Ji Tianzun, the Eternal God Emperor

Chapter 55 The True Sun and Moon Meeting

Chapter 55 The True Sun and Moon Meeting
The Chikong Secret Mansion is the residence of the seventh-order barbarian beast, the four-winged earth dragon, and has a huge area.

After the war 500 years ago, the entire Chikong Secret Mansion has become fragmented.

Zhang Ji and Luo Shuihan followed the map's guidance and continued deep into the Chikong Secret Mansion.

“Although there are many opportunities in Chikong Secret Mansion, there are only a few places that can really be considered big opportunities.

The places where two semi-saints from the human race fell, Guiwu Mountain and Luosheng Stream.

Fulong Pit, the burial site of the four-winged earth dragon, and the main hall of the Dragon Palace. Luo Shuihan said.

Zhang Ji analyzed the map carefully. The Chikong Secret Mansion was connected in all directions and the light was dim. Even the map could not mark all the passages clearly.

According to the original development, Zhang Ruochen should have fallen into the mouth of the underground beast and entered the Ghost Mist Mountain by chance.

However, Zhang Ji and Luo Shuihan's current location is far away from Guiwu Mountain, but very close to Fulong Pit, the burial site of the four-winged earth dragon.

"Fulong Pit is the closest to us, why not go there." Luo Shuihan suggested.

"The four-winged earth dragon is an existence comparable to the holy realm. Even if it has died long ago, it is not something that the two of us can get close to.

Although Fulong Pit is close, it may not yield big gains. Instead, it is full of dangers. "

"In my opinion, it is better to go to the main hall of the Dragon Palace, where the four-winged earth dragon lives. This kind of place is usually a defensive formation, and has long been broken by the strong men of the human race. It is much safer." Zhang Ji said.

"Okay!" Luo Shuihan did not object, and the two of them rushed towards the main hall of the Dragon Palace according to the map.

After walking for a day and a night, they finally entered the area of ​​the underground Dragon Palace, with ruins appearing all around.

There are also corpses of human soldiers and savage beasts in the ruins, which have completely decayed after 500 years.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake slightly, and a crack about ten feet wide appeared under the feet of the two people, which was bottomless.

From the cracks, several bucket-thick tentacles came out and attacked Zhang Ji and Luo Shuihan.

The Heaven-Suppressing Sword in Zhang Ji's hand was trembling slightly when he saw the light of day again after several months.

"Junior sister Luo, be careful."

Luo Shuihan used Luo Shui Fist and knocked away an attacking tentacle with one punch.

Zhang Ji cut off two tentacles with one knife, and then the Heaven-Suppressing Knife sucked up the flesh, flesh, and essence in them.

The beast hiding underground made a shrill cry like a baby, and its huge body emerged from the ground. It looked like an octopus, with sixteen tentacles, but it had a ferocious dragon head on its head. weird.

"It turned out to be a fourth-level savage beast."

Zhang Ji was slightly shocked. The monster in front of him was a fourth-level low-level savage beast, which was comparable to the existence of Tianji Realm.

Luo Shuihan felt the terrifying aura of this underground beast and wanted to use his trump card, but he temporarily gave up the idea when he thought that Zhang Ji had just cut off two tentacles with a knife.

"Senior Brother Ji, I can contain some of the tentacles, are you sure you can deal with them?"

Zhang Ji saw Luo Shuihan using Luo Shui Fist and restraining six tentacles by himself, and his opinion of her strength was heightened again.

According to his experience of fighting just now, every tentacle of this savage beast is comparable to the Dzogchen warrior of the Earth Realm with one blow.

For Luo Shuihan, a warrior in the early stage of the Earthly Realm, to be able to achieve this level, he must have at least reached the level of the Six Ultimates.

The monster's other eight tentacles were attacking Zhang Ji, while two tentacles that had been partially cut off were swooping from the side.

Zhang Ji has been practicing in a heaven-level training chamber for a month, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the middle stage of the Earthly Realm.

At this moment, he attacks with all his strength. Even if the underground beast in front of him is a fourth-level beast, facing the endless sword light, new tentacles are constantly being cut off.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Ji had cut off all eight tentacles surrounding him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, this savage beast immediately retracted the six tentacles surrounding Luo Shuihan and fled towards the crack in the ground.

How could Zhang Ji let it do what it wanted and mobilize a knife-shaped rice grain suspended in the sea of ​​qi.

This grain of rice is the heart of his sword. At this moment, the heart of the sword shines brightly, and the power of the sword suddenly increases.

Zhang Ji wielded the sword, jumped up high, aimed at the beast's dragon head, and inserted it hard.

The Heaven-Suppressing Sword was completely immersed in it, and the savage beast erupted into a roar that was countless times sharper than before, but it was all to no avail.

The blood in its body was continuously sucked away by the Heaven-Suppressing Knife, and not long after, it collapsed, and the entire body turned into a pool of yellow liquid, flowing away along the cracks.

On the blade of the Heaven-Suppressing Sword, 27 inscriptions glowed.

An extremely pure blood essence energy poured into Zhang Ji's body. He had already reached the peak of the middle stage of the Earth's Ultimate Realm. At this moment, driven by this blood essence energy, he successfully broke through to the earth in an instant. Late stage of extreme realm.

Looking at the Heaven-Suppressing Sword in his hand, Zhang Ji couldn't help but sigh. Indeed, the best way to practice the Heaven-Suppressing Art is to kill.Luo Shuihan, who was not far away, stepped forward and looked at the Heaven-Suppressing Sword in Zhang Ji's hand. He paused for a moment before saying, "The sword in Senior Brother's hand can actually absorb the energy of wild beasts to advance himself.

Could it be that the legendary creation substance was added to the blade? "

Zhang Ji didn't expose the Heaven-Suppressing Sword in front of Chen Ying because he didn't know him well and was afraid that he would be greedy.

But facing Luo Shuihan, there was no need to worry about such a thing.

This person is like a transcendent hermit. Even if the Heaven-Suppressing Sword is now a sacred weapon, she will not be greedy.

This wasn't Zhang Ji's trust in Luo Shuihan, but an intuition.

"Does Junior Sister Luo also know about creation substances? Yes, this knife does contain creation substances."

Luo Shuihan nodded slightly and said: "I once heard that Queen Chi Yao's blood-dropping sword was made of the material of creation, and she followed the queen to conquer the world. Now it has reached a very high level.

Senior brother, this weapon containing the substance of creation must not have been obtained from Yunwu County. "

Zhang Ji looked at Luo Shuihan with some confusion and asked, "Junior Sister Luo seems to have something in her words?"

"I accidentally heard Junior Brother Ruochen mention a name when talking to Junior Sister Zi, Sun Moon Club.

Did senior brother get his sword from the Sun Moon Society? Luo Shuihan said calmly.

Zhang Ji suddenly felt weird and pretended to be calm and replied: "You guessed it right, this sword was indeed obtained from the Sun and Moon Society.

Why, Junior Sister Luo wants to expose my identity of the Sun Moon Society to the Academy?
Although the Sun Moon Society is mysterious, it is not some evil heretic. "

Luo Shuihan shook his head and said something that surprised even Zhang Ji.

"No, senior brother has misunderstood. If possible, I would like to ask senior brother to introduce me to the Sun and Moon Society."

"What? You want to join the Sun and Moon Society?" Zhang Ji couldn't believe it.

Before the lies of the Sun and Moon Society really take shape, it is okay to deceive Ziqian Liu Chengfeng and others, but who is Luo Shuihan?

Zhang Ji, the prodigious descendant of the Saint family, really couldn't imagine what she wanted to do by joining the Sun and Moon Society.

"Yes, I want to join the Sun and Moon Society, even if I am just the lowest member.

Could your senior brother recommend me? Luo Shuihan said seriously.

Zhang Ji was a little confused about Luo Shuihan's real thoughts for a while, so he continued to ask: "Why does Junior Sister Luo want to join the Sun and Moon Society? Our Sun and Moon Society has little reputation and is extremely mysterious. It doesn't seem like it can make people... Junior sister, you are so attracted to such a person."

Luo Shuihan looked at Zhang Ji with a rare smile on his lips.

"Senior brother, I don't know. I have read countless ancient books among the Luo Sheng clan, and I have seen records about the Sun and Moon Society in an extremely ancient book.

At the judgment of Hongmeng, the first light is born, which is called blazing light; on the 16th day, when the moon begins to lose its weight, it is called netherworld.

The blazing person is the sun, the dark person is the moon, the sun and the moon are bright, and the sun and moon association is a supreme organization that implements the laws of heaven and earth. "

"I don't know if the Sun and Moon Society that my senior brother belongs to is the one recorded in the ancient books, but it is enough to interest me. I have a hunch that the Sun and Moon Society will be of great help to me."

Zhang Ji looked at the serious Luo Shuihan, and for a moment he didn't know who was the liar who founded the Sun and Moon Society, no, the founder.

"What Junior Sister Luo said is too profound. I am just a small figure in the Sun Moon Society and have not yet been able to access the core secrets.

If junior sister is really interested, I can find a distinguished person to introduce you, and at least make you a member of the same level as me. "

Luo Shuihan's beautiful eyes brightened slightly and she said, "Is the person that senior brother is talking about the one who pretended to be you before?"

Seeing that his thoughts were seen through, Zhang Ji could only continue to lie: "Yes, I paid a lot of money to get that person who is willing to help me this time.

His true identity is actually the son of a big shot in the organization. "

"I don't know what to call that one?"

"Ji Xuanhuang!"

"In the ancient times of Kunlun Realm, Ji Zeng had a noble surname, Xuanhuang. When I spied on him in secret, I felt that there were two deeply hidden powers in him.

Now it seems that it should be the light and darkness of the legendary ancient power.

It seems that he is indeed a big shot. Luo Shuihan said solemnly.

Zhang Ji saw that his boast was getting bigger and bigger, and he began to think about how to come back.

After some thought, I found that I could only let Ji Xuanhuang pretend to be the descendant of a big shot.

(End of this chapter)

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