Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 255 The Witch God invites you

Chapter 255 The Witch God invites you

Her voice not only fell into the ears of the people present, but also could be heard clearly by many monks outside the weapon refining attic. Along the market, it fell into the ears of countless monks, causing an uproar immediately.

Gu Feng was overjoyed when he heard this. Although one hundred thousand drops of divine spring was not a small amount, it was not impossible to get it.

Among the people present, except for Zhang Ji and Zhang Ruochen who could compete with him, the others were not taken seriously by him at all.

Even if Zhang Ji and Zhang Ruochen really captured the 100,000 drops of the divine spring, and one of them was the Yanyang Civilization and the other was the Thousand Stars Civilization, how could they hand over the 100,000 drops of the divine spring to the Tianchu Civilization? Their chances were definitely the greatest.

Gu Feng had a lustful smile on his face when he thought of the extremely beautiful Fairy Tianchu marrying him as his wife and then being wantonly conquered by him.

"Don't worry, fairy, Gu will definitely fetch 100,000 drops of divine spring and marry you."

The Great Master was very puzzled, and the Emperor's Prince stood up and said to Luo Ji with great excitement: "Why should the fairy do this? It's not worth sacrificing himself for a hundred thousand drops of divine spring."

Luo Ji's face was full of determination, and she said with blazing eyes: "I have given up my will. I am the goddess of Tianchu Civilization. The matter of the divine spring is related to the safety of Tianchu Civilization. I will sacrifice my body in exchange for the stability of the entire Tianchu Civilization. It couldn’t be worth it.”

Zhang Ji's eyes were filled with tears. Sure enough, Luo Ji still made this promise to sacrifice herself. As a goddess of an ancient civilization, she really took this responsibility on her shoulders.

Seeing that Luo Ji was so determined, the Emperor's Crown Prince and the Great Master were embarrassed to say anything. They stopped trying to persuade each other and began to discuss the matter of entering the Wind Dome.

After some discussion, everyone dispersed.

As soon as Zhang Ji stood up, a graceful female saint king in black dress came forward and stood in front of Zhang Ji and Huang Jue.

"Lord Sheng Yan, Son of God Huang Jue, my emperor has invited you two to discuss important matters."

Huang Jue looked at Zhang Ji, saw him nodding, and said, "Lead the way."

The two followed the woman in black skirt and walked into the rest area of ​​the Witch God Civilization. A black panther more than ten feet tall stood guard in front of a simple black holy car, lying on the ground and taking a nap.

The woman in black dress walked to the holy car, opened the car door, and said respectfully: "The emperor is in the car, please come."

The interior of the black ancient car was huge, like a palace. As soon as Zhang Ji stepped inside, he felt that the rules of the world inside the ancient car were different from those of the outside world.

As soon as they entered the car, a female saint from the witch god civilization led the way and led the two of them to a large hall. Apart from the female saint who was a maid, there was only a handsome man with a pale face in the hall, wearing an embroidered suit. Sitting there in a golden and black robe, he looked very fresh and graceful, which was very extraordinary.

"Shen has rashly invited Brother Huang Jue and Fellow Taoist Shengyan to come. Please don't blame them and please take a seat."

Shen is the most prominent surname in the witch god civilization, and the person in front of him is the emperor of the witch god who was previously wearing a black robe.

Huang Jue replied with some polite words, and then sat down with Zhang Ji under the guidance of the maid.

The Emperor of the Witch God got straight to the point and said directly: "I invite you two here because I want to discuss with you about this trip to the Wind Dome. The Witch God Civilization wants to cooperate with the Yanyang Civilization to compete for the treasures in the Wind Dome.

The Wind Dome is extremely unusual in the entire Conferred God Platform. It contains many great secrets, definitely not just the divine spring. Fellow Taoist Shengyan did not agree to Luo Ji's request, presumably because of this consideration.

The number of monks from the Witch God Civilization who entered the Conferred God Platform this time is the largest among all ancient civilization factions. Only the Tianchu Civilization can compare. However, the Tianchu Civilization seems to have encountered a difficult opponent. The monks have lost a lot and are no longer able to Compared with my witch god civilization.

Taoist fellow Shengyan is the first person to practice the way of space among the ancient civilization factions. Under the special environment of the Wind Dome, no one can match its value. If the Sun Civilization and the Witch God Civilization join forces, the harvest from the trip to the Wind Dome will be What our two families have gained cannot be compared to other civilizations combined.

What do you two think of Shen’s proposal? "

Huang Jue was very moved by the proposal of the Emperor of the Witch God. The number of monks from Yanyang Civilization who entered the Conferred God Platform this time was not very large. Although the Golden Feather Saint General and he were considered to be top combat powers, they were not as powerful as the Witch God Civilization and the Giant Spirit Civilization. When compared with other parties, it will be quite different.

Moreover, the partner of the Wizard God Emperor is said to be Yanyang Civilization, but in fact it is the senior Shengyan beside him. He will never do anything that goes beyond his power.

Zhang Ji had already had a premonition about this, so he just smiled lightly and said: "I also think the emperor's proposal is excellent, but I don't know how the harvest will be distributed if our two families cooperate?"

The Emperor of the Witch God was overjoyed when he received Zhang Ji's affirmative answer and said with a smile: "Everyone harvests according to his ability, and the distribution is not appropriate no matter what. The treasures found by each will belong to each other. We only need our two families to help each other." When a civilized monk discovers an opportunity, but is blocked by space, he asks fellow Taoist Holy Flames to help, and the shaman-god civilization will give the fellow Taoist a satisfactory reward."

Huang Jue frowned when he heard this. This condition seemed fair, but it was more beneficial to the Witch God Civilization. The Witch God Civilization had more monks and stronger strength. Logically, the chance of encountering treasures would be higher. Each of the treasures they found belongs to each of them, and the witch god civilization has all the advantages. When it encounters a difficult bone, Zhang Ji needs to help. The witch god civilization only needs to pay a corresponding price, which is equivalent to tying Zhang Ji up. On his own chariot, this abacus was a little too clever.

Naturally, the Emperor of the God of Witches also knew that there was something wrong with it, and continued to explain: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist Shengyan, I will not bother you for ordinary things. Only when you encounter real trouble, you will ask your fellow Taoist to help, and The reward will definitely satisfy fellow Taoists.

Every time Taoist friend takes action for the witch god civilization, Shen will give Taoist friend a 100,000-year-old holy medicine or a treasure of equal value. So, what does Taoist friend think? "

Taking one shot is a hundred thousand year old holy medicine. This is not a big deal.

Huang Jue was secretly moved after hearing this, and looked at Zhang Ji beside him.

Zhang Ji was also slightly surprised when he heard this, but he did not agree immediately. He had his own affairs to attend to when he entered the Wind Dome. He didn't have time to take care of the Huang Jue people, so he had no time to care about the witch god civilization.

Although the 100,000-year-old holy medicine is tempting, its value is vastly different compared to the treasure the Rakshasa clan is looking for. Besides, he does not lack the 100,000-year-old holy medicine. With two magic medicines in hand, even The 100,000-year-old holy medicine that Ni Qing and others snatched from the monks of Tianchu Civilization was also in his hands.

"The reward given by the Emperor is very generous, but it is not what I need. I can agree to help the Witch God civilize once in the Wind Dome, but I don't want the hundred thousand year old holy medicine, I want the cultivation method of the Witch Way."

Zhang Ji's eyes under the mask looked at the Witch God Emperor, waiting for his reply.

The Witch God Emperor fell silent immediately upon hearing this, and even Huang Jue couldn't help but look at Zhang Ji in surprise.

The witch-god civilization, claimed to be the source of witchcraft, was at its peak in ancient times.

Today, although the witchcraft has withered, the witch-god civilization is still strong enough to rank first among the ancient civilization factions.

Although there are few monks who practice the witchcraft in the universe, and geniuses who practice the witchcraft appear every once in a while, the whole world recognizes that the witchcraft inheritance of the witch god civilization is the most orthodox.

The Emperor of the Witch God was silent for a long time, and then slowly replied: "The inheritance of the Witch God is the top secret of the Witch God civilization. The core secret method has always been forbidden to be transmitted to outsiders. It is really difficult for Shen to satisfy the Taoist friends' request.

However, if I just simply practice the method of witchcraft, I have collected many incomplete inheritances from various forces. Although it is shallow and it is quite difficult to cultivate the witchcraft through it, it can indeed be regarded as the witchcraft. inheritance.

I can also add a witchcraft essay written by an elder in the clan and give it to Fellow Taoist Shengyan as a reward. I wonder if you will accept it? "

Zhang Ji pondered for a moment and nodded: "Deal."

The inheritance of witchcraft can be found in Tianwang Mountain of Lingguan Palace, but as far as Zhang Ji knows, the inheritance of witchcraft in Tianwang Mountain is not profound, and it is far from being comparable to the power of Ji Dao Forbidden Destruction, the power of Xuanhuang and the power of Yanjie.

Like the power of the Star God, it is only a superficial inheritance that has been spread out, and it is incomparable to the inheritance of the Thousand Stars Civilization.

The Emperor, the Witch God, waved his hand lightly, and several pieces of bone armor and a golden book flew in front of Zhang Ji. There were six pieces of bone armor in total, representing six different witchcraft inheritances.

These bone armors include tortoise shells and animal bones, and each piece is full of cracks. The words recorded on them are incomplete, but the aura fluctuations emanating from them are indeed unique to the witchcraft.

As for the golden book, it is naturally the essay mentioned by the Witch God Emperor.

Zhang Ji did not accept it immediately, but asked: "Why did the emperor give these things to me before I took action?"

"When I need fellow Taoist to take action, I will naturally ask fellow Taoist to take action. If I don't need fellow Taoist to take action, these things can be given by Shen to fellow Taoist, which can be regarded as making friends with fellow Taoist." Emperor Wu Shen replied calmly.

Zhang Ji chuckled lightly, put away the bone armor and golden book without saying anything, and after saying goodbye to the Emperor of the Witch God, he and Huang Jue walked out of the holy chariot and left the resting area of ​​the Witch God Civilization.

(End of this chapter)

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