Chapter 4

After the winter solstice, Zhang Ji returned to the secret practice room and entered the Hunyuan Pearl to continue practicing in seclusion.

The value of the marrow cleansing liquid and mid-level human-level exercises sent to Zhang Ruochen are not very high, and they are not of great use to his current state. If they are used to form a good relationship, the future rewards will only be far beyond imagination. .

"Zhang Ruochen should start to retreat in the space-time crystal in the next time.

It’s time for me to hit the small pole of Huangji Realm. "

The original eighth prince had cultivated to the late Huangji realm a year ago, and his strength reached the strength of an ox.

After Zhang Ji traveled through time, he re-cultivated the Battle of Heaven Art, and the strength of his meridians and true energy was greatly improved. His cultivation level directly reached the peak of the late Huangji realm, and his strength reached the power of five bulls.

If you want to go further, you have to break through.

At this thought, he swallowed a portion of the Qi Gathering Powder in his hand, and followed the operation method of Zhan Tian Jue to induce the true energy in his body to strike towards the new meridian pulse.

The zhenqi in Zhang Ji's Qi pool has long been filled up, and now he is opening up new meridians, but it will happen naturally.

Soon, the sixth meridian was opened, followed by the seventh, eighth...

He swallowed a large amount of cultivation resources and converted them into pure Qi, which supported the opening of the meridians in his body.

I don't know how long it took, but as the No. 12 meridians were opened, Zhang Ji's whole body momentum changed, and the power of his true energy almost doubled compared to before.

The Qi pool between his brows expanded tenfold, and he entered the realm of the small extreme of the Huangji realm.


Zhang Ji took a long breath and clasped his hands lightly, feeling that there was inexhaustible strength all over his body.

Before breaking through to the small extreme level of Huang Ji Realm, he had the strength of five oxen. Now that he has just broken through, his strength is probably no less than ten oxen.

He stood up suddenly, with a surge of energy, he used the human-level mid-level martial arts "Stone Palm".

With the blessing of the palm technique, it can actually explode with the power of twelve oxen.

Although the level of the Gravel Palm is not high, it is extremely consistent with Zhang Ji's Seal of the Founding Divine Martial Arts. The former eighth prince practiced this palm technique for four years and reached the state of minor success.

However, in the hands of Zhang Ji today, this palm technique has long been completed and is approaching perfection.

In the past, the Eighth Prince's martial arts understanding could only be considered ordinary, perhaps because he traveled through time. Although Zhang Ji's physique is still ordinary, his talent and understanding have improved a lot.

It used to take four years to practice the Mountain Sword Technique and Stone Splitting Palm to a small degree, but now it only took him less than ten days to achieve great success in his hands.

There is certainly a reason why the Hunyuan Pearl is more helpful for cultivation, but his own enhanced understanding of martial arts is the most critical factor.

Walking out of the secret room, Xuan Jia, who had been waiting outside the secret room, could tell with just one glance that the fluctuations in Zhang Ji's cultivation were stronger than before the retreat.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, on your breakthrough in cultivation!"

“I’ve been lingering in the late Huangji realm for a long time, and it’s only natural to break through to the lower Huangji realm.

By the way, how did you do what you were asked to do? Zhang Ji asked.

Hearing this, Xuan Jia said a little unnaturally: "The people at the Royal Sutra Library don't believe that Your Highness has mastered the machete to great perfection.

The royal family responsible for guarding the palace wants to ask Your Highness to go to the Sutra Library in person. "

Zhang Ji frowned slightly when he heard this. According to the rules of the royal family, as long as the royal family's children have cultivated a mid-level human-level martial arts to the realm of Dacheng, they can apply to the Sutra Collection Building to practice one of the corresponding eight spiritual-level martial arts of the royal family.

After he had mastered the Mountain Sword Technique to great perfection, he sent Xuan Jia to the Sutra Library to apply for cultivation qualifications, while he was in seclusion in the Hunyuan Pearl. He never expected that there would be such a request.

"That's all, come with me to the Scripture Library again!"

"Subordinates obey!"


The Sutra Collection Building, located deep in the palace, is one of the most important places in the entire Yunwu Palace. It is surrounded by heavily armored soldiers, and several powerful auras are released from time to time in the darkness to intimidate potential restless people.

With Zhang Ji's identity, these palace guards naturally did not dare to stop him, and soon arrived in front of the Buddhist Scripture Building.There are four floors in the Sutra Collection Building. The first floor contains low-level human-level exercises and martial arts. The second floor contains mid-level human-level exercises and martial arts. The third floor contains high-level human-level exercises and martial arts. As for the highest level, The fourth level contains spiritual-level skills and martial arts.

Spirit-level martial arts and martial arts are not easily accessible even to the royal family. Otherwise, as the eighth prince, he would not have only practiced a high-level human-level skill before.

What Zhang Ji is practicing now is the Battle of the Sky Art, which is far superior to the spiritual level, so naturally it does not require any martial arts. The purpose of his visit this time is the "Tiger Sword Technique", one of the eight spiritual level martial arts of the royal family.

Although the scriptures on the War Sky Stele are mysterious and endlessly changing, Zhang Ji has never understood any martial arts in them, and he doesn't know whether it is because they are not there in the first place, or because his cultivation level is not high enough and he has never discovered them.

The Sutra Collection Building was an important place, so Xuan Jia could only wait outside the door, while Zhang Ji headed towards the top floor alone, led by a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is also a member of the royal family, but he is just a side branch. He has the cultivation level of Xuanji Realm. Apart from the elders of the clan, most of the others in the scripture library are like him.

When they reached the top floor of the Sutra Collection Building, the middle-aged man retreated on his own. Zhang Ji looked at the empty room in front of him and frowned slightly.

However, in just an instant, a gray-haired old man appeared in front of him.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, but he is energetic and his eyes are very bright.

He looked at Zhang Ji in front of him and nodded slightly.

"You have quite a lot of talent if you are in the Huangji realm and have such vitality.

Use the Mountain Sword Technique to attack me. If it satisfies me, the Tiger Sword Technique can be passed on to you. "

Zhang Ji felt unprecedented pressure on the old man. He felt as if he was facing a high mountain. He took a deep breath, raised his hands to the old man and said, "Senior, I'm offended!"


The Heaven-Suppressing Sword in his hand was unsheathed, the blade was shining sharply, and the two inscriptions on the blade appeared under the stimulation of the true energy.

The Heaven-Suppressing Sword was originally a blade, and there were no inscriptions on the blade. The two inscriptions were created after Zhang Ji absorbed his only second-grade true martial arts treasure.

After several days of seclusion, his mountain-opening sword skills have improved a lot, and he is not far from the state of perfection.

The sword was like thunder, and it fell towards the old man. A trace of surprise appeared on the old man's originally smooth face. He casually stretched out two fingers and clamped the Heaven-Suppressing Saber directly, preventing it from advancing even an inch.

Zhang Ji couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. He slashed out with all his strength. With the power of the Twelve Bulls and the sharpness of the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, he was able to fight even the Great Ultimate of the Huangji Realm.

The old man actually caught his sword with two fingers. How powerful is the cultivation level? The end of the earth or the end of the sky?

The old man shook his two fingers, and the Heaven-Suppressing Sword was directly knocked back into the scabbard. Then, with Zhang Ji's slightly shocked expression, he said with satisfaction: "Your mountain-opening sword technique has indeed been perfected. The distance between the sword and the sword can be moved as you wish." The realm is not far away.

What's even more rare is that with your cultivation, you can actually slash a sword with the power of twelve oxen. The last time I saw you, it was the little kid named Zhang Tiangui.

Boy, your name is Zhang Ji, right? This is the Tiger Sword Technique. Practice it well and don't lose the reputation of this sword technique. "After that, the old man threw a secret book that appeared in his hand to Zhang Ji.

Zhang Ji stretched out his hand to take it, bowed slightly towards the old man and said, "Junior Zhang Ji, thank you senior."

When he looked up, the old man had already disappeared.

"Do all masters like to be so mysterious?" Zhang Ji couldn't help but cursed in his heart, and then looked at the secret book in his hand.

The four big characters "Tiger Sword Technique" on it are impressive and contain the martial arts will of a strong person in the Tianji Realm.

Zhang Ji didn't leave either, so he looked through the Tiger Sword Technique based on the purity of the top floor of the Sutra Collection Building.

"Unexpectedly, the Tiger Sword Technique, one of the eight spiritual martial arts of the royal family, is only a fragment.

Just three sword skills can reach the spiritual level of martial arts. I don't know what level the complete sword skills should be. "Zhang Ji sighed in surprise.

According to the records on sword techniques, there are only three styles of Tiger Saber.

"There are fierce tigers in the mountains", "Tiger roars in the wild" and "Fire tiger breaks the stream".

Zhang Ji is now majoring in sword skills and palm skills. He has mastered the sword skills, but there is no spiritual-level palm skills suitable for him in the Sutra Collection Tower.

Speaking of which, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm practiced by Zhang Ruochen is quite suitable for Zhang Ji to some extent, but he can't find a way to obtain this palm skill for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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