Chapter 43
"Are you cheating on me?"

Zi Qian raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, leaned her flawless face close to Zhang Ji, and said, "It turns out that I was indeed not poisoned."

Zhang Ji regained his composure, looked at the graceful beauty in front of him, and said: "Aren't you afraid that I will get angry and kill you? If you kill a killer from the Hell Gate, Wushi Academy will not trouble me for this, but will reward me." .”

"You won't kill me. If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it long ago. I am still useful to you, right?"

"You are indeed of some use, but it's just not as important as you think. Besides, without the poison to control your life, I'm worried that you will turn into a cup of real poison." Zhang Ji said lightly.

Hearing this, Zi Qian took out the Fish Gut Sword from her sleeve and placed it on the table.

"Each of the killers of the Underworld Sect has their own fish intestine sword. The fish intestine sword has the aura of their owner. This is my fish intestine sword. If you give this sword to Wucheng Academy, Then my identity as the killer of the Underworld Sect can no longer be evaded."

"I put my life and fortune in your hands, but you have to promise me one thing."

Zhang Ji picked up the fish intestine sword, looked at it carefully, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

"I want to join the Sun and Moon Society!"


After leaving Zi Qian's residence, Zhang Ji did not go back to Longwu Hall directly, but went to the arsenal in the west courtyard.

After leaving Luo Xu's semi-saint true intention, Zhang Ji also tried to mobilize the gray air flow in his mental power again, but no matter what, the 31 gray air flows seemed to disappear.

The gray air flow will naturally not disappear out of thin air, it must be hidden in the deepest part of Zhang Ji's mental power.

Now he just can't get in through the door, and the location and key of the door may be in the martial arts left by Luo Xu.

The martial arts left by Luo Xu in the Holy Intention is Luo Shui Fist, and its origin is Luo Shen's Tianhe Fist.

The inheritance of a god is more profound than the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm and the Tiger Soul Soul-Suppressing Knife on Zhang Ji.

As for why Luoshui Boxing can make the gray air flow appear, Zhang Ji couldn't figure it out for a while.

The arsenal in the west courtyard of the outer palace of Wu City Academy contains many martial arts, including many spiritual-level martial arts.

Zhang Ji's target is the low-level spiritual boxing technique 'Luoshui 36 Boxing' that Luo Xu practiced back then.

A book of low-grade spirit-level martial arts could be sold to the outside world for millions of silver coins and worth thousands of spirit crystals. However, Wu City Academy is very favorable to students. Zhang Ji only spent 36 merit points to get it. Luoshui's [-] punches training method.

This is because Luo Shui's 36 punches are martial arts that Luo Xu has practiced and are well-known. If they are other low-grade spiritual martial arts, two to three hundred merit points can be exchanged for the training method.

After returning to the Longwu Palace with Luo Shui's 36 fist training methods, Huang Yanchen and Duanmu Xingling did not come to trouble him again, apparently having accepted the fact that he was staying in the Longwu Palace.

After returning to Tianzi Room No. [-], Zhang Ji opened the protective formation and directly entered the Hunyuan Pearl to practice.

Outside Tianzi No. [-] room, Xiao Hei was blocked by the formation. He carefully felt the situation inside the room, but did not notice the slightest breath.

"It's really strange. I clearly saw Zhang Ji return to room No. [-] of Tianzi, but now there is no aura of him in the room at all. Could it be that his ability to conceal aura has reached a level where he can hide it from me.

Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that this guy has some secrets that I don’t know about.

It's a pity that Zhang Ruochen asked me to come to him. I originally wanted him to practice the movement and martial arts of Wind Control and Flying Dragon Shadow together. Looking at the situation, he probably won't be able to catch up. "

Xiao Hei shook his cat's head and left.

After Zhang Ruochen got the news about Zhang Ji's seclusion, although he was a little regretful, he didn't take it too seriously.Zhang Ji is very mysterious in his eyes, and he must have many secrets. He has no interest in exploring it, because he himself is also a person with many secrets.

The Wind Controlling Flying Dragon Shadow is a high-grade spiritual martial art. Even Zhang Ruochen cannot write down its subtleties with pen and paper and can only teach it hand by hand.

The inheritance of martial arts is not just about cultivation methods, but also many essential points, which require sufficient levels of cultivation and martial arts insights to truly understand.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm and Tiger Soul Soul Suppressing Knife that Zhang Ruochen gave to Zhang Ji are actually just cultivation methods. Whether they can be cultivated depends on Zhang Ji's own understanding.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm can still be practiced step by step, but Zhang Ji was able to master the practice of the Tiger Soul Suppressing Sword in a short period of time, which actually shocked Zhang Ruochen.

Of course, he didn't know that Zhang Ji had a battle monument that could assist him in practicing any martial arts.At this moment, in front of the Battle Monument, Zhang Ji was practicing the 36 Luoshui punches one by one.

Luoshui's 36 fists were only low-level martial arts at the spiritual level, not very advanced. After eight days of practicing in Hunyuanzhu, Zhang Ji had cultivated it to the level of Xiaocheng.

There were fist shadows in front of the Battle Monument, but Zhang Ji was not satisfied with the boxing technique.

Stopping the boxing technique, Zhang Ji carefully recalled the scene of his fight with Luo Xu in the martial arts tower. Luo Xu's practice of Luo Shui's 36 punches seemed to be different from his method.

On the second floor of the Wu Pagoda, Zhang Ji faced Luo Xu, who was at the extreme level of the Xuanji realm. Luo Xu in this realm had only trained Luo Shui's 36 punches down to a low of 27 punches.

With his talent, it shouldn't be so difficult for him to have a low-level mid-spirit martial skill like Luo Shui's 36 punches.

"I understand, when Luo Xu practices the 36 Luoshui fists, he does not learn the entire set of boxing techniques and then proceeds step by step according to the basic, small and complete skills. Instead, he practices each style to a great level before he can practice the next style.

However, in the past hundreds of years in Tianmoling Wushi Academy, there have been countless people who have practiced the 36 fists of Luoshui. There must have been warriors who have practiced it to great perfection, but no one has reached the height of Luoxu.

Could it be that my idea is wrong?

No, in the Semi-Saint's true intention, I clearly saw the traces of Luo Shui's 36 fists from the phantom's body. Luo Shui's boxing method must be related to Luo Shui's 36 fists.

It is not enough to cultivate to great achievements. To achieve this, do you need to cultivate to the state of transformation? "

The so-called transformation means to fully understand a martial art, to the point where one is better than the old, and to innovate on the basis of the original.

It may only take a year for a warrior to practice a martial art to a great level, but if he wants to practice it to the realm of transformation, even if it takes ten years, he may not be able to succeed.

For a moment, Zhang Ji also hesitated. He spent a lot of time practicing Luoshui Boxing. The result may not be what he imagined. Is it worth it?
He could wait until his cultivation became stronger, or wait until Zhang Ruochen and Luo Shuihan understood the martial arts, and then he could get it from these two people.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Ji finally made a decision.

"I can't rely on others for my own cultivation. It's just a state of transformation. With the help of the Battle Monument, I may not be able to achieve it in a short time."

In the following time, Zhang Ji began to practice the 36 Luoshui fists with all his strength. Besides practicing the boxing, he refined the Semi-Saint True Liquid and the training resources Zi Qian exchanged from the black market to improve his cultivation.

On the 20th day within the Hunyuan Pearl, Zhang Ji practiced the 36 Luoshui fists to perfection and developed the punching intention.

In the Hunyuan Pearl, Tian's fist intention has reached the middle level, which is not far behind his palm intention.

No. 90 Tian in the Hunyuan Pearl, Fist Intention has reached the high level of Suixin, and can already keep pace with Fist Intention, only half a step behind Sword Intention.

It was on this day that Zhang Ji was surprised to find that after both fist and palm intentions reached the high level of Suixin, the two martial arts conceptions actually blended with each other. One punch and one palm, one yin and one yang, pushed him towards the next level. Advance the profound martial arts artistic conception.

One day inside the Hunyuan Pearl, after refining a large amount of cultivation resources, Zhang Ji achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, from the middle extreme of the Xuanji realm to the great extreme of the Xuanji realm.

Under his feet, a golden blood array with a diameter of nine feet was condensed. The nine-foot blood array is called the holy blood array, which is the highest level among the blood arrays.

On the 118th day, Zhang Ji performed the 36 Luoshui punches with one hand, and the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm with the other hand. The palm was like a divine axe, which split mountains and rivers, and the fist was like the Milky Way, hanging upside down for nine days.

Yin and Yang embrace each other, and nature is unified. Zhang Ji just feels that happiness is coming to his heart, and simply punches and palms.

Folding the palms nine times means that the power of the elephant has reached its peak.

The fists return to flowing water, and all the 36 Luoshui boxing styles are combined into one punch. This is not only the 36 Luoshui boxers combined into one punch, but also the No. 36 seven punches of the Luoshui 30 boxers.

Innovating the old and bringing forth the new is the state of transformation.

Zhang Ji's fist intention and palm intention both achieved new breakthroughs at this moment, reaching the peak of Sui Xin. Going further, he would reach the state of 'transparency'.

After Luo Shui's 36 fists were combined into one form, a fist-shaped pattern appeared on the Battle Sky Monument. A white fist-shaped mark flew out of the pattern, landed on Zhang Ji's eyebrows, and then disappeared.

In just a moment, Zhang Ji had an idea. The intention of his fist was like a flowing river, with infinite possibilities.

"As long as I enter into Senior Luo Xu's semi-saint true intention, I am sure to obtain his martial arts inheritance."

(End of this chapter)

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