Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 47 Grand Palace Master

Chapter 47 Grand Palace Master

Returning to Tianzi Room No. [-], Zhang Ji took out the Heaven-Suppressing Sword and released a stream of spiritual power into the inner space.

I saw that the blood cocoon that was one foot high had changed from blood red to gray at this moment, and there were two rays of light, black and white, flashing in the blood cocoon.

After a while, the blood cocoon began to crack from the top.


After a loud noise, the blood cocoon exploded, and a naked man walked out of it.

This man's appearance is extremely handsome, and he is very similar to Zhang Ji, but he has a lot more enchanting beauty.

He walked step by step in front of Zhang Ji's spiritual incarnation, his two eyes emitting two kinds of light, one black and one white.

"Master, it's our first time meeting you. Please come and be fine."

After releasing it from the space inside the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, Zhang Ji put on his own set of white robes.The black and white light in this strange man's eyes disappeared and he returned to his normal appearance.

Zhang Ji looked at the ridiculously handsome man in front of him, and felt a weird feeling in his heart for a moment.

He could feel the blood connection between them. They were from the same body, but they had their own thoughts.

"Are you considered a weapon spirit or a clone of me?"

The strange man thought for a while and said: "I am indeed a spirit raised by the creation material in the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, but the weapon spirit only has a Tao body and no physical body, so I cannot be considered a real weapon spirit.

More importantly, it is your clone. "

Zhang Ji nodded and felt the aura of the person in front of him. Although he had no cultivation level, there was a terrifying feeling in his body that frightened even Zhang Ji.

"What kind of existence are you, and what kind of state are you in?"

The enchanting man raised a smile on his lips and said, "You are the main body and have absolute control over me. If you want to know these things, it is just a matter of thought. Why don't you go and see for yourself?"

"Oh?" Zhang Ji followed the connection between himself and him, and actually entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

After a while, he checked all the memories of the strange man.

"I see."

This strange man was the prototype of the Heaven-Suppressing Sword Spirit, but he was possessed by Zhang Ji's flesh and soul, and Yun developed a clone.

Although this clone has not yet opened the divine mark, it has an extremely powerful physique, a body of light and darkness.

Gathering the power of light and darkness into one body, it's no wonder that Zhang Ji was frightened when he felt his aura.

The source of creating the body of light and darkness is the two pebbles Zhang Ji obtained from the bottom of the Barbarian God's Pond. One is black and the other is white. They are actually dark matter and light matter among the ten major substances in the universe that are comparable to the created matter.

A blood cocoon requires yin and yang to give birth to a clone. Light and darkness are the most powerful and pure yin and yang in the world.

By chance, this special clone with a body of light and darkness was created.

"If you do the math, it's almost the winter solstice. I don't know what kind of divine mark you can get. With your physique, you may be able to get a divine mark of the ancient way." Zhang Ji looked at the monster clone in front of him. , said quite expectantly.

"Main body, I don't have a name yet, please give me a name." The monster clone said.

Zhang Ji thought for a moment, and with the result in mind, he replied: "Since you are my clone, from today on, your name will be Ji Xuanhuang.

Ji Tongji, the mysterious one is black, the brilliant one is bright.

Since you possess the power of light and darkness, the name Xuanhuang is very suitable. "

"Ji Xuanhuang, that's a good name. From today on, I will be Ji Xuanhuang." The demon clone smiled with satisfaction.


The distance from the West Courtyard of the Outer Palace of Wu City Academy back to the King's City of Yunwu County was extremely long. Zhang Ji and Zhang Ruochen didn't know how long it would take them to get there.

The two-headed blood lion that Xiao Hei conquered from the Demon Ridge was used as mounts for several people.

Zhang Ji, Zhang Ruochen, Zhang Shaochu and Xiao Hei, three people and one cat, set off in a hurry.Although Zhang Shaochu was weak in strength and fearful of death, he had a great sense of belonging to the Yunwu royal family. When he heard that Yunwu County had undergone major changes, he chose to return to Yunwu Royal City with Zhang Ji and Zhang Ruochen without hesitation.

After leaving Tianmo Ridge, there were more and more people around, and villages and towns began to appear.

Snowflakes are falling, and this day is the winter solstice. It is not only the coldest day of the year, but also an important day to offer sacrifices to God and ask the gods to grant the mark of divine power.

Zhang Ji looked at a small town in the distance and said to Zhang Ruochen: "Ninth brother, you take a step first, I will come back later."

After saying that, he jumped down from the two-headed blood lion and ran towards the small town using the Lightning Divine Walk.

Although Zhang Ruochen and Zhang Shaochu were puzzled, they still didn't delve into it. With Zhang Ji's speed, it was not difficult to catch up with the two-headed blood lion.

The name of the town is Qinghe, and its residents are only ten to twenty thousand. At this moment, almost everyone is gathered in front of the sacrifice platform in the town.

Zhang Ji took Ji Xuanhuang to a corner and watched the sacrifice.

The sacrifices of a small town are naturally inferior to those of Yunwu King City.

Hundreds of livestock were killed, and the blood energy gathered on the altar, rushed high into the sky, and opened a void portal about ten feet in the air.

Dozens of starlights flew out from the void portal. For a small town with a population of less than [-], this number of divine marks was already quite good.

One of the divine martial marks flashed with black and white light, fell on Ji Xuanhuang's eyebrows, and merged with him.

In an instant, the power of light and darkness in his body was about to burst out of his body. Zhang Ji hurriedly put it into the Hunyuan Pearl, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He wanted to follow the induction to detect Ji Xuanhuang's situation, but found that Zhang Ji could not sense Ji Xuanhuang's existence through the Hunyuan Pearl.

He was slightly startled, and was about to leave to find a hidden place to enter the Hunyuan Pearl to find out. But just as he turned around, he found that a middle-aged man had appeared beside him.

"The number one genius in the outer courtyard of Wu City Academy, Zhang Ji, why are you here?"

This middle-aged man was smiling, and Zhang Ji couldn't see any signs of cultivation in him, but the more he looked like this, the more unfathomable he became.

"Senior, I am indeed Zhang Ji. When I saw people worshiping heaven in Qinghe Town, I came to join in the fun."

"That's it!" The middle-aged man nodded.

"I just felt a powerful dark aura flash past here a hundred miles away, so I came to take a look. I didn't expect you to be here too. Have you seen any weird people or things?"

Zhang Ji's heart suddenly became awe-inspiring, and he suddenly wondered who this middle-aged man was.

"Back to senior, I didn't find anything."

The middle-aged man said "Oh", then patted Zhang Ji on the shoulder and said: "Don't be nervous, I am also from Wushi Academy. The reason why I recognize you is because you played against Luo Shuihan a few days ago. At that time, I just watched from the sidelines.”

Zhang Ji secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Since this middle-aged man is from Wu City Academy, he should not be unfavorable to him.

"I don't know how to call the senior?"

"This is Chen Ying."

Zhang Ji was shocked when he heard this name. He had heard the name Chen Ying in the West Courtyard.

"Zhang Ji, a student from the West Campus, pays homage to the Grand Palace Master."

Chen Ying is one of the most powerful people in Wu City Academy in Tianmoling. He is also the Grand Master of Wu City Academy. His cultivation has reached the level of fish and dragon realm, surpassing the myth of martial arts.

Chen Ying lifted Zhang Ji up with a slight smile and said: "No need to be polite, I have been staying in Tianmo Wucheng for a long time, and I want to go out for a walk these days. I am bored alone, so why don't you accompany me for a walk? ?”

Zhang Ji thought that Zhang Ruochen and Zhang Ji were still waiting for him, and he was slightly lost in thought for a moment.

"Don't worry, I have already sent a message to Zhang Ruochen for hundreds of miles, telling him that you have been assigned other matters by me and there is no need to wait for you."

Seeing him like this, Zhang Ji couldn't put it off and said hurriedly: "Then the student will follow the Grand Palace Master."

(End of this chapter)

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