Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 271 Let’s go kill people together

Chapter 271 Let’s go kill together

Today's Moon God Dojo has long lost the evil temperament left by the Yin and Yang Temple. Under the management of a group of monks from the Guanghan Realm, it has become glowing with clouds, surrounded by holy light, and looks extremely sacred from a distance.

Upon hearing Zhang Ji's arrival, Mu Lingxi and Zhang Ruochen walked out of the dojo in person to greet them. The two golden boys and moon girls were so wonderful that they attracted the attention of countless monks just by standing there.

Zhang Ji led Chi Kunlun and Chi Kongle along the long street to the outside of the Moon God Dojo. Zhang Ruochen greeted him from a distance, with a face full of joy. Zhang Ji had already sent him a message before coming, telling him that he was here for the purpose. It was to reshape the holy body for Bai Su and others. Zhang Ruochen had been waiting for this day for a long time. He had been waiting for this day since he obtained the divine spring in the Conferred God Platform Conference.

"Bago, you are finally here. I have already prepared Shenquan. I am just waiting for you to come and reshape the body for Bai Su and the others."

Zhang Ji smiled lightly and nodded, but said: "My original way has made great progress. It is not difficult to help them rebuild their holy bodies. But before that, I want to introduce two people to you."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ruochen looked at Chi Kunlun and Chi Kongle beside Zhang Ji, feeling inexplicably frightened in his heart and feeling strange.

"they are?"

Chi Kunlun and Chi Kongle looked at each other, then they both drew their swords out of their sheaths and attacked Zhang Ruochen from the left and the right.

"Zhang Ruochen, let's kill you and take revenge."

Zhang Ruochen naturally didn't take the two of them seriously. Although his cultivation was not as good as Zhang Ji, he could not hurt Chi Kunlun and Chi Kongle even if they stood there and let the two little ones chop them.

In just a moment, Chi Kunlun and Chi Kongle were suppressed by Zhang Ruochen, and the holy swords in their hands were confiscated.

He looked at Zhang Ji and asked in confusion: "Bago, what grudge do I have against these two children? Why did they try to kill me as soon as they met me."

Zhang Ji glanced at Mu Lingxi who was standing aside, hesitated for a moment, and finally answered: "The two of them, one named Chi Kunlun and the other named Chi Kongle, are disciples of Queen Chi Yao to the outside world. I think you should and They have a lot to say.”

"Chi Kongle... Chi Yao..." How could Zhang Ruochen, such a smart person, fail to see the relationship between these two children and himself? When Chi Yao turned into Huang Yanchen and deceived him to escape the love crisis, the two of them were in the emperor's palace. There was a lot of confusion in the ancestral hall, and these two children were naturally the products of that time.

Seeing that although Chi Kunlun and Chi Kongle were suppressed, their eyes were still filled with hatred for themselves, Zhang Ruochen felt as if something was broken in his heart.

"Chi Yao, you are so cruel, they are yours..."

Mu Lingxi's face looked a little strange. Chi Kunlun and Chi Kongle looked so similar to Zhang Ruochen. It was not difficult to guess the truth.

She suppressed the discomfort in her heart, walked forward and said to Zhang Ji: "Senior Brother Ji, Granny Bai Su and the others are in the dojo. I will take Senior Brother to reshape their holy bodies for them."

Zhang Ji nodded and walked towards the dojo with Mu Lingxi, giving Zhang Ruochen and the two children some time alone. The misunderstanding between them was too deep, and it would take more than a few words to resolve it. matter.

In the dojo, the heads of seventeen saints, including Bai Su and Zhu Hongtao, are suspended on a special sacred vessel. This sacred vessel is connected to the statue of the Moon God, constantly attracting the Moon God's divine brilliance and nourishing them. The head retains the vitality of the holy soul and flesh and blood.

There are hundreds of drops of cyan sacred spring suspended around the sacred vessel. The cyan mist floats out from the sacred spring from time to time and blends into the heads. Under the multiple nourishments, the seventeen people's faces are unusually rosy except for the fact that only their heads are left in a mess.

Seeing Zhang Ji's arrival, Zhu Hongtao's huge head took the lead and laughed loudly: "Master Zhang is here, Lao Zhu, I will finally grow back."

Bai Su and others were also extremely excited. For more than a year, they only had heads, but they were always looking forward to Zhang Ji reshaping the holy body for them.

Mu Lingxi took out a white jade bottle, handed it to Zhang Ji, and said, "Senior Brother Ji, this is the divine spring that Zhang Ruochen took from the Conferred God Platform. There are ten thousand drops in total. If it is not enough, he still has some."

Zhang Ji took it casually, and the light from the source gradually gathered in his palm.

"Their cultivation is just that of saints. They condense the holy bodies of seventeen saints. They don't need so many divine springs. According to my estimation, one hundred drops for each person is enough."

Without saying any more nonsense, Zhang Ji opened the jade bottle and took out about a hundred drops of divine spring. Under the guidance of the original power, the divine spring turned into a rich blue divine mist and poured towards Zhu Hongtao's head.

As the divine mist entered the body, the flesh and blood under Zhu Hongtao's neck grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, while Zhang Ji accurately controlled the trend of the meridians in the flesh and blood with the mental power of the late fifty-ninth level.

"The Saint Hongtao operates the skills and guides the growth of meridians."

The meridians of each monk are different. Zhang Ji has no way of knowing the trend of the meridians in their beheaded holy bodies. He can only rely on them to guide them. Zhang Ji controls the divine spring and uses the original method to provide guidance. They provide a boost. When Zhu Hongtao heard this, he simply transformed into the form of a savage beast. He was not a human being, but an ancient relic.

With the help of Zhang Ji, the mist of the divine spring was quickly completely absorbed by Zhu Hongtao, and an almost perfect beast's body appeared in front of him. Even his cultivation level was directly upgraded to the level of the second-step holy king.

Zhu Hongtao roared excitedly, transformed into a human again, fell to the ground, and looked at his grown torso, the joy on his face became more and more intense.

"I'm finally pregnant, hahaha, you cowards in heaven, Grandpa Zhu will take revenge on you sooner or later."

Zhu Hongtao's beast body consumed a full one hundred and fifty drops of divine spring, which was beyond Zhang Ji's expectation.

Without any rest, he continued to reshape the holy bodies of the remaining sixteen people. After half a day, a total of 1,670 drops of divine spring were consumed, and Zhang Ji finally succeeded in reshaping all the holy bodies.

After absorbing the divine spring, these saints from the Sage Central Empire, like Zhu Hongtao, have made great progress in their cultivation, and their physical fitness has been greatly improved. They can compete with geniuses at the sub-perfect physical level, and their potential for future growth has become extremely high. high.

Bai Su absorbed one hundred and twenty drops of divine spring. She was the person who absorbed the most divine spring besides Zhu Hongtao. Her cultivation level was raised to the peak of the second-step holy king in one go. With her breakthrough in cultivation level, her longevity increased and her head was full of white hair. Half of the face has turned green, and the wrinkles on her face have been smoothed out. She looks like a middle-aged woman in her forties or fifties, with the beauty of her youth vaguely visible between her brows and eyes.

She took fifteen saints from the Central Empire and bowed to Zhang Ji together, "Bai Su and others cannot repay Mr. Ji for his kindness, but in the future, if there is any need, I will wait and see without any complaints. "

Zhang Ji returned the remaining sacred spring to Mu Lingxi, waved his hand and said: "The Zhang family of Shengming and the Zhang family of Tianmoling are from the same lineage. You are loyal to the Zhang family. It is my duty to take action. The altar of heaven and earth in Kunlun realm is about to be breached. The Zhang family still needs you loyal ministers and good generals to guard the rivers and mountains and fight against the ten clans of hell."

"Now that you have reshaped your holy body, it is time to leave the Realm of Truth and return to the Kunlun Realm."

Zhu Hongtao and others' expressions changed after hearing this, and the joy of reshaping the holy body was diluted a lot. "Master, hasn't the Kunlun Realm already joined the Heavenly Court? Could it be that the Heavenly Realms won't help the Kunlun Realm tide over the difficulties?" ?"

"The power of others is limited after all. If the Kunlun Realm wants to overcome this hurdle and restore its medieval glory, it can only be accomplished by oneself. After you return to the Kunlun Realm, you can send the strong men from the Shengming Central Empire and the Eastern Wushi Bank to Tianmo Ridge. , relying on Yunwu King City and King Mountain to build a strong city fortress, and when the war starts, I will rush back to the Kunlun Realm as soon as possible."

Although everyone has stayed in the Moon God Dojo for more than a year, they have never let go of the concern for the Kunlun Realm. Now that they heard that the war in the Kunlun Realm was coming, they prepared to return to Kunlun without any hesitation to face the army of hell.

Seeing that Zhang Ruochen was not there, Bai Su looked at Mu Lingxi beside him and said, "Miss Lingxi, could you please tell His Highness the Crown Prince that there are countless descendants of the Shengming Central Empire in the Kunlun Realm who need to be protected. We will leave now and return to the Kunlun Realm. ”

Mu Lingxi nodded in agreement, and when she looked at Zhang Jizhi again, she found that he had already left.

Outside Tiandu Mountain, Zhang Ruochen was dressed in white, lying on his side on a smooth boulder, Shen Yuan's ancient sword lying beside him, a gourd of strong wine in his hand, and he was already half drunk.

Zhang Ji walked out of nothingness and appeared next to Zhang Ruochen. Seeing that he seemed drunk and awake, he asked: "Where are the two of them?"

Zhang Ruochen didn't look back at him. After taking a sip of wine, he replied: "I let them go. They don't believe that I am their biological father. They want to ask Long live Chi."

"Chi Wansui will not tell them the truth. Compared with these two children, Chi Wansui has real hatred for you in his heart. After all, the Lingxiao Palace was indeed destroyed by you, and all his relatives died there. During the battle." Zhang Ji said calmly.

Zhang Ruochen was silent for a moment, then slowly sat up straight, put away the wine gourd, and the smell of alcohol was gone from his body.

"The truth can never be hidden. No matter how it is concealed, they will know the truth one day. Chi Yao, how can she be so cruel? In order to deal with me, she even has to cultivate her own children into murder weapons. In her eyes, Is anyone just a tool?”

Zhang Ji was speechless. There were some things that Zhang Ruochen had to find the truth by himself. Even if he told Zhang Ruochen the truth, judging from the situation in front of him, he would probably think it was a lie to comfort him. The timing was not right, even if it was the truth, telling him It can only be regarded as sophistry when it comes out, and no one believes it at all.

"You have anger in your heart. If you don't vent it out, it will affect your cultivation. Junior Sister Luo and the others have captured the Tianluo Dojo. The next target is the Dojo of the Holy Monk Xumi. There must be layers of fire in the Holy Monk's Dojo. It is fortified and heavily guarded. Shang Ziyuan, Lian Xi and others should be there.

Ninth brother, you are the descendant of time and space, and you are considered a disciple of the holy monk. I will take you to kill people and take back the dojo. "

"Just the two of us?"

"Two people are enough."

(End of this chapter)

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