Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 275: The Powers Compete

Chapter 275: The Powers Compete

Under the urging of the Moon God's power, the Jade Emperor Cauldron transformed into a divine cauldron that was one hundred thousand miles in size in just an instant.

The mouth of the tripod is like a black hole, swallowing the sky and the earth, and the stars are eclipsed by it.

Jia Tianxia felt the ultimate threat from the tripod, and did not dare to challenge it with his physical body. He fired the demi-god-level supreme holy weapon, the Thunder Needle, and collided with the Jade Emperor Cauldron.

With just one blow, the thunder needle from the sky was thrown away, and Jia Tianxia was also knocked backwards for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Although Yueshen has recovered from her injuries, Jia Tianxia's strength is not weaker than hers. The winner is decided between the two in a flash of lightning. It is entirely because the grade of the Jade Emperor Cauldron is better than the Xuantian Lightning Needle.

Outside the Realm of Truth, many spiritual thoughts gathered to pay attention to this battle, some from the Heavenly Palace, some from the Tianhe River, and some from the starry sky.

Seeing the Moon God defeat Jia Tianxia with one strike of the Jade Emperor Cauldron, many people's eyes became hot for a moment.

The Jade Emperor Cauldron was one of the top ten artifacts in the Kunlun Realm. Ten Yuan Hui ago, the warriors of the Fudo Ming King were one of the top ten artifacts in the Kunlun Realm. In the hands of the Moon God, the power of this artifact can be unleashed even if it is eleven.

Many spiritual thoughts were moved by it for a moment, but they were awakened by a cold snort coming from the Tianhe.

The one who guards the Milky Way is the most persistent and passionate pursuer of the Moon God. He once said that if you want to capture the bright moon, you will lose 80,000 miles of the Milky Way.

Above the Void Sanctuary, the Moon God was already in charge of the Jade Emperor Cauldron. He struck several times in a row and shattered all the divine bodies of Jia Tianxia. Even though Jia Tianxia reorganized their divine bodies, a large number of them were taken away by the Jade Emperor Cauldron. Sexual substances, great loss of combat power.

Yan Shen, Sijia Blood Ancestor, and Youshen were only affected by the aftermath of the battle, and their bodies exploded. They tried their best to avoid it, but Moon God obviously did it intentionally and allocated part of his energy to deal with the three gods.

With one against four, the Moon God still had the upper hand, overwhelming everything with a crushing attitude. With the Jade Emperor Cauldron, a god-eating weapon in hand, it was not impossible to kill several people in Jia Tianxia. arrive.

True God Jinhuang and Queen Chi Yao are unable to intervene in this battle at this moment and can only watch on the sidelines.

After a few moves, Jia Tianxia's divine body was once again shattered by the Jade Emperor Cauldron, and 30% of the divine substance was taken away. After struggling to condense the divine body, he did not dare to fight against the Moon God anymore, and fled towards the outside of the Heaven of Truth. .

The Moon God steps on the Jade Emperor Cauldron, which is both stunningly beautiful and like the God of War stepping on the sky. He has no intention of leaving the world.

On the bank of the Tianhe River, the Temple of Merit stands tall, thousands of miles high. Within the temple, the gods of the Temple of Merit are also paying attention to the battle situation in the Realm of Truth.

Jia Tianxia was defeated and fled, but the Moon God remained unyielding. The majestic ancient god in the deepest part of the temple could no longer sit still.

He took one step out of the Temple of Merit, and before Bian Zhuang War God in Tianhe could react, he had already left the Star of Merit, crossed hundreds of millions of miles, and shot towards the Heaven of Truth.

The huge palm carried trillions of merit and divine light, which was millions of miles in size. It crossed the void barrier, penetrated the space, and fell directly towards the Moon God.

The entire Realm of Truth is mentally retarded. The monks raised their heads and saw a giant hand appearing in the sky, as if they wanted to wipe out the entire Realm of Truth with one palm.

Zhang Ji, who was standing at the door of the dojo, looked at this scene and the light of merit in the sky, and his understanding of the gods became three points better.

Among the giants of the Heaven Realm faction, they never expected that the one who could not stand still would be the master of the Temple of Merit.

Before the huge palm fell, divine rivers flew out of the void outside the Realm of Truth.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin, yang, Rahu, Jidu, Ziqi, Yuebo.

Eleven sacred rivers pierce the palm of the Master of Merit Hall.

"The heaven and earth are tangible, and the universe is reversed."

Murong Feiji's voice sounded from outside the Realm of Truth, and then he saw the stars and rivers turning upside down. The power of the eleven rays penetrated the three realms and forced out the Master of Merit Palace who was traveling through the space.

Ten thousand calamity lights followed closely and fell on the Lord of Merit Hall. For a time, the entire heaven and many holy areas could see a huge divine body that was millions of miles away, wrapped in the power of merit and virtue, flying towards the outside of the heaven at a terrifying speed.

Murong Fuji's blow knocked the master of the Merit Hall upside down and flew out of the Tianhe. Then he himself followed the veins of the void and traveled thousands of miles in an instant, coming from the Heaven of Truth, passing through the Tianhe, and entering the realm outside the Heaven. In the boundless starry sky.

The Lord of Merit Palace slid for billions of miles in the void, smashing countless stars, and finally stopped.

He looked towards the bank of the Tianhe River with fighting spirit rising in his eyes.

Murong Fuji was dressed in a simple Taoist robe. He came with his hands behind his back, his beard and hair were half white, and his face was calm and composed.

The master of the Merit Palace has a million-mile divine body that swallows the essence of heaven and earth, and a divine seal appears in his hand. This divine seal is called the Merit Seal of All Realms, and it is the sacred weapon of the Merit Palace.

"All the gods in the Heavenly Palace have great respect for the Lord Fuji. Today I would like to learn a lesson about the supreme power of the Lord Fuji."

Murong Fu looked at the Master of Merit Palace very calmly and said calmly: "You are still too far behind. Let your master and Ke Luo come, and they are almost there."

The master of the Merit Palace activates the Divine Seal of Merit to the extreme, and the rules of merit in the world revolve around him, just like the master of merit.

"The power of the God is unparalleled, but I am not here alone."

As soon as the Master of Merit Palace finished speaking, several figures broke through the void in the starry sky and flew into the battlefield.

Qingcheng Yun was dressed in green divine clothes and looked like a young man in his twenties.

Xun Yangzi's divine body is filled with the secrets of fire and wood at the level of the main god, making him a dual-path main god.

In the illusory river of time, Murong Heng, the master of the Temple of Time, holds the spear of eternity and stands on the river.

The last figure arrived a little late, but its divine power was better than the previous four, even Murong Heng who held the Eternal Spear was not as good as it.

This last figure was dressed in a golden and purple Taoist robe, with a whisk in his hand. At a glance, he knew he was a Taoist master.

Murong Fuji was surrounded by five figures, and each one of them was a being who could cause the gods to panic in the world of heaven with just a move of their hands and feet.

Murong Fuji glanced at the five people, his expression still calm.

"The two disciples of Shangqiu, the current masters of the Tianquan world, I am not surprised at all that the three of them take action.

Uncle Heng is in charge of the Temple of Time, and Tai Lai is in charge of the Murong Family. Although I expected that the two of you would come, I was still a little disappointed after all. "

Murong Heng had no expression on his face. Hearing this, he just replied: "If you are willing to return to the Temple of Time, I can make you the great elder of the Temple of Time."

Murong Tailai looked helpless and sighed: "Brother, I came here just because I don't want to see you and Uncle Heng fighting with the same clan.

In the final analysis, the conflict between you is an internal conflict within the Murong family and should not have come to this point. "

Murong Fuji laughed loudly and said: "Whether it is right or wrong, three hundred thousand years have passed, no one can tell clearly, I only believe in the truth that I have seen.

Tai Lai, if you still care about brotherhood, don't take action today. "

(End of this chapter)

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