Chapter 24

"She is the killer of the Underworld Sect?" Zhang Ruochen originally admired Zi Qian, but after hearing her identity as the killer of the Underworld Sect, a slight look of displeasure flashed between his eyebrows.

"How did Bage know that she was the killer of the Underworld Sect?"

Zhang Ji reached out to close the window, and then said calmly: "I have my own way of knowing her identity, this is not important.

Ninth Brother, I invite you and Ninth Sister to the Lingyan River today because I want to introduce two new members to the Sun and Moon Society. "

"Two new members?" Zhang Ruochen's eyes fell on Shan Xiangling, "I guess one of them is Miss Xiangling, but who is the other one? Could it be the killer of the Underworld Sect, Zi Qian?"

Zhang Ji shook his head slightly and shouted outside the cabin: "Come in."

The cabin door opened, and a young man in black robes of fifteen or sixteen came in, holding a rusty long sword in his hand. His eyes were slender, different from ordinary people, with a faint red light in his eyes. He was a half-demon wolf. Human race.

Half-humans are the offspring of powerful beasts and humans, and are not uncommon in the Kunlun world.

The moment the demon wolf half-human boy entered the cabin, he bowed deeply in the direction of Zhang Ruochen and said sincerely, "Ale pays homage to our benefactor."

Zhang Ruochen was quite surprised when he saw it was Ah Le. In the martial arts arena, Ah Le's meridians were severed by his sword, and then his entire body was broken by Lin Chenyu and Lin Ningshan, and he was abandoned on the street corner.

Zhang Ruochen thought that he was extremely talented in swordsmanship, so he softened his heart, rescued him, and passed on the miraculous skill of "Nine Transformations of Life and Death" to him, giving him a new path to martial arts.

"I haven't seen you for a few months. Your cultivation has reached the Xuanji realm. It seems that the Nine Transformations of Life and Death Art is very suitable for you." Zhang Ruochen said.

Zhang Ji waited for the two of them to finish speaking before speaking again.

"A Le is a rare genius, and he was saved by your ninth brother. He is the most suitable candidate to be recruited by the Sun and Moon Society."

Without waiting for Zhang Jiduo to explain, Ah Le said anxiously: "His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince has already talked to me. Ah Le is willing to join the Sun and Moon Society and go through fire and water for his benefactor, no matter what."

Zhang Ruochen looked at A Le, hesitated for a moment, sighed slightly, and said: "I didn't save you to get reward from you, I just felt that a swordsman genius like you shouldn't die like that.

Since Bago intends for you to join the Sun and Moon Club, from now on, you will be a member of the Sun and Moon Club. "

Hearing this, Ah Le showed sincere joy on his face.

"Sister Xiangling, Ale, welcome to join the Sun and Moon Club." The Ninth Princess said with a smile.

"It's a good thing that the Sun and Moon Club will grow stronger. However, the enrollment of Wu City Academy is about to begin. I'm afraid that the five of us will be separated soon. Why don't we take advantage of tonight to talk about our future arrangements." Zhang Ruochen suggested.

Zhang Ji nodded slightly, glanced at everyone, and said: "Junior Sister Xiangling's mental power has reached the nineteenth level, and Ninth Brother, you have also broken through the Xuanji Realm. The three of us will participate in the enrollment assessment of Wucheng Academy."

"Jiu Mei is now only at the Great Perfection of the Huangji Realm, and there is still some time before she can break through to the Xuanji Realm, so she will stay in the royal city for now. If there is any news in the royal city, she can inform us in time."

Although the Ninth Princess felt a little regretful, she still nodded and replied: "Don't worry, Bage, I will pay attention to the movements in the royal city, especially the movements of the queen."

Zhang Ruochen saw that Zhang Ji had arranged everyone, but A Le was left alone, and asked with some confusion: "Bago, A Le has broken through to the Xuanji realm, and he can participate in the enrollment assessment of Wucheng Academy with us."

Zhang Ji looked at A Le, then turned to Zhang Ruochen, shook his head and said: "No, A Le's future is not in Wushi Academy.

Although there are fights in Wu City Academy, it is just an academy after all, and most of the time it is just a matter of clicks.

What A Le practiced, whether it was the Nine Transformations of Life and Death Technique or the Killing Sword Technique, required continuous training between life and death to achieve a breakthrough.

Wushi Academy is too comfortable for him. The place he wants to go is the gate of the underworld! "

"Go to the Underworld Gate?" Zhang Ruochen was startled in his eyes, and then said hurriedly: "No, it's too dangerous. There are other ways to practice the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Art and the Killing Sword Technique. You don't necessarily have to go to the Underworld Gate to eat people without spitting out bones. The place."

"My benefactor, this is my own choice. The Gate of the Underworld is the most suitable place for me." A Le suddenly spoke with a firm tone, looking at Zhang Ruochen without any hesitation.

Zhang Ruochen looked at him for a long time, and finally he could only sigh.

The cruise ship went downstream, and A Le walked out of the cabin and looked at the cruise ship carrying Zi Qian, with a slight glint in his red eyes.

...The sky is high and the clouds are dark, young geniuses are constantly gathering at the entrance of Wushi Bank.

Today is the day when Wu City Academy recruits students in Yunwu County.

If you want to be qualified to participate in the Wushi Academy admissions assessment, you need to reach the Xuanji realm before the age of 30.

Although the Xuanji Realm is only the second realm among the four realms of martial arts, the number of warriors is much smaller than that of the Huangji Realm. Those who can break through to the Xuanji Realm before the age of 30 are enough to get one in Yunwu County. The name of genius.

Zhang Ji and Zhang Ruochen, escorted by a group of palace guards, arrived at the entrance of Wushi Bank.

When they arrived, more than fifty young warriors had gathered in front of Wushi Qianzhuang, each of them was a young Xuanji realm warrior under the age of 30.

Shan Xiangling arrived one step ahead of them, and when she saw the two arriving, she immediately came up to greet them.

Although she is only at the highest level of the Huangji Realm, her mental power has reached level 20, which meets another requirement for admission to Wu City Academy. Her mental power reached level 17 before she was [-] years old. Shan Xiangling is now But [-] years old, naturally fits the bill.

Zhang Ruochen and Zhang Ji walked side by side. Although they were different, they both had a unique temperament. As soon as they arrived, all the warriors at the bank's entrance turned to them.

These looks had different meanings, some were in awe, some were curious, some were repulsive, and some had a faint murderous intent.

The eyes with murderous intent came from two people, one was Zi Qian in a purple shirt, and the other was Chen Libing, who was thin and with withered skin.

Both of them are genius killers of the Underworld Sect. Chen Libing is only 25 years old and is already a warrior in the late stage of the Xuanji Realm. Zi Qian is a 22-year-old martial artist in the Xuanji Realm. Her cultivation level is the highest among all the young warriors present. Highest.

The two of them are extremely talented and have a much higher status in the Underworld Sect than other assassins. Their main task this time is to sneak into the Wu City Academy, and the side task is to assassinate the eighth prince Zhang Ji and the ninth prince Zhang Ruochen of Yunwu County. .

Zhang Ruochen pretended to look at Zi Qian casually. Although he was puzzled as to why Zhang Ji was unwilling to reveal the identity of the underworld killer, he still chose to believe Zhang Ji.

Before Zhang Ruochen could finish thinking, someone in the crowd shouted at him: "His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, you are finally here."

Zhang Ji heard the news and went out, only to see a man in his 20s walking out of the crowd. He was wearing a golden robe and a jade belt, and he was obviously of extraordinary origin.

This man is Liu Chengfeng, the son of Liu Chuanshen, the owner of the bank in Guowu City, Yunwu County.

Zhang Ruochen has been in frequent contact with Wushi Bank for more than half a year, and he has never known the young master of Wushi Bank.

Liu Chengfeng rushed to Zhang Ruochen with a smile on his face, looked at Zhang Ji, thought of what Liu Chuanshen said to him, and then raised his hands to Zhang Ji and said: "Wushi Qianzhuang Liu Chengfeng, pay your respects to His Highness the Eighth Prince."

"I have heard the name of Master Liu Shao for a long time. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his name." Zhang Ji said with a faint smile.

"The Eighth Prince has rewarded you, you have rewarded him!" Liu Chengfeng smiled even more.

Zhang Ruochen on the side heard this and said casually: "Bago, although Liu Chengfeng's reputation in the royal city is great, it's all a bad reputation."

Liu Chengfeng's face suddenly stiffened, and he said with some embarrassment: "His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, this is all in the past. I have changed my ways now."

"Yes, Your Highness the Ninth Prince, I have already taught Chengfeng and asked him to learn from you, the Ninth Prince, in everything he does in the future.

Prince Yunwu and I fought side by side when we were young and we have a close relationship. I hope His Highness the Ninth Prince will take more care of Chengfeng in the future. "Liu Chuanshen's voice came from not far away, and then he walked up to several people.

Zhang Ji carefully looked at the helmsman of the bank in Guowu City, Yunwu County. He was wearing silver robes and jade shoes. Although he was middle-aged, he was full of vigor and was obviously extremely powerful.

Liu Chuanshen noticed Zhang Ji's gaze, looked at Zhang Ji with a smile, and said: "I heard that His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince is another genius in the royal family, and the Ninth Prince also highly respects His Highness. When I saw you today, it turned out that It's extraordinary.

Today, His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince and Chengfeng participated in the assessment of Wu City Academy together. If they become classmates in the future, please take good care of His Highness the Eighth Prince. "

Zhang Ji smiled faintly and replied: "The relationship between Wushi Bank and the royal family has always been close. It is natural for me, my ninth brother and the young owner of the bank to support each other."

Liu Chuanshen nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, there was a loud noise in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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