Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 308 Chaos Returns 1

Chapter 308 Chaos Unified

"In this battle, apart from Yan Wushen, no one can become another protagonist."

Before he finished speaking, two figures with completely opposite auras rose into the sky among the Yama clan, one yin and one yang, one good and one evil.

"What a Zhang Ji, what a king of the Eastern Region. You are the first one besides the four heavenly kings who can make me shine."

Good and evil Yan Wushen all flew to the front of the hell army, facing Zhang Ji from a distance.

The Heaven-Suppressing Sword appeared in Zhang Ji's hand, and the eight wings behind him vibrated together. The eternal light activated the eight powers of time, space, nothingness, truth, destiny, light, darkness, and origin.

"When I look at the ten clans in hell, all of them are bidders, and you, Yan Wushen, are the only one who has some ability." Yan Wushen just chuckled when he heard this, and then he used the more powerful Shan Shen. The supreme secret of Buddhism—the nine-foot-six golden body was revealed.

The golden body is nine feet tall and can shake the gods and demons in the world.

On top of the golden body, there is a Buddhist protector heavenly dragon resurrected, with great majesty and majesty, forming a swastika seal and coming towards Zhang Ji.

Behind Zhang Ji, the Chaos Holy Appearance also bloomed with a divine ring of Buddha's light. The dragon elephant that protected the way formed the dragon elephant seal, and struck towards the Buddhist swastika seal made by Yan Wushen.

The two Buddhist secrets collided, and the Buddha's light shook the sky. Yan Wushenshan's nine-foot-six golden body trembled slightly, obviously falling into a disadvantage.

There was no sadness or joy in Zhang Ji's eyes. He looked at Yan Wushen's good and evil bodies and said calmly: "Yan Wushen, I know that you practice the supreme Buddhist method. The combination of good and evil bodies is your strongest posture. Yours It’s time to unite your two bodies, otherwise you can’t be my opponent today.”

"Meeting an opponent like you is indeed worth resorting to the last resort."

The good and evil bodies of Yan Wushen looked at each other and smiled, turned into two streams of light, and suddenly collided together. Two completely different Yama Qi blended with each other, and earth-shaking changes took place. In an instant, a dark blue-colored Yama Qi It was born like the beginning of chaos.

This is the Yama Qi of Hunyuan Hell, the highest quality Yama Qi of the Yama clan. Looking at ancient history, even if it is rumored that only two or three people can cultivate it.

The Space Sacred Image and the Origin Sacred Image are like two void whirlpools, guarding the long river composed of the rules of the Holy Path in the center. In the long river, the 100 million rules of the Holy Path are extremely solid, and their power is comparable to that of the Great Sage of the Hundred Flails Realm.

"One hundred million rules of the holy way, how is this possible!"

Heaven and hell all screamed in surprise. Today they actually saw the legendary Great Perfection of the Holy King with their own eyes.

Zhang Ji felt a strong sense of crisis from Yan Wushen, a feeling that was enough to threaten life and death. It was something that the nineteenth scale monument of the Emperor's Ruler could not bring to him at all.

"Hahaha! What a Yan Wushen, come and fight me!"

Zhang Ji waved the heaven-suppressing sword in his hand, and the eight wings behind his back moved together, and the first level of chaotic heaven was condensed out, the seventh level of chaotic heaven was condensed from Confucianism and Taoism, and the eighth level of chaotic heaven was condensed from witchcraft.

There is nothing in the ninth level of chaotic sky, only the endless sword light. Although it has not yet formed, it already has three points of combat power.

The nine levels of chaotic heaven blessed his body, and the 99,999,900 rules of the holy way rushed out of the body and turned into the chaotic heavenly sphere, competing with the river of Yan Wu's rules of the holy way.

The gap between a hundred rules seems very small, but it is a difference between clouds and mud. Yan Wushen took this opportunity to perfect the ten rules, while Zhang Ji himself only had the way of sword among the previous enlightenments of the Emperor's Ruler. , stepped into the level of perfection.

The reason why the Hunyuan Heavenly Ball can compete with Yan Wushen for a short period of time is that one is that it is in the shape of a Hunyuan Pearl, has the power of Hunyuan, and is invisible in offense and defense; the other is that among the rules of the holy way cultivated by Zhang Ji, in addition to morality, , including the eight eternal paths, the seventy-two supreme paths, the three thousand great avenues, and the hundred and eighty thousand minor paths. It is complete with ten thousand ways, and can be called a miniature version of the prototype of the way of heaven.

Among these holy paths, the sword path has reached the Great Perfection. There are eight eternal paths, the sixteenth supreme holy path, the thirty-two great paths, and the forty-four minor paths. There are a hundred paths in total. All of them only need one rule of the holy path to reach the state of perfection.

This was not something Zhang Ji did deliberately, but was caused step by step on the Hunyuan Avenue under the invisible influence of Hunyuan Pearl. Zhang Ji naturally noticed it along the way, but he did not feel troubled by it. Without the Hunyuan Pearl, he would not be where he is today; without the Hunyuan Dao, he would not be able to ascend to heaven.

The Heaven-Suppressing Sword has transformed into a king's weapon. It struck Yan Wushen's golden body, but only left a white mark on his golden body.

The phantom of Naihe Bridge flew out of his body and hit Zhang Ji's chest. Even the Hongmeng Chaos Battle Body had cracks under this blow.

Dzogchen is Dzogchen. Even if Yan Wushen first arrived at this state, his combat power has completely jumped to a completely different level.

"Yan Wushen is here for the first time, and his realm is unstable. Everyone, follow me and kill him to avoid future troubles!"

In the Central Imperial City, Yin Yuanchen rode the Pegasus and led the Tianxia Battalion to fly out from the Imperial City.

Seeing this situation, the masters of the ten hell clans also took action immediately.

The Son of Darkness, the Son of the Origin Demon God, the Son of the Blood Slaughter God, etc. all sacrificed the supreme holy weapon.

Among the myriad realms of heaven, several major divine disciples from the Temple of Truth, the leaders of the Ten Thousand Xu Realm, the Demon God Realm, and the Pangu Realm all took action to fight against the powerful powers of hell.

Zhang Ji's sword came out like crazy, his palm shot out to collapse the sky, and with the power of the nine heavens, he fought with Yan Wushen in the void even before he reached the state of Dzogchen.

Except for the Tianxia camp led by Yin Yuanchen, no one in the army of heaven and earth dared to break into the battlefield between Yan Wushen and Zhang Ji.

In the hell world, only the candidate goddess Prajna of the Temple of Destiny, together with several powerful men from the upper three clans, including the Seven Ultimate Killing Gods of the Underworld Temple and the Son of the Origin Demon God, came to help Yan Wushen.

Yin Yuanchen did not intend to help Zhang Ji, nor did Prajna want to help Yan Wushen, but under such a scene, two groups of strong men broke into the battlefield between the two.

Blood seeped out from under Zhang Ji's armor of the God of Fire. Before the holy blood even dripped, it was burned into nothingness by the Divine Fire of Purification.

In front of Yan Wushen, the great enemy, he used all his strength in every attack like never before. The great terror between life and death squeezed out all the potential in his body. Just as the strong men from Tianxiaying and Shangsan clan broke in On the battlefield between the two.

The Chaos Divine Seal and the Chaos Holy Source finally rushed into the Hunyuan Pearl.

There was a roar in Zhang Ji's ears, like the beginning of the universe and the first judgment of Hongmeng.

In the Hunyuan Pearl, the Enlightenment Tree suddenly rose to a height of one million feet, with nine branches reaching straight into the chaos of Qingming.

As the Chaos Seal and the Chaos Holy Source broke through the dimensional barrier and broke into the Hunyuan Pearl, Zhang Ji was able to try to control the power of the Hunyuan Pearl for the first time.

Outside the Central Imperial City, the sky and the earth suddenly lost color, and the entire Kunlun Realm was plunged into boundless darkness.

Outside the realm of Kunlun, Murong Fu's body was millions of miles away. His eyes were as dazzling as stars, and there was a flash of shock in his eyes.

"Even the perfect sky can't see the slightest bit of cause and effect, what kind of existence is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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