking back towards the direction of Chikong City, the space turbulence is almost closing, cutting off the entire southern world continent. If you don't move, you won't be able to leave.

Zhang Ji took a deep look at the Rakshasa Temple and looked at Rosa. Both of them had strong murderous intent in their eyes.

Zhang Ji's lips moved slightly, but there was no sound, but his meaning was very clear, "The days are long, and we will always have to fight again in the future."

Then he used the Great Spatial Movement to move past the retreating Rakshasa army and retreated directly towards Chikong City.

Luo Qi looked at Zhang Ji's disappearing figure, feeling as if a big stone had fallen to the ground in his heart.

As long as Zhang Ji was still in front of the temple, she couldn't rest assured. She always felt that Zhang Ji would use new methods in the next second.

At the moment when the turbulent flow of space closed, Zhang Ji's figure passed through it and appeared in mid-air outside Chikong City.

"Boom!" Along with the shocking loud noises, the entire southern continent broke into two pieces at an alarming speed, just like the ancestral spirit world was broken into four continents before.

The monks from the seven realms of Shatuo gathered together, and the number was less than a million. Hundreds of thousands of saints died in the previous decisive battle.

The number of marquis who died among the Rakshasa tribe was even greater, reaching millions.

In the battlefield area that was not swallowed up by the spatial turbulence, the monks from the Seven Realms recovered the bodies of the saints from all realms and the Marquis of Rakshasa who died in the battle.

Every saint's corpse is a treasure, and the saint source can quickly cultivate new saints.

The monks from all sides watching the battle in the Heaven Realm saw the world collapse and the continent split into two, and they also realized that this merit war had come to an end.

Heaven has not fought such a soul-stirring merit war for a long time, even if it was just a saint's merit battle.

With millions of people fighting against more than four million people, under the absolute disadvantage, they can actually win with less.

The Hanging City Lord of the Wancheng Realm has been paying attention to this war. As the tenth-last world in the Western Universe, the Wancheng Realm is also always facing the risk of becoming a battlefield of merit.

"It's a pity that we couldn't retrieve the Wutong banner. After all, it is the military flag representing the saints of the seven realms of Shatuo. If we can retrieve it, this battle will be considered a success."

There are many heavenly monks who feel as emotional as the Xuankong City Lord, and they all feel a little regretful.

The Wutong banner represents the saints from the Seven Realms of Shatuo who participated in the war, and can also be said to represent the heavenly realm.

Outside Chikong City, Luo Shuihan walked to Zhang Ji and returned the Nine Phoenix Cauldron.

Looking at the other half of the continent that has been completely separated and floating into the depths of the void.

The Rakshasa army has regrouped around the Rakshasa Temple suspended there.

On the temple, the flag of fighting spirit condensed on the tops of the sycamore trees has dispersed, leaving only the bare tree trunks.

The skeleton of the golden-eyed ape emperor sat quietly on the charred ground, and the golden holy source dropped drops of blazing fire rain, as if telling the sorrow of the ancestral spirit world.

The merit book hangs high on the wall, with the Guanghan Realm ranking first, the Great Demon Shifang Realm second, and the Kunlun Realm ranking third.

The Great Demon Shifang Realm experienced chaotic wars, and with the advantage of the number of saints, it killed the most Rakshasa Marquises.

Guanghanjie relied on Zhang Ruochen to fight an army alone, defeating the army led by Lingquan Shaojun, pursuing death and chasing north, and gained a lot.

As for the Kunlun Realm, although one realm fought against one army, it was just a confrontation and not many battle achievements were achieved. Half of them were obtained by Zhang Ji's attack on the Rakshasa Temple.

Zhang Ruochen's realm is still at the level of the Holy Saint. After this battle, he has become the first in the merit list of saints. Many heavenly monks lament that Zhang Ruochen is the biggest winner in this battle.

Not only did he become the first in the merit list of saints, but Guanghan Realm also became the first in the merit list of saints.

Chu Siyuan held the map of seven lives and seven deaths, walked to Zhang Ji, and looked at the ranking of the seven realms on the wall of the merit book in the sky, feeling very unhappy.

"You fought tooth and nail to lead the entire army and penetrated the central army. As a result, Kunlun Realm was only ranked third, but Zhang Ruochen took advantage of it. I'm really angry."

Zhang Ji just smiled faintly when he heard this and said to Chu Siyuan: "Senior Painting Saint, the battle of merit is not over yet, and the ranking in Kunlun Realm has not yet been determined."

Chu Siyuan didn't understand what he meant. He looked at the other half of the continent that had drifted far away, and could only vaguely see the light of the Rakshasa Temple.

"The Rakshasa clan is no longer on the same continent as us, how can they still earn merit points?
Is it possible to chase him and kill him? "

Zhang Ji sighed softly and looked at the vaguely visible Rakshasa Temple and the red sycamore tree.

“The war between the monks from the Seven Realms of Shatuo in the Ancestral Spirit Realm has ended.

But the seniors in the ancestral spirit world still have a burning heart that has not yet been ignited. "

"The Phoenix is ​​immortal, and its thoughts will last forever. Senior Ice and Fire Phoenix, have a safe journey."

Chu Siyuan frowned when he heard this, but Luo Shuihan suddenly understood something.

"Could it be...self-destructing the Holy Source?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the continent where the Rakshasa Temple was located lit up with triple destruction.

One level belongs to Qiao Zu’s Holy Source, one level belongs to the Holy Source of Ice and Fire Phoenix, and one level belongs to the Golden-Eyed Ape Emperor.

The holy source of the Golden Eyed Ape King was detonated by Zhang Ji using the secret method of burning out the Nine Netherworld Corpse Divine Array. This was the final blow of the Nine Netherworld Corpse Divine Array and was the result of Zhang Ji's plan since the war started.

As for the holy source of Qiao Zu and the Ice and Fire Phoenix, it was the remaining thoughts of the Ice and Fire Phoenix that detonated.

This is what Zhang Ji said to the Ice and Fire Phoenix in the Phoenix Nest.

Three great saints, two of them were the saints of the supreme saints who exploded.

The power far exceeds the limit that these broken continents in the Ancestral Spirit World can bear.

Like gorgeous fireworks, the continent where the Rakshasa Temple is located is instantly torn into countless dust, the space is collapsing, and millions of Rakshasa Marquises are annihilated in an instant.

In the collapsing space, a figure of a god appeared. The god roared angrily, shattering countless fragments of the continent, and it was unknown how many people were rescued from the collapsing space.

The merit book wall hangs down with rays of merit and divine light to protect Chikong City. The merit value of the Kunlun Realm above rises rapidly, and soon surpasses the Great Demon Shifang Realm and Guanghan Realm, reaching the first place. The merit value is extremely terrifying, surpassing The remaining six realms are several times the sum total.

(End of this chapter)

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